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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. No idea mate just what I took as told by them must say however they did pass me back owners Id and house book copy but did look. Seen on here somewhere that documentation may differ from office to office. Me being on the cautious side now if I have to go near immigration I take copies of everything with me and then produce only what they want to see LOL

  2. Yes still issued

    Certificate of residency form can't remember number but there's a link on forum in pinned area.

    Passport and copies of main page, tm6, and relevant visa page.

    Lease of your place of residence if you rent plus copy of owners ID and house book (both signed as true).

    If it's in wifes/GF NAME a copies of her ID and house book as well as the above.

    Passport photos (if your just getting one certificate two photos but I would take a few more just in case)

    Cost depends some charge some I belive don't mine were 200Bht each.

    Took 30 mins to get mine 3 car/bike/bank.

  3. Not so in my experience can speak a little Thai but integrated well in village life mind was born in a northern village myself. In fact I have two nights a week now teaching English to several local kids and 3 parents which is a nice break and a humble earner for me (before it starts I only accept veg grown local oh and the odd Leo so as not to be rude)

    I understand what you are saying but my version of integration would be having a number of good local friends who I can have interesting conversations with and whom I also could have fun outings with. Just because I give their kids free English lessons I wouldn't consider them as friends regardless of how appreciative they are.

    Yes I see where you are coming from I have social friends within village although I have never been a big drinker or talker come to that. (Wife makes up for the latter LOL). I enjoy life in the village quite layer back and very friendly.

  4. Not so in my experience can speak a little Thai but integrated well in village life mind was born in a northern village myself. In fact I have two nights a week now teaching English to several local kids and 3 parents which is a nice break and a humble earner for me (before it starts I only accept veg grown local oh and the odd Leo so as not to be rude)

  5. One and a half hours.........Really? OK I understand that can be distressing for some, but news worthy?

    She travelled down from the 8th floor....... and sat on the 1st, in a lift for one and a half hours....... Big news!..... Someone travels down to the ground floor from the 8th floor in Pattaya in 3 seconds....... That's an accident!.

    Typical type of response I have come to expect on here

    And your response 'Sutty' is typical of TV snipers....FA to say on the topic, just try and take 'holier than thou' shots at posts.

    Your saucer of warm milk is on its way, Table by the toilet!

    Sticks and stones stick and stones boy
  6. One and a half hours.........Really? OK I understand that can be distressing for some, but news worthy?

    She travelled down from the 8th floor....... and sat on the 1st, in a lift for one and a half hours....... Big news!..... Someone travels down to the ground floor from the 8th floor in Pattaya in 3 seconds....... That's an accident!.

    Typical type of response I have come to expect on here
  7. The ONCB warning would have been balanced had they also warned foreign husbands and boy friends of cheating, dishonest and disloyal

    local women who pretend, cajole and deceive foreign men and ultimately fleece them of all hope, dignity

    and property......

    Yawn yawn same old same old read the article it says drugs

  8. It's not an issue I carry my passport 24/7 same as my driving licence same as my wallet with money in it never lost it or my wallet which to me is infinatley more important for day to day living. It's just a hang up people have with passports as if there more important than life itself

    If you lose passport why house bound!!! Report to police immigration you have lost it contact your embassy they issue temporary passport no problem just a perceived problem

  9. Yawn yawn yawn for doing there job they get slated. For not doing there job they get slated. For trying to stop another bombing they get slated. If there was (god forbid)another bombing they would get slated. Slated by whom!!!people who are guest in there country. As stated on here so many times stay legal no problems. Stop the whining and bitch slapping its not your country just sit back and enjoy or LEAVE IMHO of course

  10. Well that past an hour not listening to my young Issan bride throwing a tantrum and all her toys out of the pram.

    Nobody has mentioned these ladyboy pills referred to in original post made me laugh even more. Wonder if OP can invite me round to his place so I can corroborate his story!!! Or as I suspect he is tucked up in his house somewhere else in the world or eating too many magic mushrooms

  11. <deleted> A VISA IS A VISA

    I DON'T CARE or worry If people do visa runs every month I don't care if people have so called leagal extensions (Ps your no better than anyone else). I don't care if you live on the dark side. SO WHY DO YOU LET IT WORRY SO MUCH. If your so called leagal good for you if you do border runs again good for you. If you live well and on the dark side good for you. Me I don't judge I enjoy life and live in as I PLEASE not how other would have me live it. Sutty in the love it side

  12. No more illegal tourists doing back to back border runs.

    If you intend to stay in Thailand for an extended period you must apply for the correct visa.

    Since when was it ilegal. It is my understanding it is perfectly legal to have unlimited visa exempt entries or are you speculating that every one doing this is working here????if that's the case that's some assumption on your part got any evidence to back it up!!!
  13. Turkish, Chinese , now Bangladesh ?

    So what's the connection ?

    Admitted to carrying the bag but did not know what was in it ? Yet part of some network ?

    If you ask me, too many things do not add up

    British, French, German, American, Canadian, what's the connection IS that's the connection so maybe turkish, Chinese, Bangladesh same same
    Is that your expert opinion? Because last time I checked IS did not have a problem claiming responsibility

    Sure I said maybe in my post there are IS supporters all over the world not all claim responsibility expert no but seen enough to convince me.

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