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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. When I married in UK some 39 years ago my wife was a bar girl/maid. I fell head over heals in love with her from day one we married in two weeks and lived and loved each other till the day she died. Funny so many people back then saying the same old drivel as some say on here "it will never last she's a bar girl what's wrong with you" In my case I DON'T GIVE A TOSS what others think or say second time around I'm just as happy as I was then. One happy content ferang with his head ruling not his heart. And yes I have a house and land in wife's name as I did with first wife. Those of you who have been burnt please don't tar all Thai ladies with the same brush as you are as much to blame as your ex wife's.

  2. I suppose then you can't be sure your mum liked you after all mum's lie for all sorts of reasons eh. Or is it that you have been burnt and now anti thai women in general they are not all the same but won't waste my reach trying to convince you LOL

  3. Well I've read it all now what's this site called!!!! Maybe looney tunes would be a good name for it how the flying fig leaves can someone say someone pissed who takes someone out whilst driving is not a big problem!!!!!!!! How many wine gums you had ONEMORECHANG oh there's a pun there silly me. Unbelievabley stupid post (bring on the insults xx)

  4. So Embassy here must be different from other Embassies then seen this situation a few times all over the world and always the British Embassy has been there for people especially on two occasions where mental health issues were involves. Personally I would go to Embassy explain problems if they refuse help sit there don't move remember Embassy is British soil therefore cannot be arrested by Thai Police. Make sure someone goes with him with a camera. But I don't belive it will go that far I belive there would be help in the case of mental problems

    Couple of things;

    He won't even get into the Embassy without an appointment, so your sit down protest is a non-starter.

    The British Embassy is NOT British soil, (a commonly held mis-truth), it is Thai soil and so YES the RTP could arrest him.

    Not going to argue the points you make as this is about getting the man home safe and sound however you are incorrect re home soil not a miss truth
  5. Yes just been in had a chat with a friendly English speaking official got all the info needed will get my paper work all prepared then when we go in to get blue book (house still being built looking to do blue book in about 3 weeks) take my paperwork in and get them both done at same time got the officials number will ring her on the day she says she will then look out for us and sort it out!! Was only in for half hour no ticket needed today.

  6. Of course KK issues yellow book


    Thanks have you requirements KK wants in way of documents every area has different requirements and some provinces seem to deny all knowledge of yellow book

  7. This age thing people need to get over it and think of any marriage as what it is two people who at the point of marriage love each other age does not enter into it. A state of mind if your fit enough and healthy what is the problem. Yes sure there are those who will always say bah humbug and it's only for your money. Money now there's a point I wonder if I bought one of these people who say for your money drinks all day every day he would say he is only drinking with you for your money?????? Anyway I'm a ferang married to a lovely Issan lady with 21 years age difference we are happy we are in love with each other and we respect each others values and cultures. I would say that is as good a marriage as anything in the so called normal range

  8. Can handle the truth no problem would you say don't marry women with kids in general everywhere in the world or are you saying just Thai women with kids??? I suspect you are in the I don't trust Thai women camp maybe a bad experience being ripped off or all thai women with ferang husbands have a secret little Thai man tucked away. Anyway I deviate from the thread and for that I appologise to the OP. I hope your problem is soon finished and your family gets back on an even Keal I'm sure it will. Catman20 good luck

  9. Perspective here people 14 year old drinking didn't most of us???? I did teenagers all over the world are the same especially nowadays they know a lot more about the world than we ever did at there age they see youngsters in other countries enjoying themselves and copy. Nothing we can say or do will halt the digital progress of youngsters in some respects Thailand is lucky most families are still strong here due to the matriarch system they have. I bet 99% of what mum's and dads fear for there children they did when younger give it time they will come round in the end WE did

  10. Kids will be kinda from 11 going on 30 in there minds personally I just let it wash over me during those he'll years didn't ground any of them or curfew them but did lock doors when we went to bed after a few nights on floors or sofas at there mates they came home before I locked doors. We all pushed boundaries when young we older ones just choose to forget that.

  11. Hi help if possible I want to know if ranitidine 300mg or local equivalent can be found in thailand thanks in advance and yes been on them for years

    I suggest that you take the trouble to read this topic from the start. If that's too much effort, just look for my postings.

    I have which is why I posted the question conflicting posts some say yes some say no simple question really sorry if you didn't like it but no need to be patronising now is there

  12. Soupeel

    The Thai police can arrest somebody on "British soil" if they are invited to do so by the British embassy staff and that includes tresspassing British nationals...

    .I really dont know where people get this poop from

    The person has better chance of getting something out of the British goverment if he makes it to an EU border and declares himself a refugee or illegal immigrant

    We will have to differ on opinions there

    I get the so called poop from biter experience all over the world!! You!!!!!!

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