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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. OP you will certainly need your passport and signed copies, your wife's tabien baan and signed copies (the number of your tabien baan book will be the same as hers) her iD card and copies. More unusually, you will need your full name written in Thai and also the Christian names of your mother and father, also written in Thai. Plus probably a letter from immigration and/or the police to say where you live.

    Khon Kaen amphur muang did this for me about 3 years ago. No problem, just running from amphur to immigration to police to amphur once we ascertained what they wanted.

    The question of a 'tip' when you finally get the document is up to you.

    Quote: you will need your full name written in Thai and also the Christian names of your mother and father, also written in Thai. Plus probably a letter from immigration and/or the police to say where you live."

    If ever, under whatsoever circumstances (including Immigration), I should ever be asked to supply such documentation as described above, I shall be leaving the Kingdom within 48 hours.

    I can not see the point of subjecting myself to the "whim's" and "mood's" of uniformed people, that next to their pretty uniforms have nothing more to offer than the intellect of an 8 year old (european) child.

    It's a matter of pride and self respect.

    In conclusion:Thailand doesn't need me and I don't need Thailand. Perfect constellation, isn't it?


    can I take it your not married then or should I say leagaly married
  2. Thanks for all replies I've got all the documents required ready luckily had all of them in one form affirmation of freedom to marry from embassy and translated copy. For names ect. Rest is easy will post in future as to how it went thanks again

  3. Personally I would/am quite happy for whatever checks they may wish to carry out nothing to hide all paper work in order nothing to worry about. And if by some small chance it uncovers some body or persons who want to commit some sort of crime then it's worth it IMHO.

  4. Even if someone on extension via retirement and has got passport all stamped up how can they tell by a home visit??? After getting extension there is no requirement to keep 800000 in bank just three months before so again what can a visit archive is there some differences in the extension stamp ect to a real one?????

  5. Just out of curiosity.

    How successful have they been in cleaning up the perpetual 30 day visa runners. If they have had

    success with that maybe they are looking for the dishonest claimed marriage ones. I am sure there are some out there. Also this is nothing new they are just stepping up the number of visits. Not sure why they would check the ones just claiming them selves on a retirement.

    Any ideas along these lines.

    Perpetual 30 day visa runs is not illegal I belive there are no restrictions to amount of 30 day visas you can have. I agree there are probably a lot on false based on marriage exrensions and again I wonder why they would check on based on retirement extensions that does not make sense, they can't really be false

  6. When we are still building house in my wife village have been asked if we are having 2 or 3 bathrooms or 3 or 4 bedrooms after explaining we are having just a bog standard 2 bed one big house no other luxurious fittings and such. They have accepted me quite normal and so have the local four legged friends by the way. Was talking to village elder and several other villages who informs me there is one other ferang in the village who in there words the villagers that is. Is a total fool who believes he is so much better than everyone else! !! As luck would have it I haven't met him yet but I will give the benefit of dought till I do

  7. I know I can not own house or land I want a yellow book to help me with immigration and other things some already mentioned here.

    You have been misinformed

    How misinforned? ????

  8. OP NO POINT IN ASKING A PERFECTLY GOOD QUESTION ON HERE THERE ARE A FEW GOOD GUYS ON HERE BUT MORE A HOLES WHO ONLY SEEM TO HATE THAILAND AND ALL IT STANDS FOR BUT THEY CARRY ON LIVING HERE FOR SOME REASON BEST KNOWN TO THEY. My advise go with your head you know what you can afford and what you would like for old car. In the end if you stick with old car you still have a working vehicle.

  9. One reads these posts and one starts to wonder if these white Europeans who Diss everything thai that wears a skirt are jealous of the other white Europeans who openly and genuinely love and respect there wives/girlfriends. And enjoy a good strong healthy love life and don't mind spending there OWN money on a house/land one definitely thinks the green eyed monster has bitten them

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