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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. My wife just says 'the original marriage certificates', you should have received two identical.

    Hi JGV

    Thanx for the info mate appreciated! Difficult times ah .............

    We have ALL the relevant documentation to proceed with divorce at our local Ampur. However, l presume like most foregners I do not want to give-up any assets whatsoever. Do you suggest I take legal advice beforehand, as I see this as a stumbling block in our divorce case.

    Kind regards

    With my divorce the ex stated to the officer that she didn't want any of my property and the divorce sailed through. YES!

  2. I walk anywhere in Thailand and meet a foreigner.

    Why do they (almost all) acknowledge their presence?

    I mean they say hello while I really do not know this person.

    When I am in Europe/America I never meet people saying hello to strangers.

    Why do they do that?

    It's common curtesy!

  3. Actually, as I'm coming back to Thailand for a couple of months soon and am undecided where to go, which of the major areas is the most dog free? I liked Chiang Mai, except for the dogs. Phi Phi has cats, but is too small. I don't remember Krabi having many dogs. Phuket has too many.

    Is there an area in Thailand where dogs aren't really a presence?

    Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala

    Isaan, most of the doggies there go on holiday to Vietnam and Cambodia

  4. Hmm... that's a pretty bad marketplace position for Thailand's largest mobile carrier... AIS...when it comes to 3G....

    But on the other hand, DTAC doesn't even had permission to import the necessary equipment yet... So...I'm not holding my breathe here....

    Not exactly a compelling reason to go rushing out to buy a 900 mhz 3G phone...

    So...for Thailand, who's likely to be the first to actually deploy 3G on the 2100 band???

    When Khun Thickskin has all the ducks lined up with the NTC and shoots them down one by one ??

  5. One of the new policies to be implemented by Khun ittipon:

    · environmental improvement

    · the implementation of an effective water supply for the city and Kho Larn (Coral Island)

    · a 12-year free education system

    · low-cost housing for low income groups

    · a new, improved traffic system

    · a tramline transportation system

    · flood prevention

    · job opportunities to decrease poverty

    · the eradication of Pattaya's red-light venue – Walking Street

    · the establishment of a drug-observation and prevention centre

    · the encouragement of ecotourism

    · the construction of a sports centre

    · the establishment of a tourism festival

    · the encouragement of world-class entertainment



    Another pig in the pool!

  6. How would one go about posting cash to Thailand? Are there laws which limit the amount you can post? If customs got hold of it would you be taxed?


    Via Western Union or to a bank account here. Courier Companies will not carry cash. Via mail, you can try ...and get yr cash stolen

  7. Isabel,

    1 1/2 lb beef steak,sliced with the grain thin about 3-4 in in length

    2 tbl. coriander seeds

    1/2 tea. cumin or fennel seed

    1/4 cup sugar,if you want to make sweet beef,if not leave out

    1/4 cup fish sauce

    Take coriander seeds and cumin or fennel seeds roast in dry pan until fragrant,remove and pound or grind untilcourse .

    Mix beef,seeds, sugar( if useing)and fish sauce,let marinate overnight.Next day set oven to the lowest setting around 140-150 F.Remove meat from marinate,place on bakeing sheet and place in oven.It should take about 8-10 hours to dry.When done you can eat the way it is or you can fry in oil.Up to you. :o

    Pork Too!!

  8. This is a very hot topic in China.. :o

    this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

    What about in Thailand ?

    For a date? NTHX!

  9. My Brother owns a company in Sydney Australia that has supplied goods to a company in Phuket (owned/managed by a N. Irishman) and has not been able to obtain payment for his invoice of almost 30,000 baht. At first the Irishman said that he had transfered the funds to the Australian account but there has been no such payment and now phone calls are not being answered. I have been asked by my brother to find out what recourse he has in search of payment for the goods he supplied, I would be greatful for any input from anyone who has been in this situation or who can offer a solution. (Please don't suggest "sending the boys round")

    Even "The Boys" wouldn't be interested in "Going Round" for a paltry 30K Baht debt, write this off as lesson learned and be more prudent in the future.

  10. I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

    I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

    There, I've said it :o:D:D


    And removed all doubt.

  11. I just moved and rented a condo. For a 3 month lease. So I paid the 3 months in advance and a deposit of 7,000 baht. I had TT&T hooked up with a phone line so I could get Internet service. The landlord called me today and said we have to work out a new lease. Because I have a phone line now. He says he is responsible for the phone line. I signed up for the service with TT&T. Gave copies of my passport & visa info and the service is in my name. He said the line is connected to his room and he would get charged if I leave. Has anyone ever heard about it? He didn't sign any contract with TT&T. So how could he get charged for my service?

    The monthly bill will be in the landlords name as the condo is registered in their name ergo they are responsible for all the bills!

  12. I've been living in Thailand now for almost three years on a retirement visa. The last two times I extended my visa at Suan Plu I submitted a medical certificate that I optained at BNH Hospital. But I am not sure if I really need it, I can't find a requirement on Immigrations Web site . I'm confused please help.[/size][/font]

    Last two extensions to my rtv no medical cert required at Suan Phlu Immigration Office! Where did you get the idea one was required?

  13. My laptop's LCD screen became damaged in a car accident. It now has a black blob covering about 30% of the screen area from the top right hand corner which was the point of impact.. It is a solid blob now although to begin with it was confined to narrow areas following the fracture lines which run out from the corner. The blob appears to be gradually expanding.

    The black material appears to be liquid because it changes shape and moves to other areas of the screen at times. If I store the laptop upright, or on it's side the blob will be a different shape next time.

    I note that the screen under the black blob still appears to be displaying normally. When the nblob moves areas it was covering become visible. I am curious as to the technical explanation of what is happening.

    Can anyone explain what this black liquid is ?

    Is it possible to drain off this black liquid somehow and render the screen area now covered by it visible again ?

    I've been quoted 45,000Bt to replace the LCD (it's 15" hi-res) so if it can't be improved it'll be a new laptop.

    Hook it up to an external monitor and use as a desktop.

  14. Looking out the window I noticed the fishing boats were much closer in than usual and had long nets out.

    Looking through my binnoculars I could see that they were scooping up jellyfish. There were lots of boats so they must have been scooping up thousands of them. Most bigger than a large dinner plate.

    The question is what do they do with them??

    People eat them, dried jellyfish are for sale everywhere

  15. Thaksin asks Manchester City players to bow

    MANCHESTER (UK): -- Manchester City owner Thaksin Shinawatra has hit the club with another shock by asking for the players to bow to him Thai-style before each game, Sunday Mirror reported.

    Officials at the Eastlands club have been worried for some time by requests from Thaksin - and his latest is for the team to bow towards him after performing their pre-kick-off sporting handshake with the opposition.

    Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand. But some at City see this as another example of how the former Thai Prime Minister is turning the club into his personal dictatorship.

    A City insider said: "At first we thought it was a joke, but the owner was serious about the players paying their respects. It's just not going to happen."

    Sunday Mirror Sport revealed three weeks ago that Thaksin's relationship with manager Sven Goran Eriksson was at breaking point.

    And the former England coach will be sacked at the end of the season, despite being less than 12 months into a three-year contract.

    Thaksin aims to placate fans by bringing in Phil Scolari after the Brazilian's contract with Portugal expires after Euro 2008.

    He is preparing to sack Eriksson against the wishes of all the high-ranking officials he retained at the club when he took over last summer.

    Former chairman John Wardle, chief exe cutive Alistair Mackintosh and legal expert Bryan Bodek could follow Eriksson out.

    City fans are furious about Thaksin's treatment of Eriksson - and some have demanded season ticket refunds after the Swede issued a personal plea on marketing material urging supporters to renew.

    -- Sunday Mirror 2008-05-05

    Hmmn' looks like the players have lost the "plot"

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