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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. Whatever channel you use to transfer that amount of money, SWIFT, Bank Draft, Cheque, somewhere along the line you are going to be asked for documentation. The funds are going offshore regardless of the legal methods used.

    If you have the 30,000 Baht in cash or a Thai Bank account, a simple withdrawal or cash to Western Union is all you need no documentation other than a Passport. At the end of the day it is only 1,000 Dollars or the equivalent its not a lot of money.

    Read the OP again it's a hundred thousand dollars not a thousand.

    Yes questions would be asked.

  2. This country is awash with litter the roadsides are filthy with discsrded rubbish people don't think twice about rolling down a vehicle window and throwing their rubbish out, and no one does a thing about it. Forget the cigarette butts and start importing other countries garbage and dump it where ever because who cares in Thailand...Unless there's a few baht to be made from a stupid foreigner.

    • Like 1
  3. The increase in snootiness seemed to start around the time of the real estate boom with the influx of "settlers" as opposed to those of us with more of an immigrant outlook. I normally refer to them as the "neo-colonialists" and they generally seem to hail from the remnants of the British Raj. They also seem to own the worst of the "mia falang" on the island.

    Just ignore them!



    Spot on,I agree after all we are only human, ignorant and inclined to suffer delusions of grandeur, allowable though pitiable.

    Personally I prefer my wife to referred to as the "Memsahib" here in Bangkok, the term "mia falang" could remain as Phuket dialect, why not

  4. Nana is being demolished, well parts of it anyways.

    Beer bars in the centre are being removed.

    The reason for the removal of the center ground floor bars is for public fire safety because of the terrific of loss of life a while back.

    What loss of life?In Nana Plaza? Did I miss something? A fire or earthquake perhaps, please I want to know if my GF is okay!!

  5. 21 or 22?

    Question - what was the colour of the boatshed at Hereford?


    Now what movie was that in???....Its just amazing the amount of x 'special forces' that are retired in Thailand but as soon as its mentioned that their lies dont quite make the true picture they are never to be seen again.....the other thing I like is when someone is introduced to you and the liars always say 'my name is John I am x special forces....I always laugh at that...Its like saying 'my name is John, Im an x road sweeper/shop assistant etc...you just dont do it

    haha, great movie; not only for the old master's great acting but it's a classic example of the wannabee tongue.gif

    Think it was called " Troll Screws The Pooch" as I remember.

  6. 21 or 22?

    Question - what was the colour of the boatshed at Hereford?


    Now what movie was that in???....Its just amazing the amount of x 'special forces' that are retired in Thailand but as soon as its mentioned that their lies dont quite make the true picture they are never to be seen again.....the other thing I like is when someone is introduced to you and the liars always say 'my name is John I am x special forces....I always laugh at that...Its like saying 'my name is John, Im an x road sweeper/shop assistant etc...you just dont do it

    haha, great movie; not only for the old master's great acting but it's a classic example of the wannabee tongue.gif

    Think it was called " Troll Screws The Pooch" as I remember.

  7. The nearest Telco RCU/RSU (Remote Concentrator/Remote Switching) site will likely provide highest internet speed, all you have to do is locate it and find out if it is TOT or True. Mine is TOT 400M from my place and connection is okay in Hua Mark. More than 500M is not so Okay.

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