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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

    At least we won't have to hear again from the usual suspects on how only Thaksin was responsible for extra judicial killings. They seem quite happy with the concept now. :)

    Except there is no proof the Military or the Government did it, or even ordered it. In fact reports seem to indicate the shot came from a building occupied by the Terrorists, so you can accuse and speculate all you want.

    Kind of like the way Seh would answer questions about his role in other shootings with "I deny it. Nobody saw me."

    This specimen has had it coming for years, Karma will take care of this.

  2. Lots of the Reds think Sae Dang is a legend and protects them from the army. A bit of psych ops for the masses ! A tactical masterpiece by the army taking him out, give the red rumour mill time to work and people will be losing their will to fight leaving a smaller number of hardcore protesters left.

    A HV round to the head, the guy is 99% dead !

    We will most likely never her about it

    But someone in the Thai armed forces will be getting a medal in the back rooms this week end

    And a bloody great big cigar too

  3. It's now after 6pm, how much military equipment has been lost to the reds already.

    Might be after 6 somewhere but still 5:30 here in BKK ... unless I lost an hour somewhere.

    Seems it is me who has gained an hour :) . So lets ask the question again in another 40 minutes or so.

    Give it a bit longer. I doubt the army will attempt a move while the traffic jammed like it is.

    I think it's fair to say we're all looking out for how the army act this evening (if at all :D ). Quite a few reports say they're on the outskirts and on the move, so it seems to be a case of "when".

    Yup....Thai time!!

  4. From Bangkok Post: Live ammunition would be used - fired into the sky to scare away attackers, to protect the lives of security personnel, and to shoot armed assailants.

    Sure is good thing that the bullets are not dangerous when fired into the sky and don't come back down at dangerously high volocity. Also all those high buildings in the area shouldn't be a problem with those bullets shot into the sky. The laws of physics don't seem to apply to Thai bullets. The government also seems to have its fair share of idiot leaders. Shoot straight down into the ground or roads, you idiots! Let the flak hit the reds.

    MythBusters Episode 50: Bullets Fired Up


    Air Date: April 19, 2006

    Watch this episode nowWatch this episode now

    Bullets fired into the air maintain their lethal capability when they eventually fall back down.

    busted / plausible / confirmed

    In the case of a bullet fired at a precisely vertical angle (something extremely difficult for a human being to duplicate), the bullet would tumble, lose its spin, and fall at a much slower speed due to terminal velocity and is therefore rendered less than lethal on impact. However, if a bullet is fired upward at a non-vertical angle (a far more probable possibility), it will maintain its spin and will reach a high enough speed to be lethal on impact. Because of this potentiality, firing a gun into the air is illegal in most states, and even in the states that it is legal, it is not recommended by the police. Also the MythBusters were able to identify two people who had been injured by falling bullets, one of them fatally injured. To date, this is the only myth to receive all three ratings at the same time.

  5. Go see a doctor.....My sister came down with similar symptoms, she had been running a pub for years/and smoking. Turned out she had cancer of her esophagus. The cure was to remove her larynx and a few other bits and pieces. Now she breather through a hole in the frount of her neck and can only take liquid nourishment. She is in full remission.

    I know she would advise you see a doctor.

  6. Yes, I have problems too. The village barber went from 25 to 30 baht. I always gave him 40 baht and still give him 40 baht. :)

    you be careful,throwing money around like that!

    Yeah: change you barber to someone who is not trying to steal your fortune!

  7. Keep your airconditioning systems clean and serviced, dirt builds up (rapidly in metropolitan areas) and seriously affects performance.

  8. This may not work for you because expiery of permit to stay is 03.05.10 but in general you can obtain a re-entry permit and leave while you are "under consideration", just make sure you are back by the date on your "under consideration" stamp.


    I was able to do this plus I was allowed a 60 day "under consideratin" period by way of a request letterto immigration division stating an acceptable reason (in my case work commitment)

    Hope this helps.

  9. TOT is similarly awful here in Phuket and apparently most everywhere. Our computer club members log the speeds of their services, and 3BB seems the current best-buy.

    NO it's Location Location Location!!! I'm within 400M of a TOT Remote Concentrator/Switch Unit in East BKK and get at least 170kbps ADSL download at most times on a bad day.

  10. I wonder why Grandpops and his ilk are not already participating in the Red Shirt Brigade demonstration as their rhetoric in support of the Red Shirt Brigade and the out and out condemnation of anything or any one who may be opposed to the Red Shirt Brigade is indeed interesting if somewhat pathetic.

    Armchair critics and heroes all of you, if push comes to shove any of you willing to go and throw your hats into the ring ?

    If this country and its political machinations are so distasteful to you why are you all still here ?

    Perhaps the life style you so often accuse others of following is perhaps your lifestyle too.



  11. Do you have any information on the rules for military service and how conscription works.

    My son is now 15 and was wanting to get a heads up on this.

    We will probably be going to Bangkok in July with him on his US Passport

    Do you have any words of wisdom...Thks

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