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Posts posted by skorchio

  1. Yeah, good point by someone, where is the DSI? With all the heavy hitters present on the island, time to step up to the plate. The BiB can easily find out who was involved in the incident without the need to question the family, and make an impression on the thugs. Hopefully a permanent impression on a vital bodypart. Verbal row turns into gang-beating in front of wife and kids. Lovely stuff Phuket, really lovely. And I can wager a bet they are transport related thugs ....

  2. I suppose I could be really cynical, unusual for me, and suggest it's the PTP flying a false flag to generate sympathy for the blameless birthday boy

    Yeah, good point, and you never know who is trying to do what to make it look like whoever dun it. The many many faces of Thai politics ..... third hand men in black la la la.

    Even your average bargirl adopts this 'cloaking' mentality, asking questions in a certain way because it is already assumed that you are lieing when you answer. It becomes even more unbelievable to them if you answer truthfully, as this is often far removed from the lie that was expected.

  3. Any of you Aussies remember who was responsible for the last leak in Aus? It was PTT.

    Having said that, their cleanup reaction was commendable. They were honest, diligent and most significantly, put all the necessary funds into the operation. But that because it was in Aus, and they would have been banned from operating there if the had not reacted accordingly.

    Lets see what happens in the Gulf, where PTT have plenty of political clout.

  4. Before Thailand was occupied by Japanese forces, the Thai leader of the day (can't remember who he was) cut a deal with Japan, knowing his country could not mount any significant resistance to the Japanese forces. The Japanese forces were basically granted free passage in and through Thailand. They landed on the beaches without resistance. The deal was 'you can come in, you can come through, but you cannot take what little we have, and you cannot cause any misery to Thai people. And if you do not honour this, we will resist, with all our might.'

    As such, Thailand was never a victim in WW2. They saved their country, saved their people, and probably made money from the Japanese. The suffering was limited, and this is why Thai teenies have no appreciation of how we feel about them idolising Hitler. He is cult figure to them. Maybe if their granparents bored the scars of muder and torture thay would have a different opinion. Shame on them for the insensitivity of it, because their Asian neighbours suffered greatly because they chose to fight .....

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  5. Unless her parents make a complaint, no investigation will be made.

    Are you suggesting statutory rape and being a pedophile are not criminal acts? I am sure they are and therefore the BIB should not require any complaint from anyone to investigate and subsequently charge the offender.

    I personally know a guy who was stabbed 12 times by his former GF and required life saving surgery. The BiB declared it a domestic, and refused to get involved. She tried the same thing 6 months later, but he managed to wrestle the knife from her, with the help of his staff.

    He DID complain to the police, they ignored him. Criminal act or not, they decide, not you, not the law.

  6. So the farmers now turn to bite the hand that has stopped feeding them.

    This is beautiful, and it will end in tears. Wait till the stockpiles are declared unfit for sale (i.e. rejected on the open market), whereupon the UN will accept the rice for free aid distribution, only to find that some of it is toxic due to overuse of chemicals in the growing and particularly storage phases. If this materialises even 50% as I see it, this Govt is over. Even the farmers will see it for what it is ..... temporarily, obviously.

    And, furthermore, I don't think this scheme would have gone so titsup if the Man in the Middle East was actually here on the job. I think he would have controlled (the distribution of) the corruption and maybe got the storage of the rice right. But his sis just aint strong enough to keep all the other scavengers in check ......

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  7. People slip, fall and bang their heads in the bathroom every day. Some don't live to tell the tale. I know, it happened to one of my brothers. He slipped in the bathroom, fell, banged his head and died. Another brother slipped in the shower, fell and broke his shoulder. He had to wear one of those casts that held his arm at a 90 degree angle to his body. I am very careful getting out of the shower as we know things happen in 3's.

    RIP to the dead fellow. Much too young to pass.

    I guess you are rather cautious in the bathroom.

  8. Yingluck, Phuket needs quality tourists quick!!!! Not ones who are prepared to dive to recover a rental motorbike and avoid having to buy a new one for the owner, their brave efforts all over the internet. Yingluck, quality tourists don't ride bikes into holes that are deeper than graves.

    Hang on, Yingluck, quality tourists don't visit places where roadside graves are the norm.

  9. At least she recognised the distinction; Maldives is clean, friendly and they know how to spell 'tourist safety'.

    So it seems she might be aware of the problem. Doing something to change it is another matter but I am really really impressed that the distinction has been made. I would guess that places which are already popular, such as Phuket, will be left as they are, and efforts to create the Thai Maldives experience will begin at locations which are not already destroyed by overbuilding greed and mafiosa violence. Too late to turn the clock back here in Phuket but they might be able to stop the same thing happening elsewhere. Two tier tourist destination on the cards ......

  10. I watched the latter half of the incident, these guys are lucky to be alive. The guy with the eye injury was pinned down with arms behind his back while about 6 of the street touts kicked and stamped his face and head. The guy with the broken leg ran down towards the beach end of the road, with about 15 locals chasing him. I am sure he got similar treatment. The cops couldn't even stop the mob, they just kept kicking and kicking. It was quite sick to watch, and I had to go home after it .... I did not see the incidents leading up to the beating, just the beating itself.

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