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Posts posted by skorchio

  1. The open targeting AND reporting of ONLY Russians in relation to work permits in Phuket is racist - even if Russians are the main offenders, the authorities are making it very clear they do not like Russians and do not want them there. What about all the Kiwis, Aussies and Brits all over the country working without permits? I say this because I only ever read about Russians getting their cracks down here, which appears a little one eyed.

    I really wish someone in this country (who had the authority to have a voice) stood up to the open racism and xenophobia communicated and demonstrated by the establishment.

    When you come to my country, my dearest Thai friends, you can work beside me, you can work above me, or you can work below me - based on your own merits, not your skin color, nor your connections or financial position. How about the same fair deal in your homeland? Do you not love your country enough to share it with those that want to help make it a big success?

    10 yrs ago in Phuket there were no Russians. Now there are more Russians than all other Caucasian put together, and they are muscling in on Thai interests. What do you expect is going to happen?

    I preferred Phuket when there were no Russians. I applaud the crackdown, these people don't mix integrate socialise or even converse with others who are not Russian. They are some decent looking sheilas amongst them but they are sour faces creatures. But the Thais see the writing on the wall, they are over running the place, moving in on their turf and rather than wait for it to get worse, they are acting. Good job.

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  2. I got done for DD a few months ago, in Phuket. The occifer involved invited me to the copshop to blow the thingy. I suggested it would be better if we didn't do that, as I have had 6 beers and I will fail it. He agreed I would fail the blower, so I suggested I could help him out if he would rather not go up the shop. I emptied my wallet, I had 8 grand and 20 Baht. He gave me a sheet of paper to put the money in, and as I was counting it again he said, "NO". I thought 'oh here we ffffking go, he wants to clean out my passenger too'. BUT then he told me to keep a grand for myself !!!! I was flabbergasted, he then gave me a lecture about DDing and sent me home. Gotta love it!

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  3. Try bringing a push-chair (thats a buggy in English) to Samui (anywhere there), Phuket (also try anywhere) or Bangkok and see why this wonderful country is not family friendly. A good buddy of mine brought his wife and newborn out here a few yrs ago, what a ffffing nightmare he had. I met him in Samui for a few days and we carried the buggy around rather than him pushing it. It was the same in Phuket, I never really noticed how inconsiderate to pedestrians this place is till my arms were hanging off me carrying the <deleted> buggy all day.

    Quality (that means rich in Thai) tourists have expectations, and are happy to pay for quality, but Thailand is unable to provide, except in fits and starts. This is a land of contrasts, 5 star resorts and top class golf, with 5 star scum at the gate waiting to rob and intimidate (that would be the taxi entourage in Phuket). Quality (rich) tourists don't want to take the rough with the smooth, they work hard, have money, go on holiday and prefer to take the smooth and more smooth until they go home and back to work again. Quality (wealthy) tourists come to Thailand once and go home thinking "well that was so-so, I dont like having the pi$$ taken out of me, <deleted> it we will go to xxx next time".

    I love it here, been here 10 years, have loads of cash, spend like a hero, but I am bullet proof. Your average geezer and his missus go away once or twice a year and they don't want hassle. There is a lot of hassle here. with kids, there is unbearable hassle .....

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  4. The state of the buses crossing the hill every day is shocking. During Chinese New Year, every day there were buses broken down on the hill. Regularly passengers had to alight the bus, walk up the hill and wait to board it again at the top. Unsafe and incapable of going up, and downright deathtraps going down. And no one gives a fork ....

  5. Actually I agree with the principle of this, seeing as Thailand is one of the most hazardous places to visit (I don't say dangerous, but those in the know, know what I mean...). If there is a place on the planet where visitors should be insured, it is here, and of course the US. But the US is for different reasons.

    I am living here 10 yrs, and have always been insured to the hilt. I would not allow a gap in coverage, the risks are too great. I wish I could insure against being a victim of corruption. Perhaps insurance companies could offer that as an add-on to my global health cover .....

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  6. Obviously something needs to be done. If I was in charge the first thing I would do is call the Dutch and have their polder n dyke people conduct a feasibility study, as they know what they are doing, and the Thais don't, regardless of good intentions etc.

    I have sailed in and out of the Chao Phraya river a few times on survey ships. The mouth of the river is not exactly cutting a gorge through mountainous terrain. The topography surrounding BKK at the coast each side is strikingly flat. It may well be the case that the scale of the task (protecting BKK from the seas) is impossibly large. I would love to see a contour map of the city's elevation above the spring high tide. If a sea level rise of 2m (might be seen in my lifetime) is going to inundate half the city, then BKK has no hope, and the Capital must be moved, or adapt to an aquatic existence.

    I am sure BKK would easily adapt to an aquatic existence, Thais just get on with life in general. Gondolas for tuktuks etc...

    If anyone has an accurate contour map of BKK metropolitan area, I would like to see it.

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  7. wow how amateur can you get? foil is a total giveaway in a scanner. Xrays detect and image based on density differences. Anything wrapped in foil is imaged sharply, for example cigarettes and chocolate. She now faces the death penalty. And for sure the Sings will be pushing for it. Several years ago an Aussie kid was 'terminated' for half a kilo of smack. Not a blond haired blue eyed Aussie, it was kid of Vietnamese descent.

    This Thai chick is in trouble, maybe the biggest trouble

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  8. Give it a break.Drunken brawls happens everywhere in the world.This is not news at all coffee1.gif ...................

    What a totally idiotic reply? I take it you find this sort of thing quite acceptable...I dont i find it unacceptable in any tourist resort in Thailand

    Not only isn't it acceptable in any tourist resort in Thailand, it shouldn't be considered acceptable anywhere. If I had my way he would be treated for his injuries then put on the first flight out of the country with a minimum 10 year ban from coming back. If there was some way he could be banned from travelling anywhere else in the world that wouldn't hurt either.

    Unfortunately it is probably too late to fine his parents for failing to bring him up to be a polite, respectful, worthwhile member of society.

    So, another judgement is passed despite the complete lack of details about the incident. All that is known form the report is that a drunk person has been bottled.

    And in your higher opinion, the injured party ought to be deported and banned for 10 yrs.

    Am I alone in thinking that it would be more prudent to reserve judgement until some more of the facts are established? It is utter unintelligent drivel to speculate about the persons involved or the events leading to the incident, before having knowledge of the persons involved, and the events leading to the incident.

    How is your IQ Sir?

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  9. Welcome to Thailand !!! Look's like one pissed up mouth peace bumped into another and this is the result .This guy is probably more upset he didn't get the bottle in first rather than not having any trouble at all .. What do we expect when these are the sort of tourist that thailand is now aiming at . This type of drunken brawls are becoming all to often in the so called Land of Smiles !!! Very Sad !!!

    So this guy is a scumbag having picked a fight with another scumbag. And Thailand is actively aiming to attract more scumbags.

    And apparently you didn't witness the altercation or assault, but have already deduced that the injured party wanted get a bottle into the face of the other person involved.

    And where exactly were you sitting when you shared the results of your detective work?

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  10. In my opinion, it is unfortunate that tourist numbers keep rising. Only when they start falling will there be action, it all comes down to money. As long as they keep coming, the treatment of visitors will continue to deteriorate. There will be a tipping point, where the treatment of tourists becomes so awful the word will even get out in Russian newspapers (they are a hardier mindset the Rusks). Only when there is a measurable fall in income will Govt act. Sad, pathetic and true.

    Phuket resident 10 yrs.

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