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Posts posted by skorchio

  1. I am sure the design of the bridge was fine. But I would not be so sure that the bridge was built to it's design, as is often the case in LOS. For a recent example note the debacle over the police stations.

    If the bridge had recently undergone repairs, that is certainly another place to start looking. Perhaps the lynchpin was removed and sold for scrap. They like a bit of scrap theft in LOS .....

  2. This is shocking and disgusting that 2 scum who attempted to assisinate a person in daylight in a busy public street with a firearm are even considered for bail. This is premeditated attempted murder - whats says they are not going after their target again? It would mean one less witness in the box come trial time ......

    But at least the cops / judiciary are consistent. We all cry foul when a local boy walks out for an offence against a tourist......

  3. Ride in peace

    I've seen so many inexperienced biker Deaths

    It's time they made it compulsory to have a bike licence here

    I've been riding 40 years

    And even I get caught out now and again

    God Bless

    ah yes, a motorcycle licence.

    "what colour this red dot? this yellow dot? this green dot?......ok!

    press brake pedal when red light come on.........ok!

    look at 2 sticks inside this box...........ok!

    now you go pay over there....you got big bike licence".

    "why thank you mr testing man, i will of course ride it sensibily".

    Thats not quite my experience of the bike test in Phuket. Rules of the road video has to be watched (suffered) followed by multiple choice interactive exam, followed by bike practical. All up, it is of course a load of <deleted>, but if either test was failed, no license was issued....

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