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Everything posted by geisha

  1. I will also say that some embassies are more difficult than others. KL is more difficult.
  2. Well depends doesn’t it., If you are wanting to « game the system » as you say , and stay a long time then you should get the necessary visa, which isn’t a 60 day Tourist visa. If on the other hand you want to stay a few months ( as thousands of snowbirds do ) there is no problem getting a border hop or two with Thai authorities .As long as your history is good and you look ok that is. It’s not illegal !!
  3. Simon, there are bisexuals you know !!! And threesomes , sorry don’t know the name ?
  4. Well when I was a kid there was a lot of Polio , a friend and her mum had it. And in those days travel was dangerous , small,pox etc
  5. The above article says “ cant be transmitted through sexual intercourse “ . Of course it can, and also by any close contact man , woman, child.
  6. I’m quite sure they have to interview her first, see her passport etc and then give her a visa to go there to train. You can’t just fly to Dubai . Visa/ ticket/ documents.
  7. The OP is worried about 60 € ? Doesn’t fare well for Thai tourism .
  8. Haven’t had a Thai bank since 1990. Don’t you get monthly statements?? And if yes, I know some people don’t check theirs, but I do.
  9. I wish they in power would give as much thought to helping their own people to put food on the table and pay their rent.
  10. They are generally marvelous at the airports to help all sorts of health problems, broken legs, advanced age etc. Just find an ambulance or similar to get you right to check in. Same on way back. Your local doctor might have addresses. And yes, you must mention it to your airline so that they are prepared, front seat in plane near door.
  11. True.. Even tho I rent good condos with security, I always have a safe in a bank where I put my cash and valuables. Costs me a fortune on holidays as I always go to reputable hotels with reception safes. Never trust a hotel room safe or the ones they sell. People I know woke up one morning and handbags , car keys, jewelry all gone. Another was having friends over, eating outside on the pool. In they came, over a wall, alarm off as people were there. They took everything they could find and all the ladies handbags which were inside on a bed !!!!
  12. This probably means that it is being circulated by sex workers.
  13. Good lord , the rubbish that Bobbie writes. You can always try. If not , just enter Visa Exempt , please don’t say VOA that’s only for certain countries and you only get 15 days !!! Or try Penang who are very nice there. Border hops to Cambodia or Laos don’t have to be expensive , there are many agencies. Visa exempt gives you 30days which you can extend in an immigration office in Thailand for another 30 days. =60. Then do a border hop and do the same thing. 120 days. = 4 months.
  14. For 60 days in Thailand ( plus the possibility of an extension 30 days easily done ) isn’t it better to apply for a 60 day tourist visa ? That’s online and maybe easier.
  15. I don’t remember the name of the road , but there is a very good agency there that help with visas. I know many in the queue outside waiting were commenting on them. Maybe google the agencies and see the reviews etc.
  16. What’s wrong with a note ? How on earth did we survive without phones ? For all these Thai teachers , what are they doing, these kids ate still not educated to a good standard when leaving school !! A teacher doing something like this in the west would be sacked.
  17. Bkk Brian, which brings up the question, why now ? Homosexuality has existed openly for years. Has something mutated ? Also Europe has high figures of this pox. Why again. Lots of questions for the scientists.
  18. It is not an STD. Monkeypox is transmitted by close physical contact by people who have lesions. An example , sit with a friend who you share food with , maybe a glass by mistake , Or you touch his arm which has a blister. That’s how children catch it from their parents or women from their partners. Then of course when having sex too as you are in close contact. A massage lady could be infected for another example. The blisters can be all over the body, including arms, back, legs , and hands.
  19. I think it would be very hard to find the source, or patient zero in Thailand, whatever one calls it. Through the 9 months this person has been here he’s probably met and been around hundreds of men and woman, sex or not. Probably the source came from Africa where the virus is common, could have been anyone, a tourist, a friend, who knows. Best to be careful anyway as touching someone infected , or things you have in common with that person, bed sheets, a towel, clothes, as those are infected too. Doesn’t have to be sex.
  20. Protected sex should be a given since a long time now., the early 80s ??
  21. Wow, that report above sounds horrific. I will say that sleeping with dozens of partners on one weekend doesn’t sound a very clever thing to do, especially as he was something to do with health work. Just assuming that the hospital is going to cure you is very naive wherever you are . For those people anywhere thinking of taking the risk, read that, you might change your mind.
  22. There is a community of scammers / call centers I believe too, that are present in Phnom Penh. im quite sure I saw an area of Bangkok similar to this and was very surprised that this was allowed in Thailand as they are very racist towards black people. Bangkok expats will know which area this is. In Cambodia, I think also a blind eye from the police allow these things to continue as I suppose it does in Thailand. If they really wanted to clean the place up, they would, easily.
  23. From my understanding Covid can be airborne, so coughing , sneezing, touching things, can infect people nearby . ( that’s where wearing a mask works, and for the mask wearer he will not spread Covid so easily , and hand washing of course). Also being in a closed room and close contact helps spread Covid. With Monkeypox, I think you have to have physical contact, as the virus is in the rash/ little bubbles . which rupture on contact with people . That also means their clothes, bed sheets , towels, are infected as well. So if you don’t go round touching people, or let them touch you, you can’t catch it. The authorities have warned the hotels/ condo etc he’s known to have stayed in to disinfect everything!! The rash/ blisters/ bubbles can be on the whole body. So unprotected sex or not, makes no difference with monkeypox.,
  24. Luckily for Cambodia he wasn’t there long. He was 8/9 months in Thailand !
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