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Everything posted by geisha

  1. I wonder what will happen now ? Personally, I think he should be cured first ( under supervision) and deported back to Nigeria. He’s obviously a crook and cannot be trusted. Spreading diseases around is not my idea of an honest person. Also having had overstay and problems in Cambodia.
  2. Apparently Cambodia has his photo on all news and his name, and that he was banned from Cambodia since July 21. Obviously a crook of some kind. Border crossings haven’t reported any African man crossing.,
  3. Wow you say something and then contradict yourself ! No, how can anyone find the first person who had it. No , not all phuket is at risk. No, we are not all at risk. No, unprotected sex is not the only reason for catching this virus. Any close contact at all , an innocent person touching an infected arm for example, can be contagious. No, it is not a gay virus, it can infect anyone, children , adults , family, from close contact.
  4. You’d better read Thai TBS and phuket news then, I’m not in the habit of scandal mongering. There is also a photo of him in the latter .
  5. Methinks they’ve been indulging in the happy herb !
  6. Apparently he’s been in Thailand a good while and is on overstay. He was staying in Kathu phuket , was tested , and then disappeared and cut his phone off when the hospital contacted him. He had been in numerous bars in Patong and could have infected many . Think it was girls mentioned, who are now being tested or in isolation. He had a visa or at least a photo when he arrived in Thailand as they know he was on overstay. Why not post a photo of him, after all, he is spreading a disease he knows he has ???
  7. Yes, you need the details of transaction from BA. It might have been refused by your bank. You’ll get it back eventually.
  8. No, he could be British but view he’s a crook had a fake passport made.
  9. Some of the big malls like Robinson, Central Mall have large sizes. I know in some of the bigger clothes markets you’ll find t shirts which may not be to your liking. Have you considered a Tailor , but best choose a good one .( stay away from the silk materials they like to push on you, awful,look)
  10. Tips depend on what work it is, I tend to tip well in poor countries, so yes, there’s part guilt at being well off. Taxi drivers at airports know there is a waiting time. They check the arrivals, if it’s a company they usually have a few hanging round near. Whatever, I call them on landing to let them know. I always tip and if it’s a long safe drive, I give more. I usually ask for lady drivers, safer. Restaurants i go to very often , I still tip, because they’re good, and there’s a communal tip box . If someone asks me for a tip, I would be slightly offended. Depending on where, and who serves me, I might, or might not, tip. All depends on the circumstances really in every case.
  11. Oh my, why are you staying so long in this terrible country ? Try going elsewhere and trying to stay for a long time without a correct visa . Why don’t you get the correct visa that corresponds to your needs , or did they refuse you ??
  12. Something wrong there, 6 cabins for 13 passengers, and only 6 crew. I know a lot of yachties and there’s no way there were only 6 crew. Probably the numbers are the other way round, 13 crew, 6 passengers. Ps, sleeping shared cabins are usually counted apart .
  13. Many many ! I gave up twice . Once years ago, when it was a visa you had to pick up yourself even if you lived a thousand Km away !! Paris embassy were downright rude and unhelpful . I entered visa exempt. This last December tried again. Online. Impossible, and another nasty woman warned me that I’d have to wait 6 to 8 weeks !!! What !! Never again. I stayed 2 months instead of three as I couldn’t do a border hop due to Covid. Through their own stupidity they are loosing a fortune in visa fees.
  14. Where I live in France, ( outside Cannes) it’s the same problem with the same culprits !! Especially the North African countries ( Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria) who deal drugs, steal, rob and generally keep people up all night with their noisy bikes . Then arrives the summer season and the millionaire eastern tourists , the youths with their Ferraris, Porsches, etc … As they can buy / rent anything they like you can imagine. They behave the same as their poorer cousins, reving up and generally making a nuisance of themselves. Just look at Patong Rat U Thit 200 pee road ! Don’t know what it’s like these days and after Covid, but before the North Africans had bought up / rented/ opened a load of restaurants , and flaunted their business openly in front of anyone passing. Of course, they got away with it, they were high up on the worst people in Patong.
  15. Just look at the bottom of your booking and see all the different taxes etc . Then there’s the airport tax added on. I would think that is different to each country the flight/ company lands in. I haven’t flown lately but I suppose those taxes have sky rocketed due to the fuel crisis and lack of staff etc.
  16. Also, the 300 Baht will be added if and when it is published in the Royal Gazette in approximately 90:days.,
  17. Rubbish, anyone looking at flights does this to see the airline conditions and costs. It’s when you validate your flight choice and go onto payment that you have to input your details. You think they let you book a flight without passport or credit card details ?? Really ??
  18. Im a firm believer in travel insurance and am always very well insured . I don’t see why it should not be made mandatory for all tourists. I say tourists, not expats, as it’s very often tourists that get into jet ski and bike accidents, drunken fights , diving accidents , rip tides, etc. Of course you have a few expats who don’t plan their old age, but the ones that hit the headlines are very often tourists., A good travel insurance is very reasonably priced.
  19. In the old days, people would have a nest egg. Cash under the mattress, Or a piece of land, or a gold watch , whatever. When times are bad, and it happens often , they would sell something to see them through. This is saving, just as people put a few pounds a month in a post office account. We are not yet at the point where a thousand euros buys a loaf of bread !
  20. Thé poor in Thailand are going through very bad times. There are many who have lost their jobs due to the lack’ of tourists. These are your poorest. Maids, cleaner, kitchen staff, gardeners,,pool cleaners , waiters and shop girls , street sellers. They already had a hard life before Covid. Low wages, small shared rooms, cheap street food. When I left Jomtien as Covid started, I gave all my belongings to Thais I knew from my favorite restaurant and cleaners and pool staff from my condo. I felt so embarrassed as they just couldn’t believe the stuff I was giving them. We’ve all seen how hard they must work and the hours they put in., On the other hand, I don’t feel sorry for the ones with relatively well paid and safe jobs , or the wannabe rich. They should have a minimum of good sense , but don’t. Like the office girl who bought a brand new car , she was really proud. I said she was lucky to get such a nice company car, and she said no, this is my car. I am still in touch with them all, on FB and Line. The poor are poorer still, and the office girl lost her car and her savings to a bank. I think things will definitely get worse for the unlucky ones who nobody cares about and has no family to help them. I’ll never forget an old lady in Patong who slept wherever she could. I was told she had no children to help her out, and after a hard life and too old to work was put out on the streets. I won’t say what I think about Thai authorities I might be banned.
  21. I always choose a low rise I don’t trust them. And I check the fire escapes. Even in Bangkok, my 4 star is low rise . I stayed a few years in Jomtien. 7 floors, pool on 8 th. The condo had two buildings. One day checked out the other one as ours had a few noisy kids. Went with my neighbour , had an hour or two in the pool. Leaving, lift was out of order, blocked. So we walked down , only to find that a few floors the exit doors were locked !!!! Wow, started to worry. Got out at ground floor, we went directly to the rental office in our building and reported this. The girl was nasty, took it very badly even though we only reported facts nicely. I asked for one of the security to come with me to check, and she went mad. Couldn’t understand her ranting but I did mention it again to someone else and security night and day. Disgusting.
  22. Don’t forget the “ quiet” Thais who are very poor , do not pay taxes, but yet earn a small living from the tourist trade ! You take all these unfortunate people who live in shacks , selling cheap wares on the streets of every beach in Thailand , the stalls selling takeaways in Bangkok alone . I saw it in Phuket after the tsunami. No Thai authority took any interest in them, robbed of their means of eating and living through this disaster. Phuket emptied in 48 hours, and those Thais , the shops, Tuc tucs, restaurants etc all closed down, but those beach and street sellers had nothing to eat. The government never counts them in their figures and percentages!!!
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