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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. 20 hours ago, papa al said:

    1.).Thin will temporarily warp and more quickly heat-up, yes, but

     a thin rotor will cool faster than a thick. [less mass], so....

    b.) Work  = distance x force.

    Thickness is not in the equation sir.


    The brake disk thickness must be chosen to match the pads and to match the driving that will be done. A short, tight road course (Las Vegas Speedway, 1.8 mile) may need different pads or possibly rotors. Due to the high demand for braking, more heat will need to be dissipated. We may need to use thicker rotors or higher temperature pads.



  2. 1 hour ago, alfieconn said:

    By extending the Warranty Ford are admitting there is a fault otherwise why would they extend the warranty, plus it is cheaper than doing a recall of all car's.

    Like Chevrolet with their ignition switch fault. Cheaper to pay out a few claims - even after someone dies - and the legal fees than recall millions of cars. Sad state of affairs.

  3. On 2/18/2017 at 8:11 PM, ocddave said:

    I am adapting perfectly, but that doesn't excuse the motorcycle drivers driving like lunatics, or on a equipment that shouldn't even be on the road, or without helmets, or without licenses, or any idea how to even drive a motorcycle for that matter. Before you ask, yes, I am a licensed motorcycle driver, and with actual driver training courses on a motorcycle (US).

    You ride motorcycles - not drive them.

    From the US eh ...

  4. 23 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    That was in reference to rumors.  And was actually a quote from Europe attributed to the middle ages.  Nothing to do with media spin.  The major media players vet their info quite well.  The fringe sites, not so well.

    I see the relevance today. And believe that what I posted was true. See post by Gecko123 - #211 - who expanded on my meaning quite well. This quote also relevant -


    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.




    Change the persons or groups in the quote above, and this is what is happening today.

  5. 3 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

     What I have seen is a grotesque anti-religion bias from TV members, and anti-Dhammakaya propaganda from the establishment who want to get rid of the place for reasons you have seen me describe clearly already. I weigh one set of empirical observations against another.



    Agree. If you look at the posters, the same ones go on every topic, in every thread, and beat the drum denouncing anything and everything. All Monks are ...  All RTP are ...  All (insert here) are ... Never a constructive post. Only insults, slander, and abuse.

  6. A thin rotor has will heat up more quickly than a thick rotor. And have a greater tendency to warp once heated. Only way for sure is to measure the thickness and overall swept area of both rotors. As brakes work by converting rotational forces into heat, and transferring this heat to the air, a thick rotor - all other things being equal - will do more work than a thin one.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    How do you decide which news to believe? The one which happens to coincide with your views perhaps?


    How independent is the media these days?

    All media spin. On instructions from their owners, passed down through the editors. Pushing their agenda with no concern for right and wrong, or decency, or fairness, or bias.

    “Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.”

    ― Benjamin Franklin

  8. 27 minutes ago, thaimlord said:

    What a bunch of pussies.


    I've taken the choice to drive, drunk or otherwise since I was very young. In some 60 years, I've never hurt myself, nor have I hurt anyone else. I don't put any other people at risk, nor do I put myself at risk when doing so. The thought that you are somehow incapacitated because you have reached some limit defined by someone else is ridiculous. Take control of your brain and your body.


    Drunk or sober, drive carefully and sensibly and you 'll be fine, unless you live in the western world where you will be blamed for causing an accident whether or not you caused it, simply because you had some alcohol. 




    What a Crock ! Many studies worldwide show a definite impairment. That you have been lucky in no way changes the fact that if you drink and drive you put yourself and others at risk. Have an accident with the wrong person one day and your drinking and driving days will be over. As they should be.

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