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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. 11 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    Edit-------yer just checked --I didn't pick because our Comp does read out in Thai Calendar.......... Thank you daughter..


    Its still my fault, for not checking twice ...

    Jan 12, 2546 BE — Happily for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien, director Peter Jackson stayed true to the fantasy author's artistic vision in "Fellowship of the Ring," 


    My apologies if I came across as a bit of a coont in my previous post

    No insult intended or inferred.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 5 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    Google is your friend Mike---

    Not only has Peter Jackson been sacked (& I would think he would find it difficult to get another "Like"

    job in the current Kiwi climate)   1/

    But it has now gone further in the UK press-- "Was Tolkien a racist"/--"Should Tolkien's books be read"?        2/


    In demonising orcs, the ugly, monstrous enemy of the elves, did JRR Tolkien betray a belief that

    “some races are worse than others”? That’s the debate that has been at the heart

    of claims in the British press recently accusing the Lord of the Rings author of harbouring racist views



    2/ https://theconversation.com/was-tolkien-really-racist-108227




    First link 11 years old.

    What possible argument can you make for putting this here ?

    Pot stirring MeThinks

  3. 1 hour ago, rct99q said:

    I have spent considerable time around drug users. Here, North America, Europe. Seems you may have also. As such you know that the last thing your going to get a drug user to do is quit voluntarily. Only ever seen it happen a dozen or so times. So yah, at some point one gives up. Similar to anti-vac people. Their body, their choice. Except it seems when it comes to womens reproductive rights and choices.

    As for hookers. As i mentioned with another poster there is probably 1 or 2 percent who are consenting to physical act of sex. Many are forced either by economics, or threats. That is hardly as you put it "between consenting adults".


    If you paid a hooker $1,000usd a day to stay home and bake cookies. Or. Sleep with 5-10 people a day taking risks of disease, violence, or death, of which they get to keep less than half what they earn, are you implying they would continue working in the sex trade?


    What do you call it when one party is forced to commit an act, and the other party  wantingly commits one?

    Consenting is not a word that first pops into my head.


    So only 1 or 2 percent have come forward - of 42 MILLION

    To say your post is ... Skewed - is the understatement of the day


    Re: drug use - I am a 30 year clean addict

    I quit voluntarily - there is no other way to get clean, stay clean.

    And I know a Heck of a lot more than a dozen or so other people in the same boat.


    Your knowledge - from a "considerable time" - is miniscule


    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, rct99q said:

    Harsh? No, not really. I have no problems with someone being a hooker or druggie. That does not mean I have to like what they do.

    There have been very few that have lifted themselves out of poverty. Yah, sure "everybody" knows so and so who is now a bar owner etc. There are/were over 100,000 suspected hookers and most are as poor, or worse off, than when they started. 

    Better education, job training, counseling, free housing, free child care and support, stiffer penalties for Johns. Many ways to tackle the issues that drive people into this area. Just society deems most of them as unimportant, throw aways. And that is not right.


    Same goes for druggies. The 1 out of 100,000 using medicinal purposes. Fine. I have worked with many, many drug users in my time. At some point I gave up on most of them. Just in our little spot in NE Thailand there are probably 30 or 40 users out of the 100 or so that make up the local village. Many are related to my wife and her brothers. In the past 15 years or so just gotten tired of going to one funeral after another. Not sure if you have been around one at the end of their life....not much positive is happening for them. 

    Harsh? No. 

    Give up on people who are caught up in the use and abuse of drugs ?

    Of course NEVER help them.

    Fine and/or incarcerate 'Johns' - who perform private acts between consenting adults.

    Are you in the Taliban ?

    What next - bring back the Auto-Da-Fe ? Thought Police ?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, shdmn said:

    The world news comments were a cesspool.  Glad to see it go.  Problem is now the negativity is polluting other threads more.  They need to do something about that and it seems pretty obvious to me what they should do.

    And what - pray tell - is the Obvious thing to do ?

    Inquiring minds want to know

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, EricTh said:

    Quarantine is only for those who are not vaccinated.



    Not true - as your link states. Only Phuket

    On July 1st, travelers to Phuket could avoid quarantine if they could provide proof of full vaccination.

    The third part of the plan is to allow visitors to the remaining 5 pilot provinces to forgo quarantine if fully vaccinated from October 2021.


    It is still September

  7. Never took the plunge. Mostly up and on the road by 0600 and in the pool by 1500

    but like anything else - buy quality ones. And how do you tell quality from Qrap ?

    Good question - brand names is what I would look for. Phillips, Osram, etc.

    D'iu ne lo mo -  on the junk !

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