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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. On 8/28/2021 at 3:33 PM, Danderman123 said:

    On one hand, we have the medical and scientific communities, on the other, we have anonymous guy on the internet. Who to believe? 

    Says an anonymous guy on the internet.


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  2. One thing that is not being taught - I believe - is for children to learn to think.

    It is all "This is how the world is, this is how you must act, and think, and feel, and do.

    Maintain the Status Quo at all costs, when to do so just increases the number of slaves in the world.

    When what it should be is "Question Everything"


    “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
    ― Albert Einstein

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  3. 20 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

    I suggest you stop telling obvious false stories such as you screamed at a toddler "Shut the hell up" and it worked. Everyone who's had a child knows that's just a bald faced lie, if you did that to any toddler you'd only succeed in getting it to scream more. So no, I won't be reading your old post, it dispels nothing. Just obvious lies.

    I don't remember seeing you at any of the times I said it.

    I did not say the kid shut up - but the parents made sure he did. My whole point.

    You must take great pride in being one of the 'Highly Valued' parents


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  4. 1 hour ago, Kanada said:

    Ordered an Airhawk seat pad…I’ve owned them before and highly recommend them for long or short distance!

    You “will” out too much air in it first time…can’t believe how little air you need to make the difference!

    You can bleed air out on the go or at least as you sit on it…once you get it right you’ll love it????????????



    ps: I’m having mine sent to me from Canada but if anyone finds one here in Thailand let me know 



    I have one I do not use anymore


  5. 2 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    Yes they do, and they think its their  right too????

    Yes, I agree. The 'Holier than Thou' approach to life.

    "I am better than you because I (fill in the blank, or in this case MANY blanks)

    My actions make me a better person than you, my attitude, ...

    Just because you are a Father. (Like me)


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  6. 9 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

    You went to a toddler  and told him "Shut the hell up", and you claim it worked? Lol. That's how one can tell you're purveying fantasy. Anyone who's had a toddler knows that's a bald-faced lie, if you had done that, that toddler would have started to scream, not dutifully kept quiet.


    You suggest screaming at little children to "Shut the hell up" and talk about common courtesy? You want to give toddlers a "painful" lesson? You are outside the circle of civilized society, you deserve no courtesy, in fact it is you who deserves a painful lesson.



    Seems reading comprehension is not your Forte.

    I suggest you go back to my post, read it carefully, and it will dispel the statements you made in the reply above.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Tanomazu said:

    By "all taxpayers" I mean the children of previous generations, and all children now who will become taxpayers, which is the vast majority. Ie., not the selfish freeloaders, who decided to just have fun and give nothing back to society and don't have children.

    Well ... that includes me. I was a child of previous generations.

    So all this balderdash about childless people being freeloaders is what exactly ?

    I paid a LOT of taxes. Some spent on welfare moms, deadbeat fathers, delinquent children, (Sorry, I forgot, those are the Highly Valued members of society), schools, roads, water, sewer, airports, rail lines, ... all aspects of Gov't



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  8. 2 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

    To shout at a toddler "Shut the hell up" is about the most idiotic advice anyone has ever given on this forum.


    You will? You will do nothing. You have never shouted at a toddler to "Shut the hell up", which would never have worked.

    I have done it more than once. Soon after - a number of times - I repeated the advice to the parents, both women first and then the husband. Or vice versa.

    Worked every time. So don't tell me it would never work. The parents shut the kid up - I care beans about the little hellion.

    You think you have a special license to act how you want just because you father offspring ? To disregard common courtesy just because you are raising the 'Tax payers of tomorrow' ?

    Kids need to be taught manners, and if the parents won't then others will.

    If they do not learn said manners young, the lesson later is likely to be painful.


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