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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. 4 hours ago, Orinoco said:

    Yes, but not in Thailand. 

    lucky lucky, lottery lottery.

    me, me, me.and more me.

    Money,  money,  money and some. !!!!!!!! LOL.


    You are describing the people who profess to be Buddhist

    That is not Buddhism


    Same same as the Roman Catholic church, sitting on piles of gold, priceless works of art, and their priests asking peasants in the countryside to donate to the Church. People who live in ghettos and do not have enough to eat, or afford to send their children to school.

    Can you spell Hypocrisy -

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  2. 56 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    This article was not the result of a NIH study. It happens that NIH publishes studies produced by other agencies or universities. In no way does NIH endorse the use of Ivermectin outside of clinical trials for treatment of Covid-19.


    As for the study, correlation does not prove causality.

    So ... the NIH would publish something it does not believe, a study it does not think is true ?  You are mistaking it for Yahoo "News"


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  3. Would be interesting to know the demographic and nationality of posters on here who are so dead set against use of Ivermectin for Covid treatment in the face of overwhelming positive results.

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  4. Here, we show that countries with routine mass drug administration of prophylactic chemotherapy including ivermectin have a significantly lower incidence of COVID-19.



    Evidence base used for other COVID-19 approvals
    Medication Studies Patients Improvement
    Budesonide (UK) 1 1,779 17%
    Remdesivir (USA) 1 1,063 31%
    Casiri/imdevimab (USA) 1 799 66%
    Ivermectin evidence 63 26,398 67% [59‑74%]


    Believe the NIH - or are you stuck in the "If the FDA says it's OK then it is OK, no one else rut ?


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  5. As is posting that gunshot victims are not getting treatment due to OD's of Ivermectin.

    Cherry pick much ?

    Can't wrap your head around the concept that it may offer relief, clinical trials or not ?

  6. 2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Yeah, maybe the media is more focused on the impact of vaccination to reduce case numbers from the July peak, which your article says didn’t happen.

    Would this be the media that is already discredited ?

    Gotta love when the goal posts keep moving - if one position is found to be a complete fallacy - well, we'll just change the parameters.

    Should think about a bigger shovel - that hole is not getting big enuf, fast enuf


    • Confused 1
  7. But But But ... Yahoo news said it !

    The Doctor who has not worked there for 2 months said it !

    Believe Them !


    But do not believe the Oklahoma Poison and Drug Information

    Or a Nobel Laureate.


    People with such a loose grip on reality posting such drivel is bad enuf - that they Believe it beggars belief

  8. On 9/4/2021 at 3:22 PM, canthai55 said:

    Article dated 2 Sep 2021


    “Since the beginning of May, we’ve received reports of 11 people being exposed to ivermectin,” said Scott Schaeffer, managing director of the Oklahoma Center for Poison and Drug Information.




    Wow - 11 people ! A real health crisis !




    26 minutes ago, connda said:

    But - I'm willing to suspend disbelief if someone can quote a Oklahoma hospital stating that gunshots victims are not being seen because of all the Ivermectin overdose. 
    Post a link to the hospital's press release. 

    Not from the Okie hospital, but someone with their finger on the pulse.

  9. 29 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Do you post without proof-reading and conclude by referring to something (a Novel laureate) not mentioned in your post - absolutely.

    Nice back pedal - from "It is for Horses" to "Once it is tested"


    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

    A job I am not looking forward to, can you do my Blade for me. ???? ????

    Sure ! Not too bad, I already had the 0-1 Micrometer, so just buy a gasket and some shims to cover all possibilities and go.

    Yours I am sure a lot more involved tho' - all that bodywork. But once it is off you should have good access.

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