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Posts posted by Sambotte

  1. It's a joke yes ? ????


    I drive a big bike in Thailand, i'm good at driving and surviving in extreme conditions.

    Typically Thai care only about turn signal, i don't know why, Japanese advice ? ????

    They make always the same basic big mistakes :

    - Driving with one hand a motorcycle, with mobile, luguage, babies...

    - Not stoping at intersection, the look sometime, but engage, slowly and dangerously

    - Going wrong way, they can't resist

    - Passing a motorcycle by going way too on the other way, with bad trajectory

    - No sense of trajectory, that's something...

    - Not looking environment

    - Speeding at night or under rain, when they should slow down

    - On a 4 way, passing using the opposite way



    But yeah sure, they definitely have improve the use of turn signal, like it was the only lesson.


    I bet Japanese know how to drive, so it's a joke or it's pure politic-diplomaty ???? 


    Does not look like Thai-driving will improve anytime soon.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere said:

    Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam would be the place if you like trees, good food, all the restaurant chains, good accommodations, easy 1 year tourist visas for Americans and a bunch more countries like France, Germany, Russia etc. 

    Have been and no but thanks ????

    Terrible traffic and terrible noise. Interesting to visit, i have had a lot of good contacts with locals, but really no way to live there ????

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes and there are lots of choices as far as climate, etc. Cartagena is a tropical beach place but I'm more interested in year round mild weather so my interest is the mountainous coffee region. Of course much as I like coffee wine would be better. 


    Yes speaking some Spanish is necessary but a bit of good news is younger people are studying English. 

    Latin America i have been there, months, two times.

    And back in Asia !

    In Latin America yes spanish, music, open mind, fiesta, easy contacts everywhere anytime, etc.


    - Terribly noisy everywhere (like klaxon in Cartagena good luck with that, drives me crazy),

    - Hotels way lower standards (small beds, no hot water, in many places even so-called 4 stars booking hotel) ; privacy very low.

    - Total misery to rent a condo or a house monthly, no scooter to rent.

    - Insecurity

    - Very few massages options (i mean massage).


    Every country has bonus and malus...

    And everyone his basic requirements : for me the noise is a no stay, and the extreme difficulty to rent a place and a vehicule monthly, with trust too, is a "difficult to stay when you got use to easy Thailand for that" ????

    Hard to have everything ????

  4. I'm reconsidering too.


    The point is everything indicate Thailand does not care any more about expats.

    Immigration rules enforced and harder, tourist visa limited and rejections at airport, new rules every year, etc. And some interaction, less friendly or even polite, witch was very rare before in my experience. 


    It's just business, they are not specially interested in foreign culture mix can we say ????

    They don't benefit from other culture, example music, or driving, etc., they could learn from foreigners, but they don't want to, national proudness.


    Business it is, period ???? And since the business here is Chinese, a turn has been done, it really coincide. They have mass tourism now from China, soon with India, so it's just business, they don't need expats anymore. Or only the more healthy. Could change too, the income from mass tourism is unbeatable. I would say expats are obviously not exactly welcome anymore.

    Could be risky though, they will depend entirely from Chineses and maybe Indians. But they are good at diplomacy so...


    Still many countries are worst. But more few are welcoming expats, and many expats move. 



    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Myran said:

    Great, now they just have to deal with all the morons burning waste and fields.


    And for that it looks like they are not able to.

    So smokers much easy targets. Nothing that will improve air pollution though, the difference being huge.

    I kind of wonder if all the complainers about smoking (witch i must say is legit when it's not ridiculously exagerated) do even talk about the real problems of pollution. So much talk, money, energy, put in the war against smokers. It's a smokescreen i would say (i'm french so not sure the joke is good :)).

    • Like 1
  6. 22 hours ago, GarryP said:

    This new attack on smoking is part of the plans for reduction of air pollution. It is hilarious. Just how effective will this effort be? Instead of going after the chief causes they are going after smokers - an easy target. And no, I am not a smoker.  

    Just what i wanted to say.

    The ridiculous point with this world war on smokers is that nothing is done against the real big problems :

    - air pollution by bad cars and trucks (and tuck-tuck) and old motorcycle : and you smell the heavy pollution when you encounter them ! Deadly.

    - air pollution by fires, like the outdoor cooking (sellers), trash burning, land burning : this one is HUGE, daily, and NOTHING IS DONE HERE

    - Not to mention chemical pollution, everywhere...


    Smokers are scapegoat, easy targets, racketed for money on any level (tax, fines...).

    And NOTHING done about the BIG pollution problems.

    RIDICULOUS. Not only in Thailand, they just copy the wrong world nonsense here.

    Same with pollution, not one civilised country does anything serious.

    Piss me off : i need a cigarette ????  

    • Like 1
  7. I did not even read the post because i just have missed the JOKE...

    Burning season for months in the whole north... 

    Trash fire everywhere everyday...

    Start with that maybe ?...

    And they love chemicals here.

    Diesel same-same as everywhere in the world.

    Damn i like jokes, but this one ?


    Ho wait the joke must be somewhere to target smokers (more easy, smoking screen i could say - that's a good one -), when pollution is THE big world problem (and kills and make sick way way more people). Not specific to Thailand here. 


  8. What makes expats go away...


    I will not enumerates the pros and cons of Thailand, just a few pros : easy in most cases, unlike many many other countries, like for renting a house or a motorcycle on a easy monthly rate. And you can trust Thais people i find about business (well maybe particularely for small business like renting etc.). And, maybe secondary to most people but important for me : no crazy noise ! (karaoke, klaxons, noisy neiborhood etc.).


    But what is sure, is Thailand does not change, not their style. So "what" has changed then ?

    Well i must say a massive influx of Chineese, and other Asian countries.

    And prices, that's something yes like 100% in a few years for leisure.


    Not a offense to say Thais people don't care about farangs, it's just business with smile. So now they have many more foreigners from Asia, they may not care "too much" about westerners... Because business is Thai... hmm business.

  9. 51 minutes ago, blackcab said:

    The website is working - kind of. When I enter the data I get the Contact Your Local Office message - despite having completed 2 previous online reports and not having left the country or changed any other details at all.


    Something is definitely wrong. The form does not ask for your phone, email or present address anymore.


    What's the point of having a 90 day report if they have no idea where you are living?



    I can't either see the point of the 90 days report actually :)

    They have your adress and changes of adress, and they know if you are in or out the country, so ...

  10. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Do you mean getting the message to contact your local office?

    This has been discussed many times before. If you enter the wrong info in any of the required fields marked with a you will get the message. Leaving all the others blank is suggested.

    If you have an entry to the country prior to 2013 or a new passport since your last entry you will always get the message (both of them in my case).

    Failure to use the drop down menu for nationality is a common error that causes it.

    Yes. And then back to the first same page.


    Really hard to enter wrong info :) Have checked and rechecked, not the point.

    Enter in 2017. Same passeport as used to do my first 90 days report at immigration 2 month and half ago.

    Nationality French from the menu.

    Window : 12 days before due date.


    Only thing i can figure is i first forgot to desable my VPN. I tried after without it, same same...

  11. On 22/02/2018 at 7:12 PM, Nayet said:

    Okay, disabled the popup blocker and received a message saying "For further information regarding The 90-day Notification Report Service, please contact the Immigration Branch Office in your residence area." 

    I will try again tomorrow / next week but have little hope it will work.

    Same here. Was kind of sure it would not work :)

    Did the first previous 90 at immigration, so i was hoping to do it online this time...

    NOT WORKING. Same message. No mistake (hard to make any here).

    So i have to spend hours again at immigration... Hmm...

  12. I love many thinks in Thailand, but i must say this is totally ridiculous !!!

    A easy farang money grab, against skapegoat (smokers).


    Educate Thai drivers is way more important, but not easy, and would cost.

    Put big fine for the daily garbage fire there is everywhere is way more important too, that's a REAL NUISANCE everywhere, and dangerous for health (way more than cigarettes). But again, it would not be so easy, and would concern Thai citizen...


    But somehow Thai gouvernment does not do worse than others. In the whole world, smoking is becoming criminal, but feel free to POLLUATE the whole planet by any ways... Chemicals, diesel, coat, nuclear central, etc. etc. etc.

    Nobody want to deal with the big problems like adults.

    So let's criminalyse smokers yeah, so easy. So ridiculous...

  13. Silvester2 the beauty of it is you can transfert your Bitcoins or Altcoins ! On other exchange, on your safe wallet...

    Issue can come maybe if you transfert money from exchange to a bank, better to talk to the bank first i think...


    I agree Shiver :) Well, banks do their job : taking your money, and playing on markets, sometime badly :)

    I had a french bank years ago, they did not know how to make a transfert...

    And now i have a account with Wells Fargo, and i would be happy... if i could access my money ! :shock1: I must be stupid like a french, i basically thought a bank could provide this service... Well, not always... I'm suppose to have a US mobile plan with international roaming, with no interruption, to receive those bank-sms...

    Waiting a alternate solution by snail-mail ! Can't believe this... :shock1: And then i will happily initiate a transfert witch will take 3-5 days... Last time i cheked though i was sure we were in 2017, on a small planet:post-4641-1156694572: Are not we ? :partytime2:

    No wonder the digital currency and the blockchain revolution will force bank to adjust (and so many more). Not to mention indeed the random guy you get on the f.. robotic call center...:saai:

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