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Posts posted by Sambotte

  1. 8 minutes ago, anchadian said:
    What happens next is that the visa amnesty signed by the PM has to be published in the Royal Gazette before it becomes law. I am told this could be as early as today if not tomorrow. So, please wait for official announcement. But we are nearly there! #Thailand


    Suspens suspens...

    I have to go tomorrow, so... Another "next" ?...

    I still have NO CLUE if the first extension of exemption will be include or not.

    And if it's a joke like everybody has until 30 april, i'm better go and get full 30 days.

    Well, will see tomorrow morning if this madness finally ends well...

    • Like 1
  2. Total respect for the fire fighters on the last pict.


    Compared to the virus, with witch you have a chance to not have problem, this kind of méga-pollution is 100% sure to hurt. People, planet.


    PM said last year "hm i want this problem to be fixed in 7 days". It looked not to smart of course... But actually, send army, and the problem would be fixed within a week or so. 


    But by just talking of course zéro result, it's even worse.


    I would be curious to know the ridiculous fines too that may be in the law for those major CRIMES...


    And again total respect for the fire fighters on the last pict. I can hardly imagine more difficult mission, even in a war.

    • Like 2
  3. Levels are WAY more than 273, and NEVER 7.


    I can not understand this huge problem (sanitary emergency some say).

    Thai people don't even like to talk about that. Maybe they feel they can do nothing against the farmers who are killing and injuring seriously so many people for years.


    I read 2-3 years ago in Bangkok post i think, that more than 100.000 people are going hospital for that. Lungs, heart, eyes, sinus, etc. Would be necessary to have the real actual numbers. But not only it's very irritating, it kills, and it injured ! Thousands, every year.


    Maybe gouvernement and army fear those farmers ? Seriously. 


    Otherwise action need to be strong, after 10 years of doing nothing.

    Satellites, drones, army. Set examples. Period. No autorisation all year. No fk fire !

    Then diplomacy with Laos, Myanmar, China, Cambodia.


    This very heavy problem makes those countries look like the most savages countries in the world. Animals would not be that stupid.

    And no power in charge ? And no social reaction ?


    Argument : this has a heavy impact on economy. 

    • Like 2
  4. 19 minutes ago, Curt1591 said:

    I use my drivers license for ID, and the above for back up. Although some given me some static, I have always been able to use this at banks. Immigration is the only place I have encountered requiring the real deal. 

    Maybe I'm just lucky ...

    Actually Bank is the only place (and immig of course) where i bring it.

    Banks should absolutely NOT allow someone to do something with a account without original proof of ID.

  5. Unless you are just on hollidays (not the case now), if you are a traveller or a expat, keep Passport safe ! Copies with you, passport in your logement.


    A rogue police officer and you may have to pay some bahts, no big deal.

    And a driver licence is enough usually.


    If you lose your passport or get stolen, you are in such potential trouble...

    It's just the ONE thing you don't want to lose. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, chessman said:

    At the moment they are having to send tests to labs, this requires infrastructure and makes it difficult to do at a high volume. When they develop a point of care test that will all change.

    It's either the world wait for a vaccine for years in lockdown with riots and economy dead...


    Either it start to seriously tackle the issue : massives tests, isolation and search for contacts.

    Still not the official plan it looks like... Or ?...


    Massives masks (the most obvious and way better than confinement or "social distancing") are still not available, when it should have been prepared years ago !


    Upgrading hospital capacity is probably done. Or not...


    Better cure would be nice, but nothing sure, same for a vaccine.


    The virus does not scare me (with the numbers we have). The incredibly poor, and restrictive only, "no-answer but delay because we are late, unprepared, or unwilling" scares me. People reacting like scared-sheep too.


    Masks and Tests are the obvious absolute priority. I don't read much about most countries really doing a serious job here.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  7. I have a confession to make : as a Fro... hmm... a FrenchMan, i drink coffee, a lot (and not easy to find good ones in Thailand, they like fake-coffee), but... i ENJOY a good cup of tea !


    Shall we ? ???? (Lipton basic tea mask-bag)

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    Only the US Fed can really do this without immediate negative consequences.


    And it is probably reaching its limits these days...we will see soon enough...

    USD being the reference, well... 

    And they play no-limit (hold them ????)

    But that's another story, nothing new.


    The virus thing is way more brutal.

    Question being : what next ? War on moskitos so you must understand the entire world has to shut down ?...

    Does not makes sense. Would be curious to have more real datas in a few months or years, if available. 

    And i f..g hope life and freedom (including business of course) will be back before years ! Before too many months. Well imo the sooner the better.

  9. Point is it does not makes sense...


    A goal, plan... totalitarism test (with another "war on this"), microbiological real war (or test), or whatever, like this on the whole earth scale, seems unlikely. 


    But to stop the world and life because of a virus with the numbers we know, does not make sense either.


    Looks like there is something we just don't know. Either way.

    Or, and it's possible, it's just general incompetence. Started with not being prepared, when it was known for 10 years or more a pandemy would erupt.

    • Like 1
  10. Herd imunity is obviously (to me) the only way.

    But i think many are missing a possible main point :

    People in general, old people particularely (western is majority old, decision makers too), and obese etc. sicks people (a majority too i think), do not want to be unable to have help in hospital. And they have pay a lot of money for that.

    Beside, the problem with corona is it is sudden. Too massive too quick for medical to deal with it. And nobody wants to see people dying on the streets asphyxying.


    So we have, insteed of accepting maybe 20% sicks (witch is huge), and maybe 1% deads (or more, with medical overwhelmed), within a few months, meaning, again main point : medical would be overwhelmed... instead we are on planetary lockdown...


    This could be worst than the virus. Riots will occurs if strict confinement is maintained too long. Suicides (it's a lot of deaths every years but like pollution, people don't care, they don't see it, and they still can go to hospital for themself). Violence, etc.

    Not to mention some does not like at all the idea of confinement imposed, anyway, but even worst if it's mainly to delay, and protect old or sick people mainly, and the medical system.


    Note that medical "experts" will want to protect the medical system first, obviously. They make the decisions. So...


    What i still do not understand is why massive tests are NOT being seriously produced. In wars, since some use this fear-trick, we can produce enornous amounts of weapons in very short time.


    Lockdown of the planet will not work (and it's not supposed to "fight" the virus, just to delay) if too long, too totalitarist. Politicians may know that. Or not. I mean it's a interesting test somehow too.


    So for me i am mainly looking for plans to massive test people, not just the symptomatics and medical workers. Massive testing. If positive : isolation, and find the contacts. So the world can LIVE AGAIN. 


    World can do that, not difficult, and money is not a problem. So how more long will it takes ? Should have been prepared long before too. We know for sure about such pandemies since many many years.


    So when will the world fight this virus instead of "cowardly" try to hide / delay ?... 

    • Like 2
  11. Could be DUST MITES.


    I have some allergie since ever but only sometimes. I thought it was pollen only.

    Can be dust mite too. Those little spiders live everywhere, and you are allergic to their sh.. actually.

    Not funny since it's very difficult to get rid of them. And to clean the sh. with a professionnal waccum.


    You can check allergies levels (and where and when especially) with accuweather, look allergies, and then inddors/dust and dander.

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