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Posts posted by Sambotte

  1. I thought like the OP, and then i calculate a little bit... even with 1% deads, it makes 75 million on earth in short time. And with let's say 10% sicks (i don't know), would need 750 millions medical care. Short time, not like cancer, pollution, malaria, hunger...

    If no dangerous mutation (and viruses love to mute)...


    The real problem may be gouvernements and agencies here. We know for sure a pandemy will (has, and will again !) happen. But they all are taken by surprise, in panic mode, like in France : no tests, no masks, no hospitals, in sufficient numbers, and it's "people fault"... seriously...

    USA... well, what could you expect from the crazy guy... But same incompetence almost everywhere, except South Corea because they had one or two épidemies before.


    Hopefully this will help those "deciders" to take their responsability. Since the impact on markets and economy is hudge, they will be ready for the next one, you can count on that ????. Not for the people no ???? (And people get the leaders and the systems they deserve, i would say.)




  2. Good question indeed.


    And a point i'm not sure about : when i came back, i "transited" in KL, but since it was two different airlines and i had to bought the tickets separately, although i asked for my luggage to transit directly, it was not possible. Etihad + Air Asia, the first saying nop. 

    Was a 2h1/2 transit, not relaxing.


    So i had to pass immigration, change terminal, take my luggage, re-change terminal, check-in, repass immigration...


    I miss the old time when traveling was so easy and so fun ????

  3. Look obvious to me it's very risky to change country (any in the world) at those times.


    Emergencies (gouvernements panic everywhere) rules change very suddenly anywhere.

    You take the risk of being in deep trouble (denial, quarantine, etc.), not to mention public transports are just very bad relative to contagion (stuck in a bus or a plane or airport, with crowd, air-con crazy cold, etc.).


    Overstay is usually to avoid, except in this situation, i would say, for your health. Immigration should adapt their rules for those already in Thailand obviously too. Let's hope.

  4. I just don't know where else to post this, and it's a consequence :


    I am addicted to massages. I mean real massages.

    I did not have time to find a good masseuse in Phuket, lots of so-so just tourist shop nowaday anyway.


    With the closure, how to search for a good masseuse (at home) ? 


    I am not used to social networks, and it's usually not there i guess, but could become (all those masseuses will need to work especially when the period will exceed 2 weeks (and it probably will).


    Any idea ?

    A freelance masseuse. I knew one good near Ao Nang via a local but it's rare actually not many Thaïs know someone. Will ask locals again though. But is there a social network where i could have a chance to find one ? It's for Phuket now.


  5. I may have over-reacted, maybe like others, because with this huge problem of pollution, hard to understand how lucky or happy you could be. You do not like HUGE HASARDOUS pollution, do you ? ????

    Either you have air filter AND wear a N95 mask outside all the time during the smoke-season, either you do not care about your health. It's a free world so it's up to you. Your health. 


    That said you talk mainly about the no-panic and no-shortage there, ok nice.


    And like you, i knew Chiang Mai and prefered Chiang Rai, very relax athmo... arg... mood, not full of tourists, no taxi-mafia, a few good condos, easy living, traffic fluid, and the girls are fantasticly pretty in the north.


    Will return. But in May or June, i like to breathe without equipment and/or confinement, and i do care a minimum about my health ????

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I have two air purifiers. They are like two six-guns against the PM 2.5 in my condo. I offer up that analogy because I know it will give you a warm glow.

    Yeah well you live in confinement then ? ????

  7. Still far from any result. They do not seriously think anyone will believe or be ok with the guy pretending a 50% decrease ? Easy to check the pollution level with aqicn or airvisual, looks like it's worst this year, even after the very bad last year.


    Reminder : pollution kills and affect health more than anything. But more slowly.

    Terrorism, road carnage, even the virus, or even smoking, are way behind in term of health hasards.

  8. They will do something when the tourism market, and the real estate market, will go severely down.

    News of this health-threaten massive pollution just start to be in the media (since last year only), so tourists and investors are aware since not so long, but the impact will be severe. Nobody with his mind would buy a condo in the north, now over polluted 6 months a year.


    They have satellite, they have army, they could control the criminals farmers, starting with prison time, etc.


    The bigger picture is to get the same from Myanmar, Laos, China (and Indonesia in the south, not often impacting Thailand but serious problem too, for Singapoor, etc.).


    Those farmers have no respect for whatever, kids, eldery include, and they look primitive by doing that.

    But gouvernements, as usual, will act only when business is affected. Will be soon though.

    Who will plan a tourist, not to mention a treck, tour over there ? Nobody soon from mid-december to mid-june.

    And worst : who will buy a estate in these area ?

    Next 5-10 years will be damn for business there.

    Unless army can finally control life-ennemies farmers. Not kidding, i think it would take army power to fix this primitive huge problem.

  9. On 3/13/2020 at 9:18 PM, khaowong1 said:

    Wat Pah Nanachat in my opinion is the best, but they won't even allow you to keep your cell phone with you while your there.  


    How can one live without his cellphone, one wonder ????

    How can one meditate without fakebook, Twister, What'sUp, and so on ? Blioup-blioup-blip...

    Seriously ????

    Could not resist sorry ????

  10. If you want to be in Thailand (i do) during this crisis, i would not advise you to go outside. The world is in panick mode now (USA banning travel from Europe, lol), with immigration block, forced quarantine, flight canceled by airlines, etc. Not to mention you do not want to travel with crowd in confine airport/plane/bus/whatever.


    Another option not mentionned here is Elite visa 5 years, 500K, but takes a few weeks (national country police check i guess make the delay). 

    • Like 2
  11. Best i have found is Air Asia FLEXIBLE. You pay more (like 80$ not a big deal), but it's very easy with AA to change your ticket online, many times.

    So you can have a "permanent" continuation ticket, in case you travel a lot that's handy : everytime you need a continuation ticket you just ajust your. And adjust again in the future, so you don't have to throw it.

  12. I have read somewhere that the "non-official" rule is about 2 visit per year on exemption, maybe on tourist visa too.


    Anyway since it's unofficial rules (with excuse of lack of money without even asking for it), i mean uncertainty, better to come via Kuala Lumpur for example, with a cheap frequent ticket from Air Asia for example. Could be just a 100$ extra, and it's a good Back-up plan.

    Back-up plan indeed ????

    No but it's not funny at all, to put people in detention for no reason even short time is a shame, first. Uncivilized. Like USA i must add.

    Should be clear rules.


    But here actually the IO has been imo very nice to you OP, at least you get warned, so you know what to expect, and you can prepare.

  13. This problem is huge to fix, to be honest.

    In SE Asia it's from Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar, if not China too.

    And from Indonesia in the south. Singapour has dealt with this issue from Indonesia in the past, but with arguable success ? 


    First step would be to be serious indeed.

    Fine the earth-criminals is not going to change anything. Unless huge fine, to the owner of the land too if responsible, or confiscation, or obviously PRISON ! Real time.

    You can go in prison for smoking a joint or having overstay, but those who burn forest and harm millions of people are barely fined (i guess 500 bahts ? ???? If ever...).

    -> First step : prison risk. Or huge fine. Then you can bet police will move ????


    Second step, much more difficult, is regional. Laos-Myanmar-China and Indonesia. Those farmers KILL million of people, or severely injure them.


    For Thailand it's of absolute importance though.

    Tourism is near 20% of revenu. 

    Tourists know now (i mean more and more) about the non-viability of north Thailand during 6 months, and health hazard in Bangkok (but well, it's a big town). And some time issue in the south from Indonesia.

    But the main problem is in the north imo, and very differently in Bangkok.

    Impact, if nothing is done, could be more and more severe, and yep i mean for business.


    That said, yeah it's kind of... unreal, what non-mesures are taken, but does California do better for example ? Or Brazil ?


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