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Posts posted by Sambotte

  1. On 6/18/2020 at 2:09 PM, ThaidDown said:

    1000 years is a long time, but as a guess the only two languages being spoken would be

    'tree' and 'cockroach'

    Humans and other animal species would be long gone.

    Exactly and obviously. Maybe pulps, rats, ants, too, they are strong and can survive. If there is still advanced life. Could be only micro-organisms with pollution and climate though.


    The OP does not seriously think human will be on this planet in 1000 years ? ???? Not even 100 years imo.


    Another candidate would be BIT. Like binary digit. Or Quantum data. I mean Artificial Intelligence. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Logosone said:

    Hasn't worked for Jamaica though. You can get Ganja there easy, but not exactly a destination of choice for the very rich. Errol Flynn excepted, but that was many moons ago.


    Jamaica has spectacular women, btw.

    I must say Jamaica is the WORST immigration experience i've ever encountered in maybe 40 years and 40 countries visited. The only denial i've ever had, on a second visit, for no reason, and no supervisor.

    Not to mention total insecurity. And crazy prices.

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    How often do you visit Vietnam. I go twice a month from Thailand. Live bkk. 

    Your typing rubbish.

    Cambodia I agree. Sold out snooky for deep sea port and now Casino.

    Do you live Asia or just guessing. 

    Being around 4 times in Cambodia, Laos (not recently), Vietnam, Malaysia (not recently), last 20 years past mostly in Thailand (but not permanent, i like traveling).

    Many travelers and locals have confirmed to me the new impact of Chinese tourism in Cambodia and Vietnam recently.

  4. 8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I visited Vietnam 3x last year ..... packed out with western tourists every place I went.


    Visited 2 weeks (Ho Chi Minh and i forgot where else on the coast) last year, and it was full of Chineese. And restaurants big size packed with Chineese, servers speaking Mandarin (or cantonese for what i know), NOT english.


    That said honestly i do not mind. Nothing worse than an American nowaday ???? Kidding. I mean as long as the great donkey does not travel too much at least but he is very busy with twitter and facebook i have heard ?... ????


    Cambodia : Sihanouk is own by Chineese now.


    The point is it changes all the tourism business.

    • Sad 1
  5. Thanks.

    Good luck for your business.

    Must be difficult for all businessman travelling, and people with family separated, i think, those countries closures or restrictions or requirements... And uncertainty, and long wait.


    I was planning to travel to Taiwan and Japan (never been), but i think now it's not for this year. Anyway Japan in summer only, i fear the cold more than a virus ????

    So i think i'll wait a year or so here. Bank is here, condo are good and easy, people relax, services good, can't complain and have no obligation elsewhere.


    But this time i came back on tourist exemption. Have an 30 days extension maybe possible.

    I may look for an agent, for the first time. I qualify for retirement (i had for 2 years until they changed it all), except i do not want now to put 800K from investment to do that with uncertainty. I have no clue if i could do it without blocking the money.

    Other options are tricky : tourist-visa run is i think i no-go for me, unless proved it's without problem (and definitely no quarantine, deposit, or insurance). Test would be ok, i am not at risk. If tests are good now, not obvious. Well i do not feel a visa-run, and it's too short long.

    And well i was considering the Elite Visa... before this pandepanic. Does not makes any sense now since the next 5 years are totally uncertain about travelling... They should make a new elite 1 year visa i would say, would be wise now.


    Will see.

    Live to die another day... was my mind. Now it will be even : no time to die. I mean... this world stop living by fear of death, that's something...

    But hey, rain stop, i'll rent a BIG bike ha ha ! Push the limits. Feel alive !????

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, SpanishExpat said:

    Guess what...if China opened tomorrow and would let their people travel again, Thailand would create a "chinese travel bubble" within a few days. 

    Anyway...it`s their country...so let them do what they want. However, I hope no one will help them, when they realize how huge they have damaged their economy! European countries were forced to reopen, as they saw what a disaster it would have been for the intra-EU tourism sector without a summer travel peak-season. But that`s the Thai mentality...they always react, never act proactively. Covid 19 was limited here for whatever miraculous reasons, but surely not because the government reacted pro-actively.

    That won`t work with the economy...once damaged on the long-term, it will take ages to recover. Stuff like the domestic travel stimulus package is just as effective as when they gave away the shopping vouchers and announced proudly that it boosted the economy.

    Yep, my opinion too.

    Thailand has made the risky choice to u-turn vis-à-vis des "western farangs", especially those on long or repeated stay. After 40 years of big money for ANYONE in Thailand. They choose the mass tourism, Chineese, and possibly Indians. Better business for gouvernement and top business i guess... But not for Thaï people. Packs of Chineese, mostly on "tour", don't go to small places/businesses, don't rent condo, scooter, etc..


    First the big risk is to become totally dependent of China for tourism revenues, maybe like Cambodia and Vietnam actually. Dependance to one big customer is not very wise.


    Second, with the "new-normal-war-this-time-on-virus", tourism is in total uncertainty now, and for probably years. So a re u-turn favorable to long stays farangs would be wise IMO, businessly speaking. Not to mention any Thaï (not brainwashed-scapegoat oriented like it could be recently) can benefit from individual, multi-nationality, and including long term, "tourism" or expat...

    • Like 2
  7. I think too they will extend permission of stay.


    But i must say the option to make a visa run is IMO a very bad option, for some months, i mean as long as restrictions and requirements applies.

    Seriously someone really want to take a bus with requirements, preregistration, tracking, whatsoever, and then take a risk to be quarantined in says Laos, or denied because a last minute requirement for thousands USD in deposit like what Cambodia ?, then come back in bus (or plane, that look really like the not safe places, although i do not fear a virus), risk quarantine, or denied entry to Thailand, and then what ?...


    I am a big traveller, i love that. But now is just not the time to travel out or in any country IMO, unless absolute necessity like family. Not even for business i would say. Too messy-uncertainty.

    Stay in the country i would say ????As long as this world-mess continue.


    Actually i feel very lucky i came back here in the beginning of this pandepanic. And picked up a medium quiet town : Chiang Rai, very relax here, no panic.


    And i do not think they will be crazy to manage to expulse farangs who are here (by not doing another permission of stay). It's small money compare to the packs of Chineese but still makes many Thaïs a living right now.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    Totally agree. If I knew this was going to happen I would have 'planned' to have been outside and then got 'stuck' outside, and had a proper break from all the nonsense in this country.

    I disagree.

    What country is better in this pandepanic ? Can not see ONE, except Sueden... Not France, not USA, not China, not Brazil, not India, for sure. Etc. Many worst countries i think.


    At least in Thailand there has been no stay at prison home order, but a small curfew.


    My point is it's (still) the easiest country to rent a condo with no ton of requirements, same for motorcycle, it's a quiet country (compare to Philipines, Colombia, Vietnam, etc. witch i know for being full of noise all the time), and people are (still) polite and safe, and honest.


    But i am not saying anything else : what country has managed this world nonsense better ?


    For the OP : my bet would be when there will be a vaccine and you accept to get shoot. Such a panic does not go away easily.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, JHicks said:

    But what if your passport is from a country that's not within the travel bubble? I thought the travel bubble was going to be based on nationality rather than flight origin or travel history, so was picturing people having to leave but being unable to re-enter for this reason.

    Yep... I did not search too much but it looks like another world mess "around" ????

    Should be based on origin-destination, but i read it could be based on just passport. Nonsense again... Not sure for witch country i read this, maybe in Europe.

  10. Hopefully they will extend the permission of stay for 2-3 months or even for the rest of the year. Considering the travel restrictions planned, even with borders opening and planes flying very partially. Not to mention other waves of cases anywhere in the world.


    It's not like there is too many farangs in Thailand now hm ?... And there will not be many before long, with this world pandepanic continuing. Thailand rely on tourism. They would be crazy to force the ones who are here to go away, even if it's not "regular short tourism" anymore, as they want(ed) since a few years.

    Borders run are obviously not a viable option, unless really no other choice. Risky on any level (contagion, quarantine, entry refused, etc.), for months.


    No risk by doing an extension. Money for people. Good locking. They should... Will they ? ????

    • Like 1
  11. Same here. I want to travel by bike from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai, stay 2-3 days in hotel, and come back.

    But definetely NOT without garantee there is no prison quarantine there and here.


    Does not look there is anymore, and would not make sense (well, like all this world panic mess), but how to be sure ? Will ask police if no sure answer on this forum, since they make the controls i think if there are...


    Is there no official info ? In english...

  12. 1 minute ago, scorecard said:

    If you break the law / regulations in any country you're in trouble. If exchange students studying in Australia miss 1 class expect a visit from an Immigration offer, twice and they're at your door immediately to help you pack your bags and take you to the airport.


    If you do break the law then you have created the problem and you have RUINED your stay. 

    Agree. But DYOR. The problem is it can be a kind of lotery. Without breaking law. With false reason like "not enough money" when people have and can not even show it ! Many reports about that i will not develop here. DYOR. Immigration has totally changed since a few years.

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