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Posts posted by Sambotte

  1. 22 minutes ago, Rinrada said:

    Dont hold yer breath....

    But what am i allowed to do then ? ???? Can not exhale here, can not breath there...


    I will start to FART in public closed place, in protest ! Airplanes, buses. A teeth for a teeth. Smell that ! Ha ha !


    I will eat cheese and drink wine (still allowed) together for that purpose (i am not a natural, and i don't drink actually, neither eat americancheesecopy - i'm French, we know the real cheeses ???? and the real wines ???? No latino copies either damn !!! -). Some choucroute too ha ha that will be something... Pâtés, cassoulets, everything it takes !


    I will FART hard to protest ! Everywhere ! No smoking ? Take that fart !

    For your safety, let me smoke instead ! ????

    • Sad 1
  2. I use VitC, and Ginseng, everyday, no side effects.

    Not been sick last 10 years since i do that, traveling in many hot countries, except allergies, but before i had a few times flu, malaria, dengue 1 time.


    Ginseng is strangely not known in Thailand. Comes from China old times, and South Corea produce the best. Hard to find only ginseng here and good quality. Ginsana (Suiss brand i know kind of crazy the travel the ingredient and product must make), some pharmacy or even supermarket sometimes have it.


    Vit C natural, from Acerola and other fruits, Vistra brand, easy to find here.

  3. 1 hour ago, Rinrada said:

    Its updated from 2018....No more smoking in public in Thailand..thats about it...

    The Thaiger


    1 year ago on November 6, 2018




    FIO....Section 42 of the Tobacco Product Control Act B.E. 2560


    Proscribed by the Minister upon recommendation of the Committee. Chapter 5 Protection of Non-Smoker’s Health r Section 41.


    The Minister upon recommendation of the Committee shall have the power to prescribe the types and names of public areas, workplaces and vehicles, any part thereof or the whole, as non-smoking areas.

    The Minister upon recommendation of the Committee may prescribe smoking areas within the non-smoking areas under paragraph one.

    Section 42 No one shall smoke in the non-smoking area, except in the smoking area designated under Section 41, paragraph two

    Thanks for the info.


    So if i do understand... there are still smoking area.

    Of course non-smoking area too.


    What about the no-sign area ? Like in the street ? Diesel can smoke, farmers can burn entire fields, food-street can make smoke, people can burn their trash, so do i guess i still can smoke in those environnements ? Not that i spend too much time there, but still, i like to know.


    The obvious thing to do is respect both way. What <deleted> me off is the "chasse aux sorcières" initiated by USA years ago but has spread all over the world, that goes extreme, stupid, without respect for freedom. It's both way, otherwise it's just totalitarism.


    Not to mention the lack of scientific evidence here.


    And, again and again i will say, the comparison to the huge other pollutions, air pollution alone killing more than smoking. And there is scientific datas for this. I do not see many anti-smoker talk about that, it's like... in French we have a expression "the tree that hide the forest". Many focus on the tree (the smoker), but are in denial of the forest burning ! (huge fires, other fires, global warming, chemicals, etc.).

    Targeting scapegoats has never been wise, but somehow intelligent from elites in power, it's a very primitive technique but that works... with primitive people ! I am not talking about Thaïland here... They copy what many other countries do for many more things (yet).

    I don't care (i mean...), my point being i need a minimum of freedom ! And a world not on fire !

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