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Posts posted by Sambotte

  1. 14 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    How long have you been in the country @tethys? You are aware I trust that if you stay here more than 90 days you must have a Thai driving license.

    That's the rule i think (was a few years ago).

    A foreign driving licence, must be in Roman alphabet i think but not sure because what about the Chineese or Russian for example... 3 months.

    Police may try to pretend it's not valid, happens to me in Phuket, but you can stand your ground on this, even on a motorcycle ????

  2. On 3/25/2022 at 5:13 AM, Lacessit said:

    I have noticed in Chiang Rai the pollution is definitely less than it was last year at the same time. I don't even need to run my air purifiers, API readings of 50 - 60. Last year, we were nudging 500 occasionally.

    Whether that is due to increased enforcement, or the sporadic rainfall we seem to be getting, is anyone's guess.

    I saw that too, good news.
    March-april are usually the very worst... Let's see what will be this month.
    If authorities start to really enforce the law, there is hope.

    If Thailand could be the first to fix this HEALTH BIG PROBLEM (pollution kills more than smoking), then Myanmar, Laos, China, and Indonesia, maybe could follow ?...

  3. Look in big supermarket.
    I used a product labelled "organic" if i remember.
    But normally any detergent with no mention of "new parfum", "long lasting parfume", etc. will be the best, with normal-good rinsing.

    If i use laundry service i have since a few years to specify "no parfum"...

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Op [higliander403] - this is something you can do yourself rather than relying on a 3rd party, who as you have found out are not communicating well with you. 


    - Use the correct website: https://tp.consular.go.th

    - Do not use a hotmail account to register (these have been problematic in the past).

    - Have all your documents in JPEG (not more than 5mb) i.e.

        - Passport ID page (no need for a visa)

        - Certificate of vaccination with QR code.

        - Cropped out QR code.

        - Health / medical insurance certificate (1 page stating amount of cover).

        - Have your SHA Plus+ Test&Go booking confirmation:

          (pre-paid which includes transport, PCR Test & ATK).


    Seriously ?

    I have not find info on the thaipass site (of course)...

    Do one need a certificate WITH QR CODE ???

    I have a hard copy certificate, legit, but there is no QR Code.

    Can someone confirm ?

  5. 15 hours ago, internationalism said:

    No, some land borders are just opening in April. They wont be easier to cross than flying. I just wanted to say that remaining travel restrictions are not issue anymore for in flying. Bangkok airport looks now like pre-covid, many travellers, some airplanes full. 
    Each month there is less restrictions, usually introduced at the beginning of month. Planned full opening from 1st July. But there might be hiccups, if new variant comes. That would apply to all countries. And  new restrictions might come overnight, so no time for swift entry. 
    Yes, if you want to play safe do recovery certificate. Some clinics do them online. In bangkok they are for 2k baht, but you need one issued locally where you are. Possibly you can get it. For thailand they are valid for 90 days after infection. 
    that is the best, updated website, where you can check restrictions. 

    Thanks, interesting site.
    Although i had contradicting infos about transit in Japan, looks like it must be the same airport (from other sources).


    The main issue is the forced hospitalisation, with no clarity about the rules, in case of the PCR on arrival positive.

    I do not have a recovery, did not have any "infection", it was just to say tests are not accurate or precise... Combined with the "more sensitive" Thais tests (people say)... The test is still a big issue (a rip-off+incarceration issue, not a health one).


    I am vaccinated (for traveling).


    I am still lost, best for me would be to wait (but indeed you never know what mess may happen again), i could bet Thailand will get rid of all those restrictions and so too off the hospitel rip-off, in 1, 2, or 3 months. 

    And to makes things more fun... to go to Cambodia from Mexico, it would be a second stop-transit in hong-kong (i do not feel it obviously with the many lookdowns in China), or in... Bangkok lol.

    Could not find an updated info about transit in Bangkok yet, has moved... And anyway those flights are not too good (too long, 2 stops...).

    I may have to consider Philipines or Vietnam to find better flights with no-problem transits.


    But in case i take the risk to go in Thailand now (because it's the plan, Elite Visa, and stay) :

    How to prepare a plan-B anti-rip-off forced hospitel ? In case of some fancy test on arrival.

    Sandbox are better ? No hospitelisation ?

    Or T&G and booking an airBnB to be able to insist on "home isolation" insteed of a forced hospi-thing ?


    My main issue is i have never been in prison, and have no plan to risk that ????

    • Like 1
  6. You mean it's possible and less risky via border ? Did not see that.

    I got lost will all the changes (around the world).

    And the complications, coming from Latin America i have to check the transit too (covid again restrictions). Like Japan does not allow to change airport. Hong Kong still not allowing transit. Etc.

    I am actually thinking first Cambodge, because "normal". But the flights are not easy.

    And yep i really miss Thailand after one year outside ????

  7. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Serious condition COVID hospitalizations have now risen for the past three consecutive days, while the count of COVID patients requiring intubation to breathe has risen every day for the past week.


    The count of COVID cases hospitalized in serious condition remains three-fold higher than the start of the year, while the count of intubated patients is almost five-fold higher.





    Those datas are what matters. Thanks.

    Source please ?

  8. I just got my second shot, so i am ready to move in 2 weeks.
    Wondering if Thailand was ready to let tourists come with no lottery ?


    I mean the official rule is : no fever, no speed breathing = no forced hospitalisation.

    BUT : on arrival especially, what if ?

    With Omicron everywhere, with tests variable (looks like they do a different approach if one has recovered for example, but what if one had Omicron with zero symptom and so did not make any previous test for a recovery letter ?), looks like a non-sense for travel.


    I do not have a home now in Thailand (witch could save one from forced hospital/tel/isation...).

    Would a booking of a good hotel accepting positive be a solution ? 

    Would the sandbox option be safer ? (i mean not to be incarcerated in a room).


    Although i really, really, and i mean really miss Thailand (<deleted> 1 year in Latin American tired me), I still have no intention to play "escape room" !!  ????


    Otherwise well i may choose Cambodia and wait for Thailand to be really willing to welcome tourists and more (i am planning the Elite visa, but only if...).


    Any update guys ?

    • Like 1
  9. And you may have problem at immigration too.

    This thing is in place since years, you have different options :

    - Plan exactly your trip and the ticket

    - Buy a cheap continuation bus ticket (may be valid only if border is open, idk)

    - Buy a refundable air continuation ticket (check the possible penalty though) to the cheapest destination. My favorite.

    It's another non-sense worldwide regulation, but easy to deal with.

    Last : in rare cases (like in Latin America...), at registration, you may need a printed copy, as they sometimes get lost with their system and just a reservation number.

    I miss the old time when traveling was a pleasant experience ???? 

    • Thanks 1
  10. Thanks but the issue/question is "forced", or not, or lottery-maybe, in case of any test positive with no symptom (no fever, no breathing difficulty)...

    Hospital or Hospitel or home, whatever. No symptom = normal omicron flu -> forced isolation, or not ?


    As far as i have read, it's lottery now.

    Not to mention a probable dual approach National/farang.


    I just think i will wait solid confirmation this rip-off is off ????

    Only then i'll be back.

    • Like 2
  11. Many people (me too) are just waiting those many-many restrictions, bureaucraty, and risks to be sent to hospital with no symptom, to be droped, before going back in Thailand.

    Actually i think it will happen only when the number of case goes down. Does not make too much sense with Omicron, but i think it's the logic here.

    Or they just don't want tourists, possible too.

    • Like 1
  12. Yes it may look like a good news... I am hoping too, can't compare Latin America to SE Asia and especially Thailand.

    BUT... They actually just changed the second test from PCR to Antigen, they did not scrap it, nor provide clarity about the forced hospitalization. 


    It's the Tourism and Sport Ministry whish, to return to normal, "this year maybe" indeed...

    We know how it works... Will see in a few months, if something official.

  13. Many here (including the news redactors) look like they did not really understand it's an investment privilege.

    More like a technicality.

    One invest in real estate, in equities, in a business, etc., having already an Elite visa, will have less trouble if he/she needs a work permit, for whatever bureaucratic reason, period.

    High level, but nothing unreal.

    You guys seriously thought it was to look for a job ? ???? Ho wait some did not read the actual article ? ????

    Who looks stupid here ? ????


  14. 4 hours ago, bennn said:

    How do you like Colombia? I am planning on heading there in January. Not really dangerous as long as you're not stupid? Much of a lockdown on now? Are the schools open?

    Any info much appreciated ????

    It's tense, politically, but does not affect tourists.

    The BIG problem with Latin America is the disconfort, total opposite to Thailand in particular. Noise, noise, more noise (and Klaxon in Colombia are something crazy annoying, even the scooter-taxi klaxon all-the-fuc..-time !).

    And to rent a house or something is almost mission impossible, that's something. Not to mention to rent a scooter, forget about it. And that's basic for a expat or a traveller.

    Hotels or AirB are too many time pathetics (but expensive though), small old beds, thin window, etc. Many things not working (Mexico airport permanent mess is telling you something about how everything will be complicated from the start), internet not working in some entire area for example too in Mexico, etc. Do not forget to check if the 4 stars hotel has hot water, it's not garanteed ???? Last but not least : trust cannot be strong.

    I mean outch ! How you miss Thailand after that !

    • Confused 1
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