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Posts posted by Sambotte

  1. As far as i remember this as never worked properly 100% all the time.


    90 days report is :

    - Totally useless : immigration has your address (everytime you move in a hotel, a condo, etc.), and borders knows if you are in the country

    - At immigration office : waste of time to just write "hello i'm here"

    - Online : not 100% working after YEARS


    90 days report is a very annoying bureaucratic useless nonsense.

    • Like 2
  2. 10 hours ago, phkauf said:

    They forgot to include the fact that in a recent poll 95% of Thai people don't want foreign tourists. I guess that muddies the message.

    Yep, and the "dirty farangs", the... expats are less prioritary than our monkeys and coconuts, immigration amnesty last minute..., the attitude of immigration, the amazing first place for road accident, the amazing ???? requirements to travel in (come enjoy our first class quarantine for 100K bahts), the not-so elite visa, etc.


    TAT will just wait a few years, or forever, to have the normal business. Or some will have to wake up * and to really want tourism business to come back. Would be easy if they really wanted that, Thailand was like N°1 for 50 years, until Immigration starts to be awfull, and until the "shelter" approach to covid.


    Can not have both ????


    * : before too late, and before many other countries will take the market Thailand loses.

    • Like 1
  3. OP : You answer by yourself, and that's good usually.


    You say it : has been a too long time, and she will not change. You are sick of it.


    So move. Can hardly be worse, can it ?


    I mean unless she has a medical issue that could explain and be fixed (hormones, orgasm, disease, etc.), or unless you find an exceptional shrink and your two cases are possibly modifiable in deep, situation will not improve.


    Kids that will not be easy, but better for them to not see you too so unhappy, so separated would be better for them too.


    Good luck. 

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Didn't someone recently test 1,000 Thais and find 20% had COVID anti-bodies?

    I'd say it's Thailands government lying that produces the good results.



    Centralized datas in a country with not too much transparency are arguable.

    I wonder if the datas from western countries are verifiable or not ?

    First thing one should do with any data is to wonder if it's exact, and how to verify that. Decentralized system are better for that, with the right mechanisms.


  5. 7 hours ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

    Those figures would make every intelligent person ''a bit'' worried!

    I have told my opinion about this pandePANIC elsewhere here.

    Human deal with viruses since millions years, nothing new here about a virus.

    0.1% deaths ? Mostly very old people with preconditions ?

    Not a reason to end the (normal) world.


    Many people just do not think enough, do not compare with other daily causes of deaths or sickness (road, pollution, obesity, war, etc.). Takes a working brain, not just one number and primitive fear reaction following breaking news and gouvernement agendas.


    We may agree on the "a little bit" worried.

    Not so much more like a total world panic, shelter, close the gates, stay at home or at country, in primitive fear...

    • Like 1
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  6. Poll is not too good. Choices 3 and 4 identical.


    And what do you mean by Thailand ? People ? Immigration / gouvernement ? Very different things.


    In my opinion Thaï people are still the same. Most are very polite, very honest, not agressive, good at business, easy, funny often, in one word "nice".

    But not too much at feelings i would say like that ???? I mean somehow no one really cares in deep. But same between them. Different culture, less deep, and less agressive too. 


    What as definitely changed is Immigration. And so gouvernement. Obviously they just want short time tourists, medical tourists, big pack Chineese tourists, and they make more and more problem to expats or long travellers (and to squatters cheap Charlies but that "at least" can be understandable ???? - sorry guys -).


    And i would say the same number of frustrated usual (in the world to compare) people, searching for scapegoat, and xenophobia. What as changed here (like in many countries) is that those losers feel free to show their bad feelings, their xenophobia and hate. Very small part of population but like violence, it as a bad impact.


    So actually i would not say Thailand is becoming less friendly. Just Immigration, and some frustrated haters. Thai people are still very nice and basically easy-living with.


    So let's hope this gouvernement will not go further and totally ruin a long history and tradition of respect and hospitality. But frankly, a guy like Anutin talking trash like "dirty farang", and others almost saying "farang go home", is very bad.

    Again, this does not, imo, represent Thai people.

    • Like 1
  7. Tests SHOULD be the way to get rid of the infamous quarantine, no ?

    AND to restore the international flights (without last minute ban like we see).


    - Test 15 days before departure

    - Test on arrival. PERIOD. (ha ha... yep 15 days period...)

    NO F. QUARANTINE. And no other certificate or requirement (and of course no mandatory assurance)

    - Test 1 or 2 weeks after for the ambiant paranoia.


    Would be correct, and make the tourism/travel/investors business restart.

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, jackdd said:

    When i go to a restaurant i don't wear a mask. Eating with a mask would be quite difficult.


    New normal, you have been told and told. So :

    USE A STRAW you have adapted in advance to your mask (precisely please) ! Wash it with chemicals before and after. Ask your meal overcooked (you never know). And passed in a mixer (better not forget this one)...

    For your safety.

  9. Good to see someone wake up.

    Niwes Hemvachiravarakorn

    It's not only about the "economics", it's thousands of Thaïs people whose business will definitely close if a few more month of extreme reaction continue, thousands have already lost a job, and thousands were making money directly (no official business but a lot here) with farangs.

    It's way more than 20% gdsomething in real, and it's a huge psychological impact.

    And to say it again : for a single virus, human body deal with virus since millions years, and there are many other biger problems : pollutions, traffic accident, etc.

    Thailand has reacted in panic mode, with nonsense, but hey, what has the entire world done ? Same-same insane, but hopefully different ?...

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    All the major vaccine development groups have committed to making any eventual vaccine that they might come up with, available on a non-profit basis. This is also a pre-requisite for any vaccine development effort receiving funding from either the Gates Foundation or the Global Vaccine Alliance - and a large proportion of the vaccine groups have accepted funding from these two organisations.

    You really are a believer ????

    How explain then Companies working on a vaccine going UP at any annoucement in Wall Street.

    I guess the guys did not get your info ????

    • Like 1
  11. Total BS...


    Immune system is everything in human body.

    We would not be there otherwise ! Millions years to prove it.

    Medecine does not know much about how it works, they even admit it (but not much the medias)

    And if there was no steady immune response how a vaccine could work better anyway ?

    Looks like some want to SELL the vaccine. Big money. Or who knows : worse ?

    No way i will get this vaccine personally.


    Looks bad those "news" and insane debates. Either we go for "permanent fear and control" because of the "new enemy" : the virus (permanent war, again and again, exceptionnal but permanent mesures of control, fear and more media-fear...) ; either people wake up and we have basic "normality" again...

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