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Posts posted by Sambotte

  1. 7 hours ago, blanes2007 said:

    At the Promenada office they confirmed that my Tourist Visa really might be extended and after 2 hrs I got the 30 days stamp till 26th of Oct.


    There also was the next "innovation": now they ask an applicants to write GPS coordinates of their home

    Seriously ?

    And were you on visa or visa exempt ?

    Looks like good news for me...

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, JacksSmirkingRevenge said:

    Richard Burrow doesn't think there be an extension and he didn't push for one last like the previous times. 

    UbonJoe thinks it'll be happen. 

    I am not sure. .

    I hope so.  

    Would not be free, for sure.

    I would say the tourist 9 months visa (but it's still cheap), or a special visa inside Thailand, more expensive but more than the poor 30 days with problematic document (i hope).

  3. Pathetic to see such a liar and fearmonger.


    A researcher ? Seriously ? How inacurate is he.


    Stay close mean not just loss for big business but for entire country.

    All tourism sector, small, medium, big, not just big.

    So all related tax income too

    All small and medium Thaïs people who used to benefit from foreigners

    Including condo owners etc.

    Psychological dramas : families separated for very long times. 


    And 6 months like i knows exactly the time (for a vaccine being applied and mandatory i guess).

    Pathetic. Wonder what's his personal agenda / interest.

    • Like 1
  4. 47 minutes ago, Ganesh108 said:

    The difference being that Thailand is heavily dependent on international tourism, Japan is not. I guarantee if people get kicked out on 26th, it will create massive negative press abroad, and many of the folks forced to leave will never return. Not to mention if overstayers are dragged off to languish in a Thai jail - a PR disaster of epic proportions.


    Thailand needs to be as kind as possible to its visitors, and karma will be kind to Thailand.  




    Is there any country that has expelled foreigners in this world "crisis" ?

    Would look terrible. And remembered for sure.

    But again : the late annoncements are to keep the immigration business via agents.

    And the obvious point is Thailand lose a ton of money with no tourists, can not open for fear reasons (not arguing here), and foreigners already here are covid free and for most spending good money... Obvious political, image, and business wise : a kind of visa / permission to stay in country with no hassle but high fee should be annonced imo.

  5. 2 hours ago, mark131v said:

    I think you will find in general motorcycles have much better brakes and suspension than scooters


    Having the power to go around a numpty and create space has saved me more than once and no doubt will do so again


    It's been mentioned before by other posters but do not disregard what has been mentioned about the average road user being more aware of bigger bikes it's a massive benefit 

    Not convince about this point (agree with previous) : too many Thaïs drivers don't give a s., they pass in front of you (opposite way), thinking you should go sideway maybe ?...


    I have found that only the extra lights (preferably flashing) reduce this criminal behaviour by 95%+

    Without, Big Bike vs scooter, maybe only 50% less opposite enemies ????

    Cheap. Can make a big difference.

  6. 2 hours ago, Barnabe said:


    Many have done it in Europe to Asia trips. Does that make it safe, or a good idea?


    Have you ever rode 600km in a Thai highway? Do you ride regularly on highways? How are you going escape if you have two trucks overtaking each other and closing in on you?


    Most traffic in highways runs above 120 km/h. You're gonna be slower than them, and overtaken by trucks. It's incredibly unsafe. Don't compare Vietnam or other places, the average speed there is much lower than in Thailand.


    I'm with you inside the city - scooter is the way to go AND safer. But outside, in a main road? No way.


    There's no power to escape dangerous situations. The brakes are OK but miles from the brakes on a proper bike like the CB500X.


    Exactly. With power you can escape trouble, or pass car and trucks more safely.

    Better brakes, better tires too ! The front tire is your life !

    And suspensions. It's very important with the roads here, holes etc.

    Really good on 500X i find.

  7. I did not like the Versys personnaly. Not really more powerfull, equilibrium not so good, suspension maybe not perfect...

    And guys : a 500X is definitely not a beginners bike ???? 


    Forgot a few things :

    Make sure you are equiped adequately. Helmet, jacket, etc. For comfort. Fix it before you start or stop for that, never during riding (since you are always 100% focused on driving).

    Important on the 500x : you need a "bubble" ? do not know the word... Protection for the front wind. Especially if you are tall. The basic one is like none. If possible rent a bike with a good one.

  8. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Ok, Thai will die before they will relinquish controls on who's is or going in their kingdom,by the same token no other country in the world allow free entry into their land and territories, so wishful thinking, but will not happen, ever...

    Many countries have the right tourism / expats / travelers / businessman approche.

    Panama : 6 months on arrival, easy to stay more.

    Colombia : 3 months, renew 3 months

    Malaysia is still 3 months on arrival too no ?


    Clearly Thailand target(ed) only the short terms tourists, with a poor 1 month, with random denials.

    Not much better with the 2 months tourist visa, and all the complicated visas often 3 months then only extension.

    And the "Elite" visa is not really a good deal.


    Could change.

    • Like 1
  9. Problem with Thai Elite Visa is :

    You have NO Garantee you can go out Thailand and come back. You may be restricted depending on witch country you go if a panic occurs, or cases in Thailand and borders closed again and again, insurrance 100K USD (can change any day why not 1Mo ?), tests, certificates, quarantines, etc. etc.


    In short Elite Visa is an option ONLY if one is sure to STAY in Thailand. No travel. 5 years.

    500K for that ? ????

  10. 6 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    If you did not yet use up the 'regular' 30 days extension of stay your Tourist Visa entitles you to, you can still apply for it.  Same goes for the 60-day extension of stay for reason of visiting your Thai wife / dependent Thai child.

    Shouldn't matter which one you use first, and normally the permission to stay from your application would be provided with start date 27 September.

    When you intend to use them sequentially (which would provide you with a permission to stay till 24 December) to wait out till the borders open again, you need to be aware that you need at least 15 days (some offices require 23 days) to apply for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa in case the borders are not open by mid December.

    Also be aware that it is not sure when applying for the special 30-day extension of stay using an Embassy letter, that such 'special extension' would allow you later on to apply for a long-term stay.  So in your case it is recommended to first use up the regular 30-day and 60-day extension of stay which you are entitled to.


    Theorically for the 30 days extension.

    Of course Immigration refuse to do it for grabing the agent fee.


    Question : this 30 days normal extension...

    -> Does not cancel your shot at a long term conversion ? Not like the "special" ?...

    -> One can do it last day, no need for delay ?

    -> Can one argue in case of refusal that really nothing official prevent you to get this extension ?

    Problem i have is Immigration HOT LINE says "only te special"... In short : is there anything OFFICIAL about this "normal" extension ???


    That would let one have 30 days more to think about the agent-immig rip-off... to find a reliable agent, option, and better deal.

  11. 3 minutes ago, FlyingThai said:

    This means nothing and has been announced by Phuket immigration. Ignore it and wait for the cabinets decision within the next two weeks.


    Those who were able to provide a medical certificate have always been allowed to extend their stay. If this is supposed to address the open letter of the German guy in Phuket, sorry but he won't qualify for either a medical "Not Fit For Fly" and the German Embassy won't issue him a letter either.

    Yep actually this "media" made a total lie with there title...


    There is absolutely NOTHING new in this "news"...


    Another pathetic media ?...

    • Like 2
  12. 13 minutes ago, Daithi85 said:

    Some embassies are issuing letters.

    Seriously again : almost every country take extreme measures for a "dramatic pandemy". Every doctor says it will last, minimum months.

    So to go from Thailand "virus free" to any of those country is taking health risk, they could not deny that. So they have to issue those letters.

    I suggest if this letter is required to put pressure on otherwise non sense refusal from our gouvernements.

    Simple logic. Pandemy, virus cases, world "safety" measures. A letter let you stay in a safe country. Gouvernement will not be able to say no. If this goes public.


    That said, wait and see. Letters are not good business for nobody.

    Still hope Thailand will do good business here. Clear, no "agent required", why not the 9 month visa too ??? People here are covid free. Winner-winner.

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