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Everything posted by placnx

  1. It will be impossible to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank without shrinking these settlements and dismantling the most egregious, such as Hebron. Settler rampages show that a lot of thought would have to go into stop them from being a danger to Palestinians. Or offending settlers would have to be banned from the West Bank; extraterritorial status of settlers should be limited so that crimes committed in the West Bank (against Palestinians) would fall under Palestinian law. It will be a very heavy lift to achieve a viable Palestinian state.
  2. They had a potential leader in Marwan Barghouti after the failed Oslo Accords, but he's been locked up for some time. I don't know whether he would be relevant any more, now age 64, but Mandela was locked up for 28 years and became preident at age 75. Marwan also has a very articulate cousin, Mustafa Barghouti, who is also involved in politics. Ultra-Zionists believe that to all belongs to them, including Gaza and the West Bank, maybe Sinai, too, and part of Jordan??? No need the compensate for stolen land since it already belongs to them.
  3. So do we need to file TM 30 on the new system (after setting it up) if we filed in June on the old system? We tried but it stuck on "in progress" and now about a month later we can't find the filing on the new system.
  4. I put the expiration date of extension of stay. Now another problem: We took a screenshot when listing me was "in progress" back in September, concerning a reentry last June. We did do a report on the old online system and took a screenshot of that file. Now we are trying to access the report on the new system, but it seems to allow asking to search for filings for previous seven days only. If we do that, there is "no data". Does the "in progress" leave the possibility that the filing failed? Since I have to do annual extension next week, what to do?
  5. Why don't you and the ultra-Zionists recognize the Palestinians and their human rights? The narrative ca 1950 was that the oppressed new arrivals were making the desert bloom in a land devoid of people. Where was the respect for Palestinians then? Anyone who questions Israel's policies toward Palestinians gets flogged with the "right to exist" line as though that was existential. At this point it's the Palestinians right to exist which is the real question.
  6. "No"? Nitpicking becomes you. You know very well what I meant. Your links do not really counter the essence of my post. The point of evoking the principal Arab Revolt against the Ottomans was that there were serious political aspirations of Arab nationalism, which you may know were thwarted by the British et al in betrayal of promises made in return for their service against the Ottomans. Not nitpicking, but replying to one of your arguments - that people were politically indifferent, so no need for a state of their own. Palestinians were not indifferent then and are not now. Also the Wiki on the 1936-39 Arab Revolt in Palestine shows that the Palestinians attempted to resist Jewish colonisation, but were unable to sustain their struggle in the face of brutal suppression by Wingate's forces in particular.
  7. No, the Arab Revolt was against the Ottoman Empire: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Revolt The hope was to establish an Arab state "from Aleppo to Aden" in Yemen. You mean this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936–1939_Arab_revolt_in_Palestine This was in opposition to Jewish immigration that had grown under the British mandate from 57,000 to 320,000 in 1935. Regarding Wingate, here's an article about him from Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/75-years-after-his-death-why-orde-wingate-remains-a-hero-in-israel/ The Arab Revolt was resistance against occupation. The link about Wingate contains the section "Palestine and the Special Night Squads" which mentions the horrible abuses, but the following link contains more detail: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Night_Squads Without studying history, it's difficult to understand why Palestinians speak with such hysteria when interviewed by BBC, etc.
  8. The $300bn claim is a from a footnoted 2007 article in the Jerusalem Post. It cannot be accessed by me, but maybe by a Port subscriber if any of you subscribe. The link does say that the figures are in 2007 Dollars. The group which created the link is a Zionist lobby group. Among their political activities: "JIMENA played a key role in the unanimous passage of House Resolution 185 by the U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday, February 27, 2008.[4][6] This resolution urges the President to ensure that when refugees from the Middle East are discussed in international forums, any reference to Palestinian refugees be matched by a similarly explicit reference to Jewish and other refugee populations.[7]"
  9. In the 1930s the Palestinians were disarmed by the British, while a British army officer and Christian Zionist named Orde Wingate trained Jewish commandos including Moshe Dayan into a precursor of the IDF. The program to expel the Palestinians was well-organized, and the British just wanted out in 1947. As I said before, they needed to be protected by Egypt and Jordan so a separate state was not feasible at the time. As to whether the two-state solution is reborn, it depends on the Israeli ground assault and the world's perception of it.
  10. You must mean Jewish immigrants, as Arabs are not allowed to immigrate to Israel. I covered that issue of Jewish people with more connections to the colonial country than Israel, that compensation would concern the country that received the people who left the Arab country in question, not necessarily Israel. There are anecdotes of Jewish people making incredible claims of vast wealth, but how and when, if true, was that accumulated? Did they arrive in the vanguard of colonial powers, or were they among the majority whose ancestors lived many centuries in Arab & Muslim lands? BTW Do you have a link for the $300 bn claim? That would average to about $500,000 per person! Is your number in 1948 Dollars or inflation adjusted?
  11. Same question was asked in the 1980s regarding South Africa. Reagan administration supported apartheid. US opposition is now the main obstacle for any démarche in the Security Council.
  12. How could the Palestinians have a state when they had no means to defend themselves against Israel? They could only survive with Egypt's and Jordan's protection. A two-state solution will only ever happen if Israel is forced by international opprobrium to let it happen, not by negotiations between Goliath, i.e. Israel, and David. In 1967, again Palestinians were forced to flee to Jordan and cannot return to the West Bank.
  13. I was responding to the claim that the expulsion of Jews from Arab/Muslim lands cancels out any obligation for Israel to compensate for around 750,000 Palestinans who fled or were expelled from Israel in the 1947-8 Nakba. Looking at official Israeli figures, the case of Algeria shows that 10000 people emigrated in 1948-58, while in the next decade, following Algerian independence, nearly the entire Jewish population of 130,000 emigrated to France, not Israel. So logically compensation for this would be a matter between France and Algeria and have no bearing on Israel's excuse for not compensating dispossed Palestinians. From the beginning compensation for Palestinians, if not repatriation, has been an issue of international concern: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_194 In the present situation, the veto of the US, blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza, will apparently end up having humanitarian aid being discussed and voted in the General Assembly, in the same way as happened with Russia's invasion of Ukraine where the Security Council was paralyzed by the Russian veto.
  14. I didn't think to get a GoodRX coupon, so I had to pay $225 at CVS in LA.
  15. If there could be an analysis, most Jewish immigrants from Arab countries were poor Sephardis, while wealthy ones were predominantly recent arrivals with European colonialism. If that's the case, such disposessed transplants should take it up with their colonial sponsors. As for the number of immigrants, the total from all countries in the period 1948-51, the mass migration years, is 687,624. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/total-immigration-to-israel-by-year
  16. It would be better put as 75 years of dispossession. They should have at least received compensation if not allowed to return to their homes.
  17. Let's hope that weapons are not stored in any hospital, much less that a hospital is a base for firing missiles. Legitimate? It would have to be a severe immediate threat to justify attacking a functioning hospital, I think, besides the issue of proportionality.
  18. I've not heard Israel making a claim that missiles were fired from hospitals. There was an instance of missiles stored in an UNWRA school. https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/press-releases/unrwa-condemns-placement-rockets-second-time-one-its-schools
  19. The photos of before & after in the New York Times of several areas bombed don't seem to show any deeper craters indicating that underground structures were penetrated, only that surface structures were erased. It would be helpful if some reporting would address the question of whether any tunnels, etc, were hit with those 6000 bombs.
  20. From the link which I cited, they have been going after abuses in Africa quite a bit. https://www.icc-cpi.int/cases The previous prosecutor was banned from the US, even though US actors have not been charged, nor has any case affecting US interests been advanced AFAIK.
  21. I am not a theologian. People who ascribe God's Will to events have a certain fatalistic mentality. That's dangerous.
  22. Predictably, this bombing led to the cancelation of the meeting in Amman. I believe that the meeting agenda was humanitarian aid and even discussion of a cease fire - not anything that would suit Bibi's agenda. It may take 50-60 year, if ever, to see in archives what was discussed, decided, ordered by the Israeli leadership.
  23. True, probably more, but the IDF were dropping 6000 bombs intentionally on residences. Hamas rockets land whereever, by God's will. In the past, most landed without causing injury to people, but set off a lot of alarms. The 6000 bombs were dropped without the warning that they do, but maybe those warnings are only for rocket attacks.
  24. Just a reasonable assumption. As for the situation in Israel proper here are two articles for your edification: https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/05/12/israel-discriminatory-land-policies-hem-palestinians https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/real-estate/2023-04-11/ty-article/.premium/dont-call-it-a-housing-crisis-the-discriminatory-plight-of-israeli-arabs/00000187-526f-dde0-afb7-7e7f62cc0000
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