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Posts posted by NOC

  1. I feel for the OP since he has understandably grown close to the girls in the absence of their mum. However, she is probably already married to, or deeply involved with some other guy in the US so pulling the plug on house maintenance in Thailand and fleeing the coop isn't going to bother her too much. Bear in mind they are her kids and they are almost certainly likely to go with her if/when it comes to the crunch.

    If you feel like divorcing to save what little you have, you would need to consider where you were married. If in the US, you would have to go back and face all what that entails but much easier here. All you need to do is 'disappear' for while, ensuring all contacts are broken and then sue for a local divorce on grounds of separation. When was the last time you physically met or heard from her? You may be able to kick-start the divorce proceedings today.

    Maybe she is aware of the rules. She comes to Thailand slightly more than once a year. She just drops in. Sex has been eliminated by her. I am hoping that since she does not know where I am, visits will be eliminated. She calls once in a while.

    Sometimes the best defense is a good offense.

    If it were me being played like a banjo at a Kentucky hoe down, I'd find a ruthless divorce attorney and initiate proceedings before she does.

    You should get half of everything she owns in the US. Tell her to factor that cost into her green card, and if she doesn't like it, you're attorney can start an investigation into it's status.

    Martindale.com is your friend. http://www.martindale.com/

  2. You don't have to listen to me. Instead you can listen to the others on this thread that have businesses and manage to retain staff. They can do it but you can't. So ask their advice. Same with girlfriends. Ask advice of people that have successful relationships. If all your friends have similar problems, as you stated above, then don't take their advice. Plenty of good advice on here from others. Up to you whether you want to take it or not.

    So answer simple direct question.

    Which bar or forum have you gained your knowledge and experience about Thai labor, working with Thai and managing Thai?

    There is a good reason, why there are so many complaints about bad service and lack of knowledge, no matter where one goes.

    Its certainly NOT because they underpaid or unfairly treatedthumbsup.gif

    As for girlfriend remark, as i replied to you on another thread, you are so delusional, that it would not be possible to open your eyes, so no point wasting my time.

    But in case you missed it, good girls are NOT attracted to foreign men, double the age and weight, no matter what your good girl is telling you.

    I couldn't listen to him if I wanted to. The sound of his voice would likely be muffled and distorted by the flapping of his butt cheeks as he tried to speak.

  3. Spare no punishment on him if he is guilty.

    He deserves everything he gets.

    Only its not going to be enough to account for the lives of the 20 dead people.

    Terrorism is the most heinous crime I can imagine. It randomly targets innocent people.

    I think the only law that might work to combat it, is to redirect the attack back on the terrorists families.

    20 lives from the families of each of the terrorists should be forfeit. Wipe away blood lines. Terrorism is a disease and like any disease, its got to be stopped.

    That way anyone who wants to protect their families must inform on anyone they suspect. And every terrorist action has an equal and obviously unjust punishment for the terrorists.

    It sounds cruel, but no less cruel than the random people they kill.

    Rape, is the most heinous crime I can imagine.

    Most terrorism, not all but most, is state sponsored, so we should stop paying taxes to governments that sponsor or endorse terrorism!

  4. OP


    You are fantasising !

    At the age of 23, with little or no education or skill the chances of living in Thailand permanently range between zero and nil.

    I apologise for being the the one to tell you the truth.

    Its not as I I have no education but what I have is pretty useless in Thailand. I just wanted to know what skills I could gain to get a job there. I know there's not many as lets face it Thai people aren't stupid they can do everything foreign people can do to pretty much the same standard if not better.

    Obviously you have no experience whatsoever living in Thailand, making such a statement.

    "They can do everything foreign people can do to pretty much the same standard as better".

    What have you had them do for you?

    You tell me what Thai people cant do and what you can do better than they can?

    Then maybe I will choose the same career as you.

    Lots of people on here saying do computer programming as other things related but from what I have seen in the 2 years of living there, Thai people can also do this.

    Really? Find me a php programmer who can speak English and understands how to do things the right way then!

    You have been given some rock solid advice. It's time to let you flounder around like a fish out of water. When the water behind your ears dries up, then you might have a chance at life.

  5. What purpose would jailing them do ?

    I suspect a very large percentage of nightclubs are no different than this place in regard to health and safety. With no efficient policing of regulations, a prison sentence for these guys wouldn't have been a deterrent, owners will just ensure they have stool pigeons in place.

    This is a worldwide problem, often fatal nightclub fires unearth breaches of regulations even in the west.

    In a country where human life is cheap and ensuring peoples safety is an avoidable business expense why should they bother, the chance of it happening to their nightclub is pretty small in % terms.

    Yes I know the reasons why they should bother but thats a falang viewpoint and this is Thailand with that special ingredient, Thainess.

    That special ingredient, Thainess, has a guaranteed way of making people hate Thailand. That's a falang point of view for ya'. thumbsup.gif

  6. Only 6, tip of the iceberg.

    He's obviously no clue whats going on in Chiang Mai.

    Fire the boss and set up an English Speaking Anonymous whistle-blower line.

    Yes, we need a line where we can call, like 1584 for the taxis. It would be good to set up a facebook page where people can post the picture of the offending _______________ (insert appropriate adjective here)

    It seems social media is the Achilles heel here. (weak spot)

  7. TGF's sister pays her staff day by day. They come in, they get paid. They don't come in, they don't get paid. She feeds them too.

    I think with the Thai mindset, 'live for here and now', with too much money in their pocket, you are not the 'here and now'.

    If you're hiring college grads or professionals, build a clause into their employment contract that is attendance and performance based.

    Hire for personality, train for success, manage by paycheck, terminate through documentation.

    These are good points.

    I'm in the process of setting up a business and will certainly implement these suggestions.

    I am also going to pay monthly (may change to weekly) bonuses, but I think I might make the bonus based not only on sales but also attendance. No point if one of my staff earns a few thousand in bonuses on Monday & Tuesday then doesn't show up on Wed, Thursday because they feel like they made enough that week.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I don't want to teach you how to suck eggs, or suggest that I know much about implementing bonus schemes because I am, like you, trying to devise one for my company, but there seems to be a huge psychological aspect to bonuses and incentives that is maybe worth investigating, if you have not done so already. Google 'how to implement a bonus scheme' and you will see the many, many thoughts on structures and results.

    Salaries should always be performance and longevity based.

    The old Jew who taught me based his bonuses upon his daily income. If he hit his number, there was a cash bonus paid that day. If he didn't hit his number, or you pissed him off, go suck eggs.

  8. Well it would be much better had the policeman faced criminal charges for his attack, judges tend to take a dim view of members of the constabulary taking the law into their own hands, in some countries at least.

    However demanding free meals isn't the preserve of Thailand. For many years J Edgar Hoover with his friend used to go to the same restaurant and were never presented with a bill. When a new owner took over Hoover was presented with the first bill in many years and when told he had to pay from then on refused to go there any more.

    Didn't you mean, 'J.Edgar Hoover with is male lover'?

    I guess if you're straight or gay, having a name like 'hoover' is a good thing.


  9. You want first class insurance for one simple reason.

    If you hit someone and they die, your white butt is going to jail until it gets sorted. First class insurance provides you bail money so you don't sit in jail.

    Your other option is having 200,000 in cash available to get out of jail.

    Choose wisely!

    Bail has nothing to do with first class insurance.

    First class covers damage to own car, only available for newish cars. Op needs a good 3rd party insurance.

    That's new information. So, is there a third party policy that has a bail clause for an older car? smile.png

  10. He is not required to pay Thai income tax on offshore income unless it is remitted in the year earned even if he is resident, whatever Paypal report, however much income there is - the same as every other resident here, Thai and non-Thai, whatever their visa status.

    As I stated before, many (if not most) countries do not apply tax to foreign income of non resident citizens.

    Why should someone pay tax that they are not legally required to? If one feels like being philanthropic, there are plenty of good causes that can be donated to independently.

    More importantly though - how is it relevant to this topic about health insurance?

    he is just grumpy old american, he is jealous EU countried do not bleed you dry if you not live there....

    I don't see him as a grumpy old American. I see him as an astute individual.

    I do the same thing, but I throw in off-shore nominee corporations owned by anonymous trusts in countries with banking privacy laws and no tax treaties, just for good measure.

    It's my form of passive resistance. biggrin.png

  11. TGF's sister pays her staff day by day. They come in, they get paid. They don't come in, they don't get paid. She feeds them too.

    I think with the Thai mindset, 'live for here and now', with too much money in their pocket, you are not the 'here and now'.

    If you're hiring college grads or professionals, build a clause into their employment contract that is attendance and performance based.

    Hire for personality, train for success, manage by paycheck, terminate through documentation.

  12. "There is no reason for you to rent a guesthouse in your girlfriends name. If you have the lease in your name, you can do some work as a 'owner' without having a work premit."

    I copied that from a post made in 2009. Is this still true?....anyone know more?

    Not true you need work permit and to get 1 you need 6 staff and a salary of 35,000 Bt per month

    speak to a lawyer

    Hi Happy, I've read that 4 Thai staff are necessary to sponsor 1 foreigner for a work permit....2 Thai staff if married....this sometimes depends on the region you're in.

    Also read that Europe and Australia, Canada, Japan, the United States of America (except Russia) requires a min. salary of bt50,000 per month.

    Any idea what is true?

    I assume it would be possible to create a business, sign the lease myself, not get a work permit or work, and live off profit.....this possible?

    And yes, I plan on seeing a lawyer soon.

    Thanks for your help....

    I'm not sure which will be the worst investment. Throwing your money away on a guest house investment, or throwing your money away on a lawyer!

    Follow the advice offered. Look around! Take your time. Run some counter-intelligence on your GF. Look for red flags. Have a back-up plan.

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