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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 6 hours ago, stravers said:

    I can be happy anywhere as long as there's regular girls that are interested in meeting me. Not bar girls.


    I've been to CM a few times and the student body did not seem to look in my direction. I felt maybe it's a faux pas to go with farangs up there?


    students are still young with enough prospects not to need a foreign boyfriend.

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  2. 3 hours ago, gamini said:

    Abhisit Is one of the few leaders who have got class, good breading, uncorruptible and high integrity as well as being very well educated. He was PM under very difficult circumstances and under a lot of pressure. He has learned a lot and his time will come. Hopefully he will again lead Thailand because there really isn't anyone to compare with him.

    he wanted the coup so the army could take power and hand it over to him right? all the time he is fronting the so called democratic party.

  3. 18 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    Bizarrely the one segment of the industry they seem determined to curtail is the intercultural extended stay tourist ( often with a keen interest in horizontal folk dancing)....they seem to be getting the rough end of the pineapple in various ways, despite the fact that the expenditure is much greater than ( and is spread far more widely) than the average short-stay airfare/hotel package people.

    a fair point. they should be looking after the tourists they have before worrying about new ones. not so politically correct to be wooing us old fat sex tourists however.

  4. 17 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    IMO the best thing you can do is look for a new place as soon as possible. 


    The law is on your side, however, is it really worth it to you and your family to allow things to go sour?


    Negotiate some 'house hunting time' with the owner and hope that they are reasonable. 


    Failing that if you are the 'fighting sort'  you can choose to fight this, refuse to move out, fight it in court or sue the owner... But it will take over your life and life is too short. Find a new place, move on, get your deposit back...


    Life can be easier with some give and take... 

    excellent advice i suspect you have been in thailand for some time. having the law on your side in thailand means very little. best to put the emotions aside and just to negotiate the best possible outcome.

  5. 1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:


    At even just new one per week, that would be about 520. But, that is not important. What is important here, for all men with these predilections to understand, is that there is a way to do this right, and there is a way to do this altogether wrong. Just look at Tiger. He is now the new model for doing things wrong. For being stupid. For being ignorant, callous, dumb, thick headed, and for not taking anyone's advice. He could have easily avoided this, as I stated in my previous post. Easily. Without sacrificing anything. Maybe he wanted this to happen?

    it is possible he got so confident that he though his wife would stay with him for the good of his kids he thought he could just do what he wanted. 

  6. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    When that incident happened with his wife, I said his career was basically over. He never had any mojo after that. It was all gone. The swagger disappeared. Had he done what many other professional athletes, movie stars, and famous people do, this never would have happened. All he needed to do was to spend $300,000 a year on a hooker budget. He could have had the finest escorts, in any city he visited, and had absolute discretion, with no threat to the well being of his family, his sponsors, or his career. But no, instead he decided that he could pick up TGI Friday hostesses, and get away with it. I am told he promised them the world, flew them around on his private jet, then dumped them after a few weeks. 


    I have a friend who knows Tiger. He says he is basically a nice guy (if you overlook the way he treated these gals he wined and dined and dumped), but the cheapest man he has ever known. He said the reason he is not more careful, or discreet, is due to how pathologically cheap he is. He refuses to pay for it. He will barely leave a tip, for a $1,000 meal with friends. So, instead of paying out $3 million, over the course of ten years, he has paid out $250 million for a divorce settlement, and lost over a billion dollars in endorsements. Smart. What can one day about this guy?


    his wife just had to last to 10 years to get a life time payout. amazingly enough she managed to just make  to 10 years. have to wonder how many girls he had over those 10 years.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Redline said:

    Oh ok.  I have properties on the proposed Pink line.  If it ever gets built, I will do ok.  They started doing soil samples a few days ago.  I bought with Supalai and Sansiri for the condos, and the house is rising rapidly in price.  They will all be very close to the train stop.  We will see~fingers crossed...

    well good luck with that. the developer was demanding final payment for  my 2 condos which were pretty much finished but had no titles. 5 years to build and i suspect the bank is holding the titles against money borrowed. has happened to guys i know on other projects. they have paid for condos but dont have titles.

  8. 2 minutes ago, trogers said:

    Why Pattaya? Hoping for good and steady rental income?

    i lived in pattaya for 9 years. during that time i bought 2 shop houses and chopped them into apartments. i realized quickly the rent was not worth the hassle and managed to sell them. i then bought 2 condos to join together to live in. 5 years later they are still not finished and i have 2 young kids. i dont want them to grow up in thailand so i dumped the condos for a loss. i still have a business in thailand which is on a downward slide so i will probably close it soon. will be nice to have nothing left in thailand. i will probably retire back to thailand but i will rent everything and live out of a kiwi ATM card. thats how to truly enjoy thai life.

  9. i am done. i would never buy a property in thailand again. the market at best can only be called stagnant. hardly anyone can get a mortgage to buy property and even if they could they would only buy new. the condo market is probably even worse than houses. condo owners often dont pay their fees or the management companies simple pocket any fees that are paid. not to forget the legal minefield of not being actually legally able to own land and dealing with the corrupt land office. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    They say one million baht buys a transfer to Pattaya.  They say the loan is usually paid back within a year.


    I wonder what the monthly repayments on a Merc are - more than 30,000?

    we were in his office overlooking the carpark and he was extorting money out of me for being caught with the wrong address in my work permit. he said i earn 250 000thb/month and he earned only 30 000thb/month inferring i should give him some money. i looked out at my beat up pickup parked near his merc. hard to argue with him as he was holding my passport however.

  11. 3 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    They are paid to 'Serve and protect' - though few signs of this are evident.  You are correct in saying if there is no extra money, police won't crawl out from behind their desk.

    cops get paid almost nothing. not even enough to pay back the loans they need to pay to buy their jobs and promotions. the top cop at na jomtien told me his salary get 30 000thb/month. surprising as he has a nice shiny Mercedes.  cops dont become cops to serve and protect.

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