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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 4 minutes ago, TPI said:

    Try and think about it in this way, lets say that England didn't have its gun control laws, how far do you think these 3 guys would have got if the citizens could protect themselves??  :smile::wai:

    try to think of it this way. america has 5% of the worlds population and almost a third of the worlds mass shootings. you seriously believe more guns means less mass shootings?

  2. 45 minutes ago, timkeen08 said:

    In reference to other countries policies and citizenship : FYI, Naturalized American citizens can have their citizenship recended and then can be deported. Native born American citizens cannot, just prison time or death penalty. No flogging allowed for either.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk

    interesting to know. i thought to get an american citizenship you had to give up your other one. how can they then deport them if that is correct?

  3. ok, enough is enough but whats the answer?  japan has a very effective policy but it is too late for that. even thailand has a good policy of not giving out citizenship very easily. many grumble but i agree with it. put people on long term visas and kick them out if there is any trouble. if a number of people in one religious center make a problem close that center down.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    Good luck. Under Trump new student loans will cost more.

    The interest rate for undergraduate students is 4.45% for the 2017-18 school year, up from 3.76% for the current year. Graduate students can borrow at a rate of 6%, up from 5.31%. And for graduate students and parents who take out PLUS loans, the interest rate will be 7%, up from 6.31%.


    The interest rate for undergraduate students is 4.45% for the 2017-18 school year, up from 3.76% for the current year. Graduate students can borrow at a rate of 6%, up from 5.31%. And for graduate students and parents who take out PLUS loans, the interest rate will be 7%, up from 6.31%.

    i just watched a documentary on the situation on student loans in  the US. students are also borrowing off private firms for up to 18%. student loans are going to cripple many financially for years to come.

  5. 11 hours ago, louse1953 said:

    She can do both you know.I suppose you'd just let things be eh?

    yep. live in thailand for a while and you have to adopt the 'let it slide' mentality or you will not enjoy your life or you will end up a basket case.

    like another poster said medical tests have a margin for error. thats life the world over, not just thailand. accept the situation and move on.

  6. 2 hours ago, murraynz said:

    thailand would be a much nicer place-if there were more people around like him...i pick up rubbish every morning when i go for a walk,,,,the strange looks i get from the local people--are unreal....they should implement a fine system for rubbish xdroppers....

    there is a fine system but it is only applied to foreigners dropping their cigarette butts because there is no where to put them.


  7. 8 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    Are you seriously suggesting that either can ever be won?


    A far as Afghanistan is concerned, it's time that ALL foreign troops were withdrawn completely. Leave them to resolve their own problems the Afghan way. They've been doing it for many, many years.


    In fact, the only periods that the country has ever enjoyed any peace (at least, relatively speaking) was when they were left to their own devices.

    of course neither can be won. l agree its time to get out of the middle east. there will be a few years of pain  but it would be for the long term good.

  8. trump is a character.  he has said loads of funny stuff including how he would not go into politics because thats what stupid people do. he seems to be able to say anything and get away with it. that is a rare skill. going to be interesting to see what he is able to do with the rest of his 4 years. i genuinely believe america can not be saved from the slippery slope it is on. interest rates cant be lowered and there must be a limit to the stimulus spending. i just hear student debt alone is 1.3 trillion dollars. how do you save for a house when you can even get a decent job to pay of your student loan?

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