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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. question. are any currencies worth anything? are any of them backed by metals?  the whole system has been corrupted. even bricks and mortar have become prone to speculation with bubbles and busts. only safe bet is owning your own home outright, well not in thailand but in your home country anyway, if you can handle living there.

  2. 9 minutes ago, docshock13 said:

    "Krissana said the crime took place in the US so Thai authorities could not interfere, but officials were ready to cooperate with US officials"


    Part of the crime, the duping of the women, occured in Thailand. 

    yea but there is no money for the cops on this one so they will not put any work into this crime. cops are self funded. cant blame them for not wanting to work for free.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

    Yes, this whole New World Order thing will need re-examining, Personally I believe it will be discovered to be a world wide haves vs have nots revolution have nots have the numbers and haves posess the resources and of course their greed and status gives them the authority to divide and conquer creating a master/slave society. Even in slaves there were always the uppity ones that felt they were better than their brothren, and had dreams of masters rewarding their loyalty, such dreams never materializing. 

    there is no doubt we are going toward a system of haves and have nots. i recently returned to nz where 35% of people now live in rented dwellings. not sure if it is new world order or not but the system is driving people into heavy debt or poverty, or both.

  4. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    They are transferred because a gambling den was operating in their area of work. That shows that they were not doing their job good.. now the raid did not prove that they were taking bribes so there is no punishment (just lack of proof) so they can only be rotated otherwise there MIGHT have been punishment. Often the case here is that there is no proof that the police knew about it and was receiving money. That is a hard case to make so you cant fire them. It really is not that people are dumb here or don't want to take action.. its just hard to prove and then sending them away to places where they can make less money from corruption is a good thing. (id prefer them in jail but kinda hard to do if there is no real proof)

    the snitching system in thailand is vast. every motorcycle taxi is a snitch getting paid for information. gambling dens cant operate without cops knowing. it is impossible. for a cop to allow it they must be getting paid to look the other way. being transferred can be a heavy punishment of course if the amount of bribes is reduced. it is expensive to become a high up cop and those loans need to be repaid.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Phuketboy said:

    The problem with Thai lawyers is they don't act or stand their ground like lawyers should. If anyone knows a good lawyer in Thailand, who actually fights for their client and will take no shit from the police, please let me know because I am yet to come across one.  

    lawyers dont generally deal with the police unless they are trying to bribe them to stop handing the case onto the prosecutor. otherwise they do what lawyers do world wide and that is run up a big bill while looking like they are doing the right thing by their client. i know of several cases where western men were trying to get their own house back off their thai wives and the lawyers were actually helping the thai ex wives. the best option a westerner has in thailand is to take every precaution not to get involved in the legal system.

  6. 7 hours ago, madusa said:

    I was told in court by the court clerk to admit guilty to a violation of entering the kingdom without having my passport stamped. I couldn't even explain why I didn't have my passport stamped. When I tried to say something to the Magistrate I was told to shut up by the police who was standing beside me and he gripped my arm in a very violent way. Is this a democratic way to conduct a court session? Where defendant has no right to speak. And the absence of a defense lawyer.

    This experience told me there is no law worth talking about in Thailand.

    what was the fine? i took my work permit with me to my court case and my lawyer snatched it out of my hands and kept it from me in case i showed it in court. the whole exercise took 2 years from start to finish and cost me over 80 000thb. basically everyone has to plead guilty to get lenient sentences unless you can afford to expensive lawyers and bribes. 

  7. so the general consensus is that it is a bad idea and i would agree but if you have money to throw away on a social experiment then why not? have come across this topic a few times and the best advice i have seen is to get her to go work in another coffee shop for a while. there are so many reasons to do this. learning the ropes is alone good enough reason and seeing if the lifestyle suited her is another. if she does it for a year then reassess the situation. see if she is happy and move on from there.

  8. justice system is flawed on all levels in thailand. i was charged for not having a work permit despite having one, but with the wrong address in it. my lawyer said there was no point contesting the case, just wear the thousands of dollars of expenses and 'fees' and the 1 year suspended jail sentence. i would never risk doing anything in thailand that could result in going to court again. that includes, business, property or living with a thai partner.

  9. On 24/5/2560 at 2:06 PM, Old Croc said:

    What happened with your long term Thai girlfriend for whom you were building a house a couple of years back?

    suspect she now has the house hence he is back onto western woman. few of the boys have been through the same cycle. they generally end up back on thai girls.

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