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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. a few of the gentlemans bars used to offer free food. viper was great on a thrusday and rioja good on a sunday. going back a bit winchester on tuesdays. a 2000thb budget could cover a few beers, a good feed and some lovin.  can anyone give an update on what day of the week is good for the gentlemans clubs?

  2. 2 minutes ago, brucec64 said:


    She will still be out of pocket. Class A insurance generally only covers 75% of the value of the car in the first year and it goes down after that.

    Sent from my SM-J710F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    i had a pickup for 3 years in thailand and the insurance depreciated 10% per year so different policies must have different rates. i thought it would encourage fraudulent insurance claims having the value kept so high.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Searat7 said:

    In Thailand when a new car is purchased it comes with full insurance for one year only. Thereafter some owners just have the mandatory liability insurance only to save money.  This happened to a friend's mother a few years ago and she was eventually brought to court and was forced to pay the balance due plus interest. It is thought that the stolen car ended up in a neighboring country.  The store where the car was parked has no liability.  Professional thieves are most likely involved.

    in most countries if you are paying the car off over a number of years then compulsory insurance is included in the repayments.  is it different in thailand?

  4. 13 hours ago, Bastos60 said:

    Pattaya is far from the best city in the world.

    Only if you are attention starved in the rest of the world you could consider Pattaya an ok city.


    It is a holiday destination with many many many many working girls where the average John goes to fall in love with a working girl.

    If you take away all the bars and agogo's and GC's and  massage places, you might discover Pattaya to be worst than a dumpster.

    It is one big brothel, 



    thats you opinion but you state it as fact. in my opinion it is a great place (at least the jomtien beach part) i worked there 9 years and once the kids are through school i will retire there. pattaya is excellent value and has a nice climate. the only down side is the water quality of the ocean. who cares? i can rent a condo for 300US$/month with a pool or do a trip to kog larn for a swim.

  5. 10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    No one thinks the climate does not change, but some on here keep writing the same silly thing.

    We don't believe that either it is caused by man, or that it can be changed back, though back to what, exactly?


    Of course Merkel wants a bigger fight as a bigger fight = more taxes.


    I predict that the pro man made change theorists will continue taking lots of tax money to spend on conferences in exotic locations, and it won't make an iota of difference to the temperature.

    If they want to do something useful, get rid of plastic bags and clean up the oceans.

    believe in man made climate change or not the world needs to be cleaned up. it is a risky gamble throwing a lot of carbon into the atmosphere as well. a safer bet would be to try to reduce carbon emissions as much as possible. i have no problem with taxing carbon polluting activities and subsidizing carbon reducing activities. not an easy thing to do of course. world seems to be making some good progress with solar energy capture and electric cars. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Kieranmc said:

    He has not been charged as said above. Furthermore it has been noted that their was no warrants either. This could get expensive for the DSI. 

    DSI are pretty much up the food chain. doubt there will be many problems for them. wonder if they are enjoying their new cars.

  7. 1 hour ago, Bonobojt said:

    thanks for the replies, I am having success in Bangkok, and of course I make it clear the girls that I am not looking for anything serious, its fairly easy in Bangkok to meet girls for fun or friendship, I just like to move around and see new places, I always use a condom, so far I've had fun with 2 older women, one was 33 and the other was 35. 


    In England girls just don't like me much, but here its a different world, Thai women seem to like me, I am tall, slim, I have ginger beard which some thai women find sexy because its different. I'm sex starved in the UK so I enjoy having fun over here in Thailand.


    maybe I can do both, Isaan for a week to see how it goes, and then a island, not sure which province to go to in isaan.

    hard to meet woman in esan. i was there for 5 months and even with basic thai they dont seem interested in us foreigners. fun going around the islands. like another poster said you pay for it one way or another and pattaya has the best value for money.

  8. 16 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    I think Survanambhumbi is alright generally but passport control can let it down.


    Manchester's the same, passport control there can be really slow too, other than that it's not a bad airport, granted no theme parks but apart from that has everything else you need. 

    agreed. coming in after a long haul flight waiting for an hour to get stamped through passport control is a drag. especially when there are so many lanes for thai nationals barely being used.

  9. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Something does not add up here. Police are not removed for bribery. Not by this administration, and not in this country. It just does not happen. Either he pissed someone off, the government is making a show of this to gain face, or something else is up. But, removed for bribery? You have got to be kidding. Nobody is removed for bribery under Little P. It just does not happen. 

    i suspect it has to do with the loans they take to buy the jobs and promotions. if they were fired and had to default on the loans they would become more expensive for all of them.

    from a western perspective the whose system runs on corruption and bribery. if one was sacked they could implicate everyone else and there would be no one left to keep us safe.

  10. 23 hours ago, fruitman said:

    I remember last year or so they announced a new law where the one who tried to bribe a policeofficer on duty would get a very hefty fine if caught. It was one of the crackdowns from last year.


    And now this guy even puts his own movies of bribing a policeman on internet?


    Did they already forgot their own new laws?

    was a crack down. they dont generally last very long.

  11. 9 hours ago, wildewillie89 said:

    My uncle is boss of police in my city, my cousin is a policeman, another cousin is a policeman down South. My wife is a Director within the municipality portfolio so her project funding comes from these very budgets. So if it was propaganda like you claim, she would not have a job. If that 50% didn't get distributed then your community parks grass wouldn't be cut, your roads wouldn't be built, your rubbish wouldn't be collected etc etc. Really believe a copper in Pattaya? Pattaya, people probably just pay the illegal fine, but we are talking about the 'legal' fine. 

    Within the 45% the policemen also gets 60% of that for catching the guy. The 5% of the fine that goes to the central accounting department pays the police lol. Every government officer is paid by that 5%, as well as other taxes that come in. A Mayor, soldiers, nurses etc. I think the 10 level thing you speak of is actually C3 to C11 or 12 (whatever it is). Levels all government officials go by. Within those levels there are different salary sub-levels also. 

    Look, I know we all think Thailand is 100% corrupt, but think about it logically. Even though there is 67 million people in the country, grounds are still watered, rubbish is still collected, government officials are still paid, roads are still built...so if we were to take your line then what is paying for all these things? How is my wife, father, uncles, aunties, cousins all getting paid (they work for government). Not a whole lot of people pay tax so where is the money magically appearing from? It is appearing from 50% of legal fines people pay. 

    I know it doesn't fit into peoples line of thinking of the country, but just look at it logically lol. Not what people say, as its less than 10% of the population who actually ever get any sort of benefit from these sorts of things. So the ones who do not, just spread a lot of crap. For example, the fine/tax truck drivers have to pay in rural areas. People think that is corrupt money, it isn't, it is the tax that goes to fix the pot holes the trucks cause. Thailand is incredibly corrupt, I am not disputing that, however, they do still have your usual systems all countries have also....that is helped funded by LEGAL fines. 

    interesting. good to see some of the money gets used for good. sounds like you have better sources of information than me. when a cop collects cash for a fine is he putting it in his pocket or collecting it to take back to the police station?

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