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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 7 hours ago, tropo said:

    The low fertility rate in many countries has already gone too far to recover from. Your over population and climate change mantras are bogus and created by fake story media. It's scare mongering.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    almost all scientist accept climate change is real and of those almost all of them believe it is man made. world population is increasing at an almost exponential rate. where are you getting your facts?


    world population.png

  2. 1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:
    Police are in the same ministry as municipalities.

    If people pay a fine of 100 baht for example...
    50% (50 baht) will go to Bangkok Municipality Department. All of that money is spread around the country to implement projects, rubbish, build roads, many things. 

    5% goes to the central accountant of the country.

    45% goes into the police station budget. Paying staff (gardeners, housekeepers - non government), police vehicles, training and the like. 




    now this is blatant propaganda trying to make the thais think some of their fine money is doing good for the country. each thai police station is basically the local mafia. they run and control basically everything which is why the law does not seem to be enforced, the cops are profiting from anything you can imagine. you really think the mafia would hand over their money in the hope of getting part of it back?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:

    As far as I know the fine goes to the central accounting department as it is in the system...Percentages of the fine will go back into police budgets, other percentages will go into complete other departments. I don't know where you got that info from. 

    i know a couple cops from the na jomtien station and they gave me quite a bit of information on the system. they may have been lying but it all seemed to make sense. i cant believe any money would be handed over from the cops to anyone. the whole system is very structured with the 10 levels of pay grades with the money being distributed between the pay grades. where did you get the central accounting thing from? do some research on how the police were formed and i think you will have a better understanding of how it all works.

  4. 21 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    It says it on the slip of paper you get where you have to go and pay the fine. Usually the district where you got pulled up by the police. If a highway police officer, then the closest highway station to where you got stopped. The fine goes back into the budget to develop the country (like in Western countries). Not into the police officer's pocket, like if you pay on the side of the road. Many of us like to ignorantly believe that Thai is more corrupt than it is. It is extremely corrupt, just not as corrupt as us 'farang' think. Why do you think police are so eager to get the money on the side of the road? Even if it something as little as 100 baht? Why not wait to get the bigger fine at the station? As they know they wont get it back at the station.

    Where corruption lessens the job for everyone is if you are stopped miles away from your home. As you will need to wait or come back to pick up your license. All they need is an online payment system (and other ideas previously mentioned) and there will be less corruption. 

    not in thailand. any cop caught pocketing fines would probably end up dead. no one gets away with stealing from the upper level cops.  police and police stations  are very poorly funded. the fines collected by cops go to funding the cops, their salaries and bonuses. it does not matter where the fine is paid, people just miss perceive this as corruption. it does not get spent on improving anything. each police station acts as an independent company. westerners also confuse this as corruption but it is just private enterprise.

  5. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    We understand you well. A fake story used to legitimise a tax grab... and they've got you all convinced.


    "the most serious problem mankind has ever faced"


    Seriously? That's what you believe?



    its what i believe, and many others. what bigger problem have we faced?

  6. 18 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

    No such thing I am afraid of freedom of speech, just an ideological dream. Facebook and the likes ,  including this forum even,  has to be moderated upon.  Otherwise the freedom to state hatred or racial views and others, would ultimately ensure the curtailment of many social media outlets.   Therefore freedom of speech is only available depending on what freedoms have been bestowed upon the writers by specific nations.


    agreed. it is hard to find a balance that keeps the majority happy.

  7. quoting the middle income trap in relation to thailand is a joke. the tiny minority hold the majority of the assets and take most of the income. the majority basically own nothing and have small incomes. the army just needs to get off its arse and say they have achieved thailand 5.0 so happiness can be returned to the thai people. DTAC needs to announce 5G is operating so i can be happier with my internet service.

  8. i know of a few guys myself included who tried to run small hotels. it is pretty much pointless with all the red tape and staff problems. thats why they all change hands so frequently. i ended up renting my rooms out long term and making sure the front door was always locked to stop being harassed by 'officials'  coming round looking for on the spot cash fines. i was lucky to sell my 2 places to get my money back. most are not as lucky.

  9. tropo quoted one of your posts in a topic. 





    climate change is the most serious problem mankind has ever faced. any activity that speeds up climate change needs to be taxed more heavily. in 50 years we will look back at how fossil fuels were used with reckless abandon and everyone will blame the current generation for their stupidity.
    me going to a gas station to pay part of every ones fuel is not going to encourage people to use less of it. encouraging people to use less fossil fuels by increasing the price has a double benefit. people use less of it, other forms of energy and transportation are developed more quickly.
    hard to believe people still cant understand this.


    Enough of the preaching. You're wrong. Climate stats don't go back very far yet you're suggesting climate change is "the most serious problem mankind has ever faced". That's a ridiculous statement. The rest isn't much better.




    should we really be risking it?

    i have 2 kids and i am sorry if it sound preachy but i would rather they grow up in a cleaner world than me. that is not looking very likely. when my kids are grown there is a good chance they will ask why humans were so stupid about not looking after our atmosphere. at least i will be able to tell them i warned everyone but no one on TV listened.




  10. 1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Climate change has happened in the past and the humans did nothing about it then either.

      Darn Nature, and Volcanoes, and all that stuff.  I will never believe everything the Green people
    try to get me to believe. It is the first fake news that was given to the public.  All countries have to

    try to become greener, but no country should be charging its population a carbon tax on top of

    all the other government taxes that the people have to pay.  This is happening to Canada and it is a country

    that pollutes less than 2 percent of the worlds pollution.  The USA does not charge its population this tax.

      I am positive that no Asian country charges its people a carbon tax either.  Definitely no South Amerian

    or African country does this.





  11. 41 minutes ago, kannot said:

    stop  making  babies also  then

    well that would create a whole new set of problems. the end of mankind for a start. over population is a major cause of mankinds problems. i am a firm believer that everyone should be limited to 2 children per couple. this would bring population down a a good level within 100 years. seems the west is doing their part with most western countries birth rates below the required 2.4 per female already. rest of the world well above the required rate. 

  12. Quote


    13 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    Ok you go to the servo and pay some extra for all the people.are you for real?

    climate change is the most serious problem mankind has ever faced. any activity that speeds up climate change needs to be taxed more heavily. in 50 years we will look back at how fossil fuels were used with reckless abandon and everyone will blame the current generation for their stupidity.

    me going to a gas station to pay part of every ones fuel is not going to encourage people to use less of it. encouraging people to use less fossil fuels by increasing the price has a double benefit. people use less of it, other forms of energy and transportation are developed more quickly.

    hard to believe people still cant understand this.

  13. 8 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

    I notice that the poster you replied to Capitalized 'Thailand' and 'Japanese' such as is proper.............

    I notice that you fail to Capitalize 'America' and even 'Bangkok'............ 

    I'm just curious if your grammar is lacking or if it was intentional..............

    I personally fail to Capitalize 'muslim' and not a matter of me knowing it is supposed to be Capitalized.....

    i dont have time to capitalize anything, i barely have time to comment on grammar Nazis.

  14. 5 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    No, the developer does not have a voting majority as I explained in post number 6.


    you can quote the law all day long but what happens in real life is often quite different.  you can see in many old condo projects many people simply dont pay their fees. as for the land office have you ever tried to deal with them? best chance is sending a lawyer there but then you are probably throwing money away. 

  15. 3 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

    You have the right to not purchase real estate in Thailand.

    If you give up that right, your finances will be drained and anything you do or say will be shoved up your ass.  


    ha, that is good. wish some one told me that before i went off buying property in pattaya. i think buying property in thailand is a bigger risk than getting involved with a thai woman. do them both and the risk goes up exponentially.

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