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Nick ZepTepi

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Posts posted by Nick ZepTepi

  1. I'll be doing my first extension, I think I'm OK with what docs I need and filling the rest of the form.

    What do people usually put in the reason for extension?

    I was going to put "I wish to continue my stay in Thailand before activating the 2nd tourist visa at a later date". (I've got one of the last triple entries)

    Any better suggestions that are accepted without question?

    Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect!

  2. My triple visa has an enter before 17th of March, unless i get an extension on either the 1st (due to end on the 30th or Dec) or 2nd entry (end around the 28th Feb) I'll need to leave the country on a holiday perhaps to cambodia for around 17 days from the end of Feb to the lets say the 16th to activate the 3rd which I will extend to get me past the end of May and see out the Condo contract.

    A beach holiday would be nice but I'd like to have the option of not being forced to go, so an extension is a good option and I'm guessing immigration could be quieter than usual on 24th or 25th of December!?

    So a ticket is 656, Myanmar Visa 500, food drinks tuk tuk etc will be close to in total to 1600 or more. It's not that much cheaper than a extension.

    Thanks for you comments, and extension is looking very likely at this point, while I check my pennies for the holiday!

  3. Hello,

    I have one of the last triple entry tourist visa, and i have the option of doing a border run to activate the 2nd or do a 30 day extension in a couple of weeks.

    I've added up what I could research and I think it's around 1600b total to do a border run on the green bus, which includes a little spending, or 1900b for the extension.

    Can anyone give me a more accurate amount?

    Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect!

  4. Thanks for the info and link

    I'm currently on a tripple entry tourist that will take me up to June 16, I wanted to know my options, and the balance is in favour of some travel around the area for a few months each year and using Tahiland as a home base as it were.

    I remember an article in the Bangkok news which mention a single entry visa for up to 6 months on arrival for G7 passport holder for £100 or so- but I guess that would really encourage the "undesirable types" and never materialised.

    Is there going to be elections soon? who knows what that might change.

    I think a couple of years of SETV + extension and if needed a Visa on arrival will not be much hardship especially if I travel to other places as well.

    Participate legally with the system of tourist visas and extensions.

    Welcome to the "unmarried, retired, and under 50 in Thailand" Club. This is not an easy country to stay in under those conditions, but some of us think it is worth it.

    If you could return to your home-country and pick up an METV, that would get you off to a good start. If you are already a long plane-flight away, then you are looking at a series of SETVs obtained at nearby consulates, interspersed with the occasional Visa Exempt entry. I made a post back here with my summary of how that works:

    The primary trouble arises from the mistaken belief that anyone under the "magic age of 50" absolutely must be working illegally in Thailand - stealing jobs from the locals. This idea has been inculcated in the minds of Thai consulate personnel and immigration officials everywhere. Be prepared to concisely explain where your income is derived, and how this is a much higher income than any 'job' available to you in Thailand. But, somehow, try not to sound arrogant / rude / pompus, at the same time.

    There is also be perception that "poor foreigners" were somehow sneaking into Thailand and spending their small-money into the hands of street-vendor's eateries, small-time landlords, and the like (the "wrong" beneficiaries). "Tightening" of visa-conditions has encouraged most of them to spend that money elsewhere. To defend against the perception of being one of these "low-life" foreigners who is unwelcome, be sure to have 20K baht in cash and/or Travelers Checks when entering the country. Dressing nicely won't hurt, either.

  5. I've been reading the requirements for a SETV there's mention of supporting funds of 500k baht.
    The money is not an issue but proving it could be.
    My situation is likely to be that I will be travelling around the neighbouring countries for a couple of months then apply for a SETV before returning in which ever country I'm in or one of the airline hubs such as Kuala Lumpur.

    I could easily leave the 500k in my Bangkok bank account untouched over those months but the pass book won't be updated, will I be able to get a receipt showing balance from any visa ATM in that country?

    I'm presuming a PDF printout of my UK bank account paperless statement which is impossible to have counter signed will not be acceptable?

    Will a screen shot of the banking app showing the balance be acceptable as a time stamp?

    Also what's the deal with letters from employers? I'm very fortunate being able to 'retire' at 45 and need to play the system until I'm 50, so no employment letters and only a basic annual tax return as any sort of evidence, having been self employed for a few years and now living off rental income I will be submitting a tax return but they are now all online paperless PDF statements.

    I'm a few months away from needing to do this, but I like to be prepared.

    Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

  6. Hello,

    Well I'm now aproud owner of a Yamaha Scooter/Moped/Motorbike - Whats the usual term here?

    I've looked in Big C and Tesco but I can't seem to find tings like sun visor to fit my helmet, a good brake disc lock, is there such a thing as mobile phone holder so I can use the Sat-Nav function on my phone.

    Names and locations would be appriciated.


  7. A friend of mind made one out of a old mobile phone charger, striped back a couple of the wires, attached a couple of crocodile clips which held a piece of silver each.

    Did the job, I can get more details if you wish.

    Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

  8. Thanks

    After a walk around the area where they are building new condos I found both,

    Yes there is a row of machines and a dryer held shut with a stick outside the reception of Vieng Ping Condo - available for all. 10kg = 20baht. and dryer is 35baht

    and a little further round the corner is a tiny shop with not much to sell, no customers as they haven't built the condos yet which had 2 coin-op machines and what looked like a very new water machine probably hasn't reached it's first service due date yet. I'm prepared to give it a sniff!!

    Laundry service certainly is my first choice but I like to have options.

  9. Hello, I've now arrived for a 6 month or more stay.

    I've got a condo behind Maya shopping.

    I haven't seen any of those street side drinking water stations on my walks around the area yet.

    Is there such a thing as a map, or even a Google map overlay?

    And while I'm at it I haven't seen a coin-op laundry either.

    I'm OK buying bottled, and I've found a 5baht per item laundry but I wanted a plan B.

    Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

  10. I don't know what are out if I need reverse anti bodies. I might be lucky and only need the standard ts3-4 and tsh.

    I know vets have similar blood machines and can run those basic tests but there probably some ethical issues!! Lol

    Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

  11. Thanks I will contact those 2 see if their price beats Cm mediclinic, I got this reply the other day.

    Thank you for contacting CM Mediclinic.

    The cost of the requested tests are as follows

    TSH , 350 baht.

    Free T4 , 250 baht.

    Free T3, 420 baht.

    Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

  12. As your UK based the best holiday cash is to get a Halifax clarity card - it has zeros fees for withdrawing cash or spending - just the standard exchange rate.

    They do charge interest on cash withdrawals but it's daily and if you clear it as soon as you return it can be less than other cards fees.

    If you go to money saving expert website it breaks down why its the best and lists the others that come in after wards.

    Might be to late to apply and get one.

    Thailand is as safe as your gonna get so bringing a small wad of 50s isn't such a big deal. just be sensible.

  13. Temporarily I'm going to use a template document and fill in the relevant blanks, mainly to stop my assets defaulting to the UK government, until I can get a proper one done.

    It sounds like I will need to use a UK lawyer and detail what items or a percentage to go to my Thai gf.

    Thanks all

    Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

  14. All assests are in the UK.

    I would like to ensure my Thai girlfriend gets some of my assests but the rest going to UK based family.

    As I'm moving out here in a week or so I don't really have time to get the ball rolling before I go.

    I'll alos look into organising it via email and skype with a UK based law firm once I settle in.

    I'm not part of the 99% but thanks for your generalisation, it's about as useful as a fish with a bike.

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