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Nick ZepTepi

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Posts posted by Nick ZepTepi

  1. I've just arrived at promenada to find out resident certificate is only issued at your own countries consulate or embassy.

    Thank fully I also needed a visa extension and had the right size picture.


    Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

  2. New temporary motorbike licence.

    I'm going to be here for 6 months and I was fined 500 baht today for not having a picture of a motorcycle on my UK licence.

    I wanted to check the procedure for obtaining a 1 year temp bike licence as the majority of the posts here are about renewing a 5 year licence.

    Do I need a TM30 resident certificate for a temp licence?

    Do I need a medical certificate for a temp licence? If so can any of the small medical practices issue one?


    Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

  3. Further advise please.
    I've just arrived in PP to get a visa.
    I planned to her a visa here, travel by bus to HCMC for a few days then fly into BKK from there.
    I'm being advised if I get a visa in Cambodia I cannot go to HCMC and fly from there.

    Part of the visa application will include a flight ticket from HCMC to BKK.

    Is this correct?

    Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

  4. Use a wire transfer service, I use Xendpay or wirepay.

    Your pay a minimal fee compared to backs and SWIFT.

    And it can be charged to your debit card so no credit card fees.

    Suspect you will find such a service will also use an exchange rate to make up the difference. SWIFT charge can vary by the bank you use and for higher amounts will not be that great a percentage as it is a set fee. But if you are only taking a few thousand baht - then yes - it would be expensive.

    They tell u the rate before u transfer and guarantee ir.

    Use remitfinder app and u will see the exchange rate on offer, it is very very close to the official rate and much better than Bangkok banks rate and any other exchange in Thailand.

    The only better rate I found was fx remit but there minimum rate and notarised ID requirements make to much hassle for the small amount saved.

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  5. I am forced to use ATM by my bank I flew back to Canada to set up regular transfers to my Thai account. I spoke to 2 bank managers and 2 finance officers and none of them knew what I was talking about they all told me they could not do it.So I flew half way across the world to set up bank to bank transfer to be told they would not do it. I was given a new ATM card and wished good luck. Such is the new world huh. I told the bank I know many foreigners from England,America,Sweden etc who can do . they replied while this is Canada we will not do it

    Use a wire transfer service, I use Xendpay or wirepay.

    Your pay a minimal fee compared to backs and SWIFT.

    And it can be charged to your debit card so no credit card fees.

    Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

  6. Here is something to think about. Rather then putting all that effort into trying to find XL sizes why not consider losing some weight and getting down to a more manageable M size which you will find are more readily available here in Thailand. Not to mention the health benefits of losing those excess pounds!

    Get lost u pretentious cretin.

    I need the xxl size to accommodate my broad muscular shoulders.

    Here's a suggestion try putting in some effort into learning some empathy.

    Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

  7. Hi

    I live in Doi Saket and am looking for people interested in practicing Chen style Tai Chi. I have been learning for many years, but starting to get bored practicing by myself. It would be a lot of fun to meet up with some enthusiastic folks to practice together, regardless of style. I can also teach Chen style if anyone is interested. I teach the Chen style 83 movement long form (Yi Lu), the Er Lu, "canon fist", form as well as basic push hands drills and Chan Ssu Gong (silk reeling exercises). Not looking to teach for money. Teaching helps keep my own motivation to practice high.

    If anyone is interested in seeing what Chen style Tai Chi looks like, here is a link to my teacher's youtube channel. If it looks like something you might want to do, get in touch. Evenings and weekends are best for me as I work full time.



    PS: I posted this earlier as Tai Chi in Doi Saket. Wrote a single word and then somehow hit Post. If any moderators see this, please delete my previous post!

    I will be interested when I get back next month. I'm a total beginner.

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  8. I would have thought the stock standard easiest to use and service and buy would be the Honda Clicks.

    I test drove both and the Yamaha is a much better bike.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

    Matter of opinion.....but in favour of the Honda's is that there are a heap of them about second hand and dealers....far more than Yamaha.

    The Yamaha is quite stylish, and I do like it, but its not to everyone's style. It is the styling that leads you to be able to put two "Thai" helmets in.....it is a much bigger compartment than the Honda for sure. A full mask helmet does reduce the space available for a second, and I would not be sure it could fit in sideways like the smaller Thai helmets it promotes,

    Because the Yamaha model is fairly new there are not much options for used ones, whereas Clicks are everywhere, again only an issue if budget is a consideration. New price both are fairly close. It takes a while to get used to the automatic cut out on the new Clicks.. Only mention the used as yesterday OP posted about where to find a cheap second hand motorcycle.

    In CM, to me, Honda are much more available, new and used, and serviceable in a lot more places

    I couldn't get my knees in with knocking them on the click, yes I bought it new they have me a full head helmet which fits a treat with space to spare, there's also a neat little peg under the seat that you can hook the D ring on the helmet strap to, do it hangs outside the seat but it's still secured by the locked seat.

    There's plenty of Yamaha fino's knocking around.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  9. Some recent posts state PP is asking for a ticket out also but it seems to depend upon the agent you use.

    The 3 month validly to use the visa starts from the date of issue. The 60 day entry starts on the date you enter the country.

    So I can delay entry by 2 weeks, get the 60 days and then extend that by 30 days to the full 90 before having to get another. ?
    Yes you can.

    The visa will be valid for 3 months from the issue date. That means you can make your 1 entry anytime during that 3 months. Even if you delayed your entry to the last day you would be granted permission to stay for 60 days. That permission to stay can be extended by 30 days.

    Brilliant thanks.

    Will they accept a UK bank statement? I don't have my thai bank passbook with me & their atmosphere cards don't work abroad.

    I have online Bangkok banking and could do a print out, I suppose.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  10. Some recent posts state PP is asking for a ticket out also but it seems to depend upon the agent you use.

    The 3 month validly to use the visa starts from the date of issue. The 60 day entry starts on the date you enter the country.

    So I can delay entry by 2 weeks, get the 60 days and then extend that by 30 days to the full 90 before having to get another. ?

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  11. A couple of questions for clarification

    Having read that I must have a confirmed flight out of Thailand to get a SETV at HCM, is it the same at PP?

    I plan to spend a week in PP then bus to HCM for a week or so and fly into Thailand from there.

    If I get my SETV in PP and delay going into Thailand by let's say 2 weeks will it affect the ability to extend it to get the full 90 days.

    Does the 60 days start from when I first enter or from when it's first issued?

    I've previously had the old triple entry but delayed first entry for a few weeks and was slightly caught out by the old enter before date on the final entry.


    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  12. Good riddance to the odious little turd.

    He has done his bit to wreck the economy.

    And make us a laughing stock.

    I hope he is happy.

    He was a brilliant politician.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

    He was nothing more than an opportunist racist and an embarrassment to Britain.

    I think You're hoodwinked by the mass media that told you to believe what they want you to believe.

    Pointing fingers and saying racist is the refuge of imbeciles.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  13. Somebody told me that the milk you buy in Tesco and Big C over here isn't the same as the milk you buy in a supermarket in England. Is that true and if so what is the difference pls?

    The animal husbandry and cows will be different, as for the processing, allowed feed, and allowed drugs/hormones I don't know.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

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