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Nick ZepTepi

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Posts posted by Nick ZepTepi


    He can only get an METV if he has a job that will let him take 6-mo off, or has proof of self-employment which they will accept (a tax-return to this effect for the UK, if I recall) - plus the min-balance in a bank account for 6 mo, etc.    Nothing to do with a police-check.


    That would be the best type of visa for Chang Mai / Rai, given it is about as far as one can get from any nearby consulate for an SETV.

    Soz I forgot about the employment requirements.

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  2. I presume you'll get a METV from the UK before you leave, if you don't it's a bit silly or your on the run from the cops out somthing. [emoji1] [emoji1]

    This will give you 8 to 9 months without the need for a new visa.
    I did similar (not the running from the cops) and chose Chiang Mai to start with.

    In my opinion it's the best place to start, the highest quality of life for the lowest ££, it's easy to get by with little to no Thai language, You can get a nice condo with a pool for around £150 a month. a border run after the 90 entry period takes a day on a green bus to Mae sai and it's only $10 to get in to Myanmar.
    It's also got a airport and good train links if you want to go further.

    After 8 months or so you'll have a much better idea of what's on offer the pro's and cons of living here etc.

    You will have a hard time living 100% of your time in Thailand on tourist visas.

    Plan to live for a while in the surrounding countries, you can try Cambodia, a years visa can be $250 and it's not that bad a place to live, you may even prefer it depending on your life style. [emoji482] [emoji377] [emoji381] [emoji265] [emoji487]

    Read the some travel blogs and local forums for any place you short list.

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  3. The advice to spend a long break away from Thailand, 6 months to a year, in maybe Cambodia, Laos or Vietnam is a very good suggestion.
    It will look less like you are working in Thailand to the IO give you some variety of you're planning long term life away from the UK, it's cheaper to up sticks and live in a country than do multiple visa runs a year.
    And the advice to suck it and see once you get here.

    I promise you what ever your carefully thought out plans are now they will change after you've lived here for a while and learnt all the practicalities you can only learn once you're here.
    All the very best with your travels

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    • Like 2
  4. 30 minutes ago, craigp said:
    Hello TV.


    My nationality - UK. Age 36. 


    Please could some wonderful TV members help me answer these questions. . .


    For someone with no other visa options other than tourist visas, who wanted to stay in Thailand long term, (Or as long as they could using tourist visas) where would be the best place(s) in Thailand for them to live,  considering convenience of the visas and ease of travel for visa runs? (Including anything else that maybe appropriate to consider) 


    Then, what is the maximum amount of tourist visas permitted? (Assuming there is a limit.) 


    Many thanks in advance for any advice and suggestions offered. 

    It's a bit like asking us to guess your favourite colour.
    So many factors to consider.
    Can u afford flights then be in a place with a airport
    Do you like the beach or a city?

    Recommend you do a little reading and research.

    Plus it's easy to move around once you get here and have a better feel for the place.

    The map is not the territory.

    All the best though.

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  5. After a couple of traffic stops of my own and some debacle not being able to get a licence.

    My Thai gf who works in reception for a chain hotel reports that numerous Chinese have cancelled trips to her hotel and other hotels after word got back that tourists are being targeted for traffic stops and fined, some almost daily.

    I'm sure this will please a certain section of the readership.

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  6. You can get RC at your main police station used to get mine from there before I got yellow book usualy in and out in 15 mins and yes I paid and no recipt which is/was fine by me 200 bht doesn't break the bank

    I tried the main station in the city and the traffic station next to the river, both gave me the brush off.

    My Thai girlfriend said that with the new regime of "good guys in, bad guys out" many civil servants (if that's what you call them) won't do anything other than what the rules say.

    Maybe a out of town one might?

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  7. this is the second time chiang mai immigrationhas suspended the CR. The first time it happened too many complaining it was free, I guess there will be some real whining when one pays 1500 to 200baht for what is free. It makes 500baht look real good

    Plus the trip to Bangkok for some

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  8. I'm calculating the cost of a return flight plus the embassy fee against how many official tickets paid at the proper office, I'm not giving tea money anymore.

    Maybe 15-20 tickets?

    Maybe just maybe they'll update whatever needs it sooner rather than later.

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  9. Central cop shop told me to go back to promenada,
    Traffic police where you pay fine said try airport immigration.
    Embassy won't take condo contract as evidence of where I live.
    I think I'll have to play dodge the cops and pay the fine at the main station instead of the 300 baht tea money fine I got yesterday.

    Updates when promenada start the TM30 again would be appreciated.

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  10. I just moved back to Chiang Rai after 2 years in CM; not likely that you could get one here (landlord needs to report the tenant/alien to immigration before you even apply), so in essence you apply where you live.  That said CR immigration is a very different experience to CM and I will go there in the next few days anyway, and will ask.  I would talk to the DLT (department of land transport) in CM first and explain your situation, maybe they have a work around for the certificate of residence now that CM immg won't issue them anymore.

    Thanks for the ask.

    I've tried to explain at DLT but it didn't pass the first lady on the main reception desk. Even with my Thai girlfriend pleading my case.

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  11. You need to show residence in the immigration area that you would be applying for the certificate of residency. If you can do that for Chiang Rai then yes if not I would say no. Another option is to ask the Department of Land Transportation if they will accept a cr from the local police?

    I didn't know the police can issue CR.?

    I went to the transport office with everything but the lady at the reception desk said I must have a CR. And suggested I get a international driving licence, not knowing these have to be applied for in person in the UK.

    I've also checked the UK embassy website, costs as usual are high, but they list independent proof of address like a utility bill which I don't have being resident for only 1 week.

    The other irony is the police have a check point on the main highway towards my condo!

    Arse! [emoji16]

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  12. Oh my, here we go again and again.  Resident visa? Not likely.  Resident Certificate?  Certificate for residents?  What is a resident?


    certificate of residence?  They shut that down a while ago.




    Type o, calm down.

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    Oh my here we go again.
    Grammar Nazi who hasn't got any sense of empathy.

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