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Posts posted by oncearugge

  1. If you have a multi entry visa no re-entry permit is required.

    If you exit Thailand you will have to enter Cambodia before returning.

    No sorry I meant I have a 1 yr visa not multi.

    I'm not actually going into Cambodia, only the casino which is between the Thai/Cambodia border at Poipet.

    So I won't need visa on arrival right?

    What "one year visa?"

    All one year VISAS are multi entry so what exactly do you have ?

    Extension based on Retirement


    1.You do not have a Visa (an extension of stay is not a visa)

    2. A re-entry permit will be required.

    3. An entry/exit from Cambodia will be required before re-entry to Thailand will be permitted.

    • Like 1
  2. Note that Immigration are now trying to implement a non-existent rule relating to the number of entries within a 6 month or 12 month period. Seems to have a sexist bias as well. Female officers repeatedly try to stop too many visits of less than 30 days within that period, than male officers. Any suggestions?

    Nobody is attempting to limit the number of entries which holders of valid visas make ....................

  3. If you have a multi entry visa no re-entry permit is required.

    If you exit Thailand you will have to enter Cambodia before returning.

    No sorry I meant I have a 1 yr visa not multi.

    I'm not actually going into Cambodia, only the casino which is between the Thai/Cambodia border at Poipet.

    So I won't need visa on arrival right?

    What "one year visa?"

    All one year VISAS are multi entry so what exactly do you have ?

  4. Are you sure you have a "Direct Deposit bank account with Bangkok Bank, USA," ?

    The Bangkok bank in NY is not a retail bank and does not usually offer personal accounts.

    Perhaps reading the content of the link will help remove confusion.


    • Like 2
  5. Thanks for the reply Sheryl [emoji120] Optimal is what I am looking to achieve not normal but this is just my preference and not a should but perhaps a powerful could ? I don't know but want to investigate with a don't know mindset . One could be so called normal with a fasting blood sugar number of 98 but and optimal fasting number like low 80's I believe is possible with lifestyle medicine changes like diet and exercise . The GTT test I investigate actually measures the body's response to sugar giving one details about their insulin resistance that may be just beginning .

    This test may be one of the best and most detailed ways to measure the body's way of dealing with insulin resistance and showing bodies response to sugar . This test possibly has far far more value for many than just picking up early diabetes ( which it does with amazing accuracy far better than a hemoglobin A-1 C blood test or a fasting blood sugar number )

    At the start of this test the blood is drawn and tested after fasting 8+ hours and the fasting blood sugar is measured and ALSO the fasting insulin is measured ( to show how much insulin the Pancrease is making at baseline before a meal )

    Then you are given a sweet drink in the lab

    after that and the blood taken every hour and blood sugar is measured every hour and the insulin level is measured ever hour to see if the Pancrease is having to make lots of insulin to compensate . If it is this can be an indication that a complication is taking place that can cause many things . This test for me may be one of very many powerful ways and tests to drive strategies to achieve and exceed so called normal results and instead have a goal of something better and more optimal . I know almost nothing but learn much about the benefits possibly available with this kind of bio hacking that may be an option for those who want something better than just to be the so called medical term normal .

    Ask for a " Hyperinsulinemic-Euglycemic clamp" test which will demonstrate "insulin resistance" if it exists.

    You may have a problem finding somewhere that will do this test and it will be expensive.

  6. Not forgetting people on retirement Visas , who still have business interests back home and therefore are still officially not retired ,

    People who rent out their property back home , should not get a retirement visa, because its flouting the regulations

    " People who rent out their property back home , should not get a retirement visa, because its flouting the regulations"

    Which regulations are being "flouted"

    Precise details and links to the "regulations" please

    Retirement means , well retired from work . Stopped working, retired .

    Being a landlord IS working , you are running a business .

    If you are running a business, you are not retired and therefore are abusing the Visa system by claiming that you are retired and no longer working

    Why have not provided a link to the regulations you claim are being abused?

    The only requirement needed to apply for an O/Visa is to be over 50 and an extension of stay based on retirement has similar requirements. No one is expected to affirm they are "retired" and it is entirely legal to continue "working" outside Thailand whilst "retired"

  7. I for one truely feel sorry for the under 50,s that came to los and followed the rules. Visa exempt,tourist visas etc. During that time here have made friends also maybe in a relatiinship etc. Now its al changed. Easy for me to not care as currently can stay here basically forever.. i wonder how people like myself on non imm o based on retirement might feel if rules changed. I seriously am sadbout folk that this has effected. Please dont talk anout genuine tourists . If thailand was so stupid or desperate to allow past legal methods of living here....then do a backflip. I love thailand but they do the most stupid things.

    Your friends may have been "legal" to the letter of the law but not to the spirit of the law which provided tourist visas

    not cheap residency visas !

    Tourists come, see, enjoy and then go home as many of your friends may now have to do.

    Not forgetting people on retirement Visas , who still have business interests back home and therefore are still officially not retired ,

    People who rent out their property back home , should not get a retirement visa, because its flouting the regulations

    " People who rent out their property back home , should not get a retirement visa, because its flouting the regulations"

    Which regulations are being "flouted"

    Precise details and links to the "regulations" please

  8. you are misusing the meaning of the word "spirit" in this case. and just because there is an unintended loophole in a written law that can be used legally despite the fact it wasnt intended to be used that way doesnt make it moral. The use of loopholes like that is what lawyers do. lawyers dont recognize morality.

    Who defines what is a loophole and what isn't? Sounds like something a lawyer would do.

    I would suggest that those who "do nothing wrong" attempt to do it in Australia by entering with a tourist visa and then staying for as long as they wish.

    Would that work out OK ?

    Health wise, yes, given deaths in Thailand's IDC are relatively frequent.

    You have the evidence for that assertion ?

  9. Would suggest he try nexium or esomeprazole Sandoz (same drug, different brands) first as it is comparatively easy to find in Thailand.

    Or if you do mail the dexilant, be sure to keep the quantity small.

    Thanks Ill tell him to check out the hospital pharmacy up there first

    He cannot purchase medication direct from a hospital pharmacy.

    He will need to consult a doctor and be given a prescription before the hospital pharmacy will dispense medication.

    Perhaps things are different in the States?

    Can anyone walk into a US hospital pharmacy and purchase what they want ?

  10. Hello Bangmai, you are so correct! I am a solider Of extremely bad luck. Answer is coming from Bangkok and the minimal fee is 11.63 from New York. The policy started October 1, 2015. Yes, must maintain. $250 USD in the Foreign Deposit Account. Please look onto the sight, topic stating FDA and it's mentioned. The call center will misinform you.

    The reason for me being on this sight is not to criticize but to inform. I do not wish to have this topic disappear. I want every foreigner in Thailand to be aware of problematic areas with Thailand banks.

    I am an American!

    The Bangkok Bank transfer system has served me well for years. Less than 24 hour cash transfers from the UK and it has never failed or even had a hiccough .

    I think the problems Americans have is more to do with the American banking system than the Thai system.

  11. Had no problem with the online address report 6 months ago (last report was done same day as new extension so no need for online reporting) but today when I try to complete personal information page (step 1) it tells me to "Enter Captcha the correct" even though I have entered to numbers correctly (getting new codes several times).

    Any ideas on how to get past this?


    You made your last 90 day report six months ago ?

    A new extension does not reset the 90 day clock unless the immigration officer specifically gives you a new report date.

    I suspect you have missed a report date which is why the system is directing you to the office.

  12. I for one truely feel sorry for the under 50,s that came to los and followed the rules. Visa exempt,tourist visas etc. During that time here have made friends also maybe in a relatiinship etc. Now its al changed. Easy for me to not care as currently can stay here basically forever.. i wonder how people like myself on non imm o based on retirement might feel if rules changed. I seriously am sadbout folk that this has effected. Please dont talk anout genuine tourists . If thailand was so stupid or desperate to allow past legal methods of living here....then do a backflip. I love thailand but they do the most stupid things.

    Your friends may have been "legal" to the letter of the law but not to the spirit of the law which provided tourist visas

    not cheap residency visas !

    Tourists come, see, enjoy and then go home as many of your friends may now have to do.

    Laws are regulations on human-activity written by other people with power. There is no diety involved - no spirit. One obeys laws for one of two possible reasons: 1. The consequences of not obeying are the use of force against oneself (would be 'foolish'). 2. It is not something one wanted to do anyway (would be 'wrong').

    For me, violence, theft, and stealing jobs from people in their homeland fall into the 2nd category - removing laws on this would not change my behavior one whit. Those things are 'wrong'. But Immigration restrictions upon self-supporting persons with foreign-sourced income fall into the first category - the only reason to comply, is because the consequences for not obeying make disobedience 'foolish'.

    There is nothing inherently "wrong" with this activity - it even benefits the locals. Therefore, if the "rules" say there is no limit on "being in Thailand" while on TVs, then there is nothing at all 'wrong' or 'foolish' by doing so, IMO. I am puzzled by the opinions of others whom, it would seem, find it 'wrong' to do this. I cannot find any logical reason why it would be 'wrong'. There is no victim, and no "rule" has been broken.

    As an aside, there is a third case - when 'the law' mandates one do something 'morally wrong' - a long tangent not relavent to this discussion, though.

    I would suggest that those who "do nothing wrong" attempt to do it in Australia by entering with a tourist visa and then staying for as long as they wish.

    Would that work out OK ?

    • Like 2
  13. The draconian rules already in place for genuine people with families and wives or partners is under threat by persistent abusers of the visa and immigration laws,that much is evident with the recent changes being implemented to border hops and double,triple entry tourist visas.

    The continued number of expats overstaying visas,lack of medical insurance and in some extreme cases lack of funds whatsoever is of no means a help to others irrespective if you care not a toss about it.

    The underlying fact is that issues such as this genuine or not in the long term will affect those who stay here legally and as is often the case the majority are screwed over by the minority.

    Has more to do with a draconian, far right government than the 0.01% of expats overstaying. Just my opinion.

    Where does that 0.01% figure come from ?

    Please provide a link to an authoritative source.


  14. This will thin out many very questionable foreigners living and hiding here. It likely in the long term will improve things. Those who have a serious (REAL) relationship with a Thai woman that have not married it could hurt. That is a very small minority. I think its a great idea the only thing i question is the amount in a bank account for six months and the required hotel reservation. That is NUTS!

    I think it will thin out the good people, who followed the rules, and got visas per the regulations. The "questionable" types don't bother with following rules - didn't before, won't now.

    I have followed the rules for years. I have no intention of being "thinned" out and there is no reason why I should be.

    The others, those who treat the "rules" with disdain are the ones who will suffer the consequences of their behavior.

  15. simply cannot understand or believe anyone who states ......."there can be reasons for an overstay ".......... NOT for a 9yr overstay there isnt.

    If your personal circumstances change then you have a responsibility to do whatever is necessary to legitimise your status.

    I bet those who believe a 9 yr overstay in Thailand is OK ------wouldnt have the same thoughts about " foreigners" in their home country who overstayed for that long.

    Can ANYONE .......................who thinks that a 9yr overstay is OK.................give me just one legitimate reason for such an overstay.............

    cmon just one good reason for not following the rules and doing whatever may be necessary to legitimise your staus.

    I wont hold my breath waiting .

    Some people are just plain lazy when it comes to organizing themselves, and put in the too hard basket. I have a good mate like this, a really great guy to have around. He was 2 years over but i helped him to get organized and now he is on a retirement visa, happy as a dog with 2 tails, and no problem to anybody. thumbsup.gif

    Are you sure that your "mate" will organise and do his 90 day reports and will he remember that his extension of stay needs renewing every year ?

  16. I just wrote I learned much from him not buy anything and as far as the FDA is concerned I guess they are still at their mission to protect tradition I don't know ?

    The FDA exists in order to protect consumers not "tradition"

    You "learnt" about GTT's which as you now know are rarely needed except in the case of some pregnant ladies !

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