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Posts posted by oncearugge

  1. "I will tell you straight, if i found someone like you was teaching my son then i would be very concerned to say the leas


    you must be pretty stressed out and concerned if u are living in thailand.. its so sad that there are people like u that know nothing about a person or how good they are but can sit there and think they are not good enough for you or your family. These people are human beings just like u and me.

    The poster was asking an pretty legit question considering this is thaivisa..

    These people may be "humans" but they are not like me!

    Pray tell me what the difference is, ??? we are all humans, and we are all different ?? and we all deserve ''RESPECT''...

    Some "differences" are best avoided!

  2. Thanks for the prompt answer !

    I am German. I will explain to you :

    - I am working in Africa on a 3 months rotation. I am coming often in Thailand ( already have 4 stamps for this year !) and plan to visit some neighboring countries in Thailand so this is why I am expecting more stamps !

    All the travels will be done by air.

    Do you know if we can have an unlimited amount on stamp on a yearly basis ?

    When you have about six visa exempt stamps expect to be questioned by an Immigration Officer who will want to know what you are doing in Thailand.

    Be prepared with evidence of being employed overseas and ensure you have 20,000 Bht (or equivalent) in cash when entering the country.

    The most common reasons for refusing entry are

    1. Suspicion of illegal working and

    2.Not having sufficient financial resource.

    Satisfy the Officer on both counts and you will likely not be questioned again.

  3. "I will tell you straight, if i found someone like you was teaching my son then i would be very concerned to say the leas


    you must be pretty stressed out and concerned if u are living in thailand.. its so sad that there are people like u that know nothing about a person or how good they are but can sit there and think they are not good enough for you or your family. These people are human beings just like u and me.

    The poster was asking an pretty legit question considering this is thaivisa..

    These people may be "humans" but they are not like me!

  4. I would think everyone who was infected and given the all clear must be quite sleepless at this news.

    Would you tell us about all the "infected" Western volunteers who assisted in bringing the epidemic to a close?

    Those very few will be aware and being intelligent , professional people I expect that they sleep well in knowing the "risk" they now have is infinitesimally small.

  5. I am not linked to any thai university, my french university is Grenoble INP - Ensimag, the internship agreement is just between my university and the company.

    Sorry there is no more I can add,

    But do not wast money attempting to secure a visa in Malaysia.

    Yeap certainly seems the OP has a problem....


    On this occasion maybe not of the OP's own making.

    If it were me I would be having a serious discussion with the University/Employer who seem, between them, to have caused the OP to have a significant problem.

  6. Hi,

    Yes my internship in linked to my university study.

    That's what I thought but according to the immigration office guy, I you are an intern with a ED visa, you need a work permit, the work permit is not necessary if you are a student.

    Weird, because I could have asked for the visa in France.

    Which Thai university is your study linked to?

    The Thai university will provide the documentation necessary for an extension of stay to be obtained.

  7. Slowly, slowly - don't force the issue.

    Yeah this could be a good idea. We have already talked about it a bit before because it makes me feel really bad so I had to try. That didn't help, specially the first time since I tried to talk about it while she was in this mood. And it just made her feel worse and she stayed like this longer, and the first time it happened we where not in the same country so I wrote in text chat. Bad idea. After that I have been much more careful about any problems or ideas to make our situation better. I will try to talk about it the most sensitive way possible, but still I feel the need to bring it up somehow.


    It is very difficult to walk on eggshells without causing damage.

  8. I want to try and fix this if it is possible. Still I'm not thinking about breaking up. But the answers here doesn't sound so good for me.

    Any more tips to my question? That it could get worse later or that I should run doesn't help. But thank you all that gave me some more input.

    I believe you to be a good and caring person but you need to ask why, exactly, you are seeking answers to the problem here.

    By your own admission you have only "known" this lady for approx 6 months.

    I sincerely hope you do find happiness and that the "problem" can be resolved.

  9. I very much doubt the lady will be able to vocalise any coherent reason for her behavior.

    I don't need a reason to why this happens, even if that would actually be a good place to start. What I need is to know what we can do so it doesn't happen again. The few times we talked a bit about it she said it is her fault, not mine. And I don't feel like I have done anything wrong, so on that part we both feel the same. The thing is it feels a bit different than some other friends I talked about that god "silent treatments". She isn't happy when she feels this way, and also she makes me very unhappy. And she doesn't do it to get anything from me, because I don't give her any things or extra physical support or anything. It is just bad for both of us, so I think she would also like this to never happen again. Just not sure how to talk about it in the best way because she can easily feel really bad from any criticism.

    If the lady can not offer any reason for her behavior it is extremely unlikely that she will be able to change.

    It is also unlikely that the two of you will be able to "sort" this matter out.

    The lady needs to gain some insight into her behavior and the reason(s) associated with it.

    A good Psychologist could assist her but I think seeking such help in Thailand would be a wast of time and energy.

  10. Hi Guys,

    I think you all misunderstand my main concern : why Consulate have to make the dependent ( one party, in my case is my wife ) to jump many hurdles / difficulties to earn one year multiple entries, why they are not giving the same type of visas to both of us especially marriage certificate was provided at the time ?

    Your wife could have had the same visa but she would have had to provide evidence of having 800,000 Bht which was entirely separate from any finances shown by yourself.

  11. Is this the gal who after returning from West Africa went bicycleling around town and refused to sequester her self?

    No. And there was no need for the Nurse ( not a "gal") who did go for a bike ride to "sequester" herself.

    If I remember correctly the "bike" Nurse successfully challenged an ignorant American "mayor" in his attempts to "jail" her.


  12. Very unfortunate surname, in the African context. Could be a derogetory name or a diminutive name thereof.

    Hope she gets better, but why go to an epidemic deadly virus area in the first place?

    Bravado to show how good the human caring spirit lives on? Very selfish as it places other people and health and medical persons lives in danger. too.

    COWARDLY CYNICS, should keep quite.

    Were it not for the bravery, dedication and skill of Médecins Sans Frontières and other volunteers Ebola could be knocking on the door of the cynics.

    Very selfish to stay at home and let others take the risk !

    edit=spelling adjustment!

  13. Hey

    Good luck with that and you would not have this problem if you treated Thai and foreigners with respect.

    I mean really trying to kick 2 boys off a bike at high speed and then ramming with a car... What did you think there going to praise your work of UPHOLDING and PROTECTING people in Thailand

    God Bless

    DO you have any evidence which supports the accusations being made ?

    Were you an "eye witness" to everything that occurred?

    Or, more likely, are you just another "keyboard cowboy" who hurls unprovable accusations from the safety and comfort of an armchair ?

    The video I saw has 1 ) a cop trying to kick over the moving motorcycle, 2 ) and as the young men traveled down the lane, the police came at them in the wrong lane and then when the motorcycle swerved to the right, the police deliberately moved left so as to block a moving motorcycle causing death.

    And a link to this video can be found where ?

  14. Could calling the immigration and asking them about this case help me? I don't wanna stay here illegally anymore sad.png I'm in good faith that I want to stay here legally. It's just some very bad circumstances that place me in this situation... sad.png I need proper advice please!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Calling immigration will be of no help at all.

    Follow the advice given in post 61

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