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Posts posted by oncearugge

  1. Do not listen the staff member she would not know her ass from her face honestly

    She just did not want make it easy for you

    bad attitudes and ) service is the way they roll... But are happy to take the baht

    Every office is different smile.png

    Every office is different smile.png

    There are a few things that can irritate a Farang in this country, but this must be the "Main-Irritaton" for every Farang living here.

    - Why can immigration not function under a centralized "Head-Immigration-Authority", that issues laws and regulations, that are binding for every Immigration office? Local Immigration "Chieftains", still insisting on ruling their little Kingdom by intuition, astrological constellations or simply by occasional mood-swings, would be dismissed.

    So, to every advice given here, there should automatically be a "disclaimer" attached, like "This advice concerns Immigration Office XXX. For Immigration Office YYY, this advice may not be complete/accurate".

    A sad state of affairs.


    When living and working in Zurich I received much conflicting advice from "officials". I wonder why? I also believe the Thais officials have been taking lessons in "confusing" the punter from the Swiss.smile.png

    With a 24 % "Foreigner Quote", Switzerland knows how to handle a massive influx of immigrants, (A classification System that issues visas from class B to class L. The system is precise and leaves no open questions). The Germans, at this special time, are actually considering "Swiss-Procedures". No kidding!

    Of course, immigrants claiming to be "independent Businessman", not really being able to disclose what "independent business" they actually conduct, but always wearing dark sunglasses, whenever dealing with "Swiss Officials", no wonder that those people get some "Special Attention" from "Swiss Officials".

    Oncearugge. Have a nice day. Cheers.

    I resent you offensive implication(s)

    FYI I was employed by the Klinik Hirslanden a renowned private healthcare facility.

    It was not until the Senior HR manager of the Klinic became involved that the nonsensical Swiss bureaucracy was sorted out in my favour.

    A precise system which leaves no open questions?

    Thanks for the laugh


  2. I guess I will be outnumbered by the chronic , pathogenic cynics.

    The Patong Festival is, in my opinion, a colourful and enjoyable prelude to the "High Season" which many are happy to partake in.

    Those are determined to make snid comment can stay away and indulge themselves with the usual cheap beer in a dump bar.


  3. Last week I paid the 5000 baht at my school for my 90 days extension. The school brings the paperwork and your passport to the immigration.

    The only thing I did was showing up at the immigration today, no cue number, just collect my passport with a 90 day extension, no questions asked.

    In and out of immigration in 10 minutes.Perfect !

    What did the 5000 Bht buy?

    Extensions of stay cost 1900 Bht.

    Care to mention where this "school" is based?

    Yes, but you have to go to school. And if you're not attending class there is a chance you get only a 15 days extension.

    I don't go to school so my 90 day extension cost more, but no hassle.

    Sorry to say this but selfish people like yourself are the direct cause of many others experiencing difficulty.

    • Like 1
  4. I cannot recall any report of Jomtiien wanting the seasoning before if that is where you went.

    It could be because of the income being less than the money in the bank.

    Maybe a very recent deposit ?

    I don't think there has ever been a report of any money seasoning issue for any reason for combo retirement applications at Jomtien office. Why would recent make a difference. No seasoning is no seasoning.

    I was just making polite reference to the fact that the "combo" method" is open to creative manipulation.

  5. I already addressed the OP's specific question in my first response:


    My continued responses are more of an antidote to the misplaced assumption that because the OP is 27, he's skint and throwing his life away. A particularly bizarre assumption given the OP made no mention whatsoever of their level of income.

    Why did you not advise the "brilliant" DN to seek employment with Microsoft or one of the other software giants? They are always looking for bright, degree qualified "engineers" .......................

  6. The people "you know" as engineer" are we talking 2 or 92?

    More than 92, believe it or not.

    One company I worked for had 300 remote engineers around the world, mostly in their mid twenties, with around 30% taking the opportunity to travel whilst doing so, on California rates.

    Remote "engineers" !

    "Engineers" of what ? Bridges, Skyscrapers, maybe they are remote Chemical or Electrical "Engineers" ?

  7. Is the fact that Thailand allows perpetual travellers and the UK does not relevant?

    Neither the UK or the US allow perpetual "travellers" .

    In the UK "perpetual travellers" are known as Gypsies who leave a tail of mess and destruction wherever they happen to go. Sometimes referred to as an "ethnic minority" They can also be found massing in and around the Gare du Nord in Paris where their favored occupations are thieving , mugging and robbery !

    • The elite visa which costs 500,000 thb for 5 years.
    • You shouldn't have a problem getting another tourist visa from your home country or another country neighbouring Thailand.
    • You won't be refused entry if holding a TR.what do you
    • Set up a company so you can have a non 'B' visa and WP.
    • There are companies that will, for a fee, employ you and organise a work permit. (sorry I don't know much about them other than they are expensive)

    Unfortunately Thailand doesn't want people your age living and working here illegally.

    Which country wants people living and working illegally? If you're under retirement age and you want to stay in Thailand . Then you should try and find a job here. Unless of course you are very wealthy, having possibly been left a lot of money by your parents and you don't need to work. in that case you should have no problem buying the elite card. So naturally the immigration Department is suspicious of young people wanting to live here permanently without a job. put yourself in the immigrations officers place. Hard-working, underpaid and understaffed. what do you think he thinks about all these these young foreigners wanting to stay here long time and not wanting or not having to work?,

    What country in the world prosecutes or deports people who earn income online - can you find a single example? It is extremely common for people to earn income online and travel these days, yet I have yet to find a single example of someone being prosecuted anywhere in the world under labour legislation for doing so, and I have looked.

    And that makes sense - why would any country invest resources in targeting self-sufficient young individuals that do not take away work from locals, are not a burden on the welfare state, and that inject foreign sourced income into the economy. It's really a bit of a no brainer.

    Which Western countries allow any "traveller" in on a visa exempt entry?

  8. The little IO in my head understands that a regional division is now having an interpretation, in that an entry "exceeding a limit of 90 days on visa exempt entries in a calendar year" constitutes a "Out-In ในลักษณะของ Visa run เพื่อให้ได้รับสิทธิในการอยู่ในราชอาณาจักรต่อเนื่องที่มิใช่เหตุผลเพื่อการท่องเที่ยว"

    When the May 2014 regulation was published, it has been widly publicised and understood that it tries to regulate back-to-back visa exempt out-ins. However, the wording of the said regulation, as you can see it (sorry, can not find the translated version), is not so specific and open for a lot of interpretations.

    Athough it looks like the new interpretation is a face-saving measure for a bad behavier,I have to wait to see if it really goes back to the widly-shared interpretation.

    Where does that come from?

    Please provide links and or references

  9. There is also a 7 days grace period for reporting. If your dates are correct nothing has to be done.

    There is no "grace period" merely a window of time during which a 90 day report can be made. 15 days prior to the due date and 7 days after.

    So in realty it will be 7 days grace as the report window us as stated 15 days before 7 days after and no penalty incured

    Clearly your understand and comprehension of language is very different to mine.

    If a "grace period" existed it would have to be a period of time OUTSIDE the official reporting window.

  10. Before you go try the online application first. If this fails you can mail it in. If you're a masochist you may still go to Promenada in person.

    The online app doesn't work in Chiang Mai. They are telling people NOT to try it. As for the mail in, I wouldn't trust the post office with my passport. I went last week, there were maybe 20 people there. In and out in about 15 minutes.

    Why would you wish to send your passport?

    Photocopies are all that are required......................coffee1.gif

  11. Do not listen the staff member she would not know her ass from her face honestly

    She just did not want make it easy for you

    bad attitudes and ) service is the way they roll... But are happy to take the baht

    Every office is different smile.png

    Every office is different smile.png

    There are a few things that can irritate a Farang in this country, but this must be the "Main-Irritaton" for every Farang living here.

    - Why can immigration not function under a centralized "Head-Immigration-Authority", that issues laws and regulations, that are binding for every Immigration office? Local Immigration "Chieftains", still insisting on ruling their little Kingdom by intuition, astrological constellations or simply by occasional mood-swings, would be dismissed.

    So, to every advice given here, there should automatically be a "disclaimer" attached, like "This advice concerns Immigration Office XXX. For Immigration Office YYY, this advice may not be complete/accurate".

    A sad state of affairs.


    When living and working in Zurich I received much conflicting advice from "officials". I wonder why? I also believe the Thais officials have been taking lessons in "confusing" the punter from the Swiss.smile.png

  12. Colds are viral in nature and taking or not taking antibiotics has no effect. Be forewarned your child is entering the ages where frequent respiratory infections are to be expected.

    Suprax is a very broad spectrum cephalosporin and would be effective against most like bacterial causes of diarrhea. However, like most antibiotics it in itself can also cause diarrhea. This is a definite likelihood given the negative stool test.

    If this is the culprit the diarrhea will gradually resolve after finishing the course of Suprax.


    However, if the diarrhea does not settle, then, in conjunction with a Pediatrician, changes to the baby's diet should be considered.

  13. I've done my visa extention yearly at the Suratthani immigration since it exist, at present all are women officers as you walk in a row of chairs for waiting without a Q card a women officer below the sign one stop service will entertain your paperwork when she signal your turn, another desk behind her sits a women captain will sign your visa if all is good, the chief of the department is a gentlement though, once a while he comes around but you can't tell, he's not in uniform unless you know him and he's the commander.Well, mommmysboy's been told to do online official address confirmation by house owner, i read it and i can confirmed every word of it is true and correct.You will always be told to do online if regarding address and google maps just like you say a small piece of paper with the webside refering the suratthani immigration and yes i know how imposssible it is to access the very confusing website. The remedy is to ask the one stop women officer to kindly do you a favour. Please do it for me through your wedsite, i'm an old men not good at computor, and do not criticize their website cos they go through the Thai version. I know you've been very polite like anyone else applying for visa and you only had to do it once and this is as far as i know concerning this subject at this office only it might differ elswhere and rules keep changing and if you're expecting something standard,no way but at the end of the day if you're granted your visa if it was me i can accept it. Cheers up i'm older than you.

    On line "address" reporting ?

    Do you mean online 90 day reports or something else ?

    If you are talking about on line submission of TM30 forms that is only available to registered businesses such as hotels and guest houses. It is not available for use by individuals.

  14. Dear Andy,

    I wouldnt recommend you elite visa, first it is expensive, second, why would you spent so many money when there is solution for digital nomads?

    Many companies provide working visa ( legally ) for digital - internet employers, I think they also cover your health insurance and social welfare, ( whatever that mean in Thailand)

    I am not familiar with this world since I am not digital nomads but my friends are and they are using Igloo in Chiang Mai,

    however, I dont know what are their experience and you should maybe ask on forum ( maybe this one but just other part or another one) whee digital nomads gather to discuss their option,

    best of luck

    Iglu charge 30% of income to provide their support/service.

    Most DN would not earn sufficient to allow them to work under the umbrella provided by Iglu.

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