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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. he looks a decent chap , I feel quite sorry for him , it must have been quite a shock for him to discover his wife for nine years had taken him to the cleaners with the aid of other people, nasty unfortunately he is just another statistic .

    Yes and quite a shock for some TVF members to find he has a voice on here too. A lot of back peddling suddenly with his appearance by people who love to snigger crass stuff to obtain status by shock appeal. For them just entertainment value at someone else's misfortune other than their own.

    No back pedaling from me,

    You can see from the wedding photo what was going to happen.

    No slim 20 year old marries a fat 42 year old for love ............................

    (a slim 20 year old + an attractive and slim 40 year old is stretching the old credibility a bit)

    And that's not even considering the cultural differences, the language barrier ........

    100% guaranteed to end in death or financial disaster.

    hahahahahahahahahaha! you are mis-informed sir. Thai girls love men dubble their age, fat, balding, smelly men.

  2. My basic rules for here work for me,

    Dont buy property, houses are anyway cheaper to rent than condo,s

    Dont get married, infact dont even get too serious with them

    Dont get financially involved with thais, male or female

    Myself i dont even rent women, most only target your finances either on the short or long term plan, it takes a while for them to realise there will be no flow of money and then they are gone after finding the next project.

    Sounds a bit dull: a bit of 'help yourself' in a rented room...

    Not at all dull, i rent a nice house for 5k per month with garden gated driveway and security cameras, i could,nt stay in a condo or room as i work at home and often have visitors,

    Girls change often, most start telling lies either from the get go or after a few months, actually its not the lies which bother me so much..just the fact they think i believe them.

    Edited to say, i,m bored with being asked to help opening a coffee shop, must have had 15 such requests, this happening to others also?

    Can you be more specifice in what they ask for.......

  3. Personally ...I would just get on a plane (give her the bike and the car with payments) and fly to my home country...get a divorce there (assume they have jurisdiction as you were married there).

    Don't know your work situation....do you have to stay in Thailand for work? if so, changes things....but I would still move out before she knows ...never know what she might do...ie scuff herself up and claim you beat her etc.

    Its over . How can one live with a LAZY ASSED thai girl..............hahahaha.

  4. Whilst I agree with the sentiment directed towards this individual I do not think we can blame Thai society. The last few years have seen many reports of paedophile rings and abuse in Western culture/society. Belgium had a very highly organized system several years ago, UK has had the recent abuse cases in Rotherham plus the historical events committed by 'celebs' some 20-30 years ago; and Austria's family in the basement was not too long ago.

    It is an indication of the need to constantly protect children no matter where or who you are, and I am pretty sure that 99.99% of any population have that goal. The remainder are sexual predators who not only know they are wrong but also work out how to beat the system and feed their perverted desires.

    Its ALL about the SIC Thai society mate ! No doubt that this "teacher" is a powerfull guy with a lot of connections. Why else would the parents and coppers kept silent for a decade !?

    Feed them more of those daily brainless soaps where people learn that the SHIT on that is part of the culture in Thailand... Isnt it becoming time that the PM keeps the Thai people happy in a CIVIL way instead loading them every week with a bunch of crap ? coffee1.gif

    Poor people. Girls going to be a comfort provider anyways. Might as well get a head start.

    You people from the west living poor in the vilaage is no cup of TEA.

  5. The sin sod was supposed to be for show to save face so my son could invest in the business. The family agreed to this plan, but later changed their minds.

    Latest I was told was 2 mill.thb.

    A lot of changing of the minds going on. If boy doesnt ditch this girl, he gets what he deserves. A family of leeches.

  6. Put a hand on your heart and think in yourself....is it normal that young women ( girl ) fall in love with retired man???

    Put your hand on your heart and say, "I never lost a Thai women to an old man."biggrin.png

    I can put my hand on my heart and say that.

    I can also put my hand on my heart and say I would never have picked the girl he picked in a million years, hardly a looker is she?

    she isnt bad looking compared to all the others. Downright ugly if you ask me.

  7. No offense intended, but this is yet another classic case which proves the saying, " Most foreigners leave their brains at the airport" !

    Just so some people can take advantage of them.

    I have a lovely tower for sale,cheap for very quick sale, located in center of PARIS. Only 500,000 Baht for very quick sale. Tremendous tourist potential GUARANTEED !!

    No no no!. i think guys who get into these situations never had brains in the first place. Just hardworkers who saved their money diligently-doesnt mean they were smart.

  8. There are still some nice places, but the atmosphere is horrible, when the place is empty like it is now on too many nights!

    I guess, many people by now learned what a rip- off the Nightmarket is and that you can get the same sh1t at MBK or JJ...and way cheaper!

    I am willing to bet, that there is no way back, because the vendors, taxi- and Tuk Tuk- drivers will never in a million years understand the concept of "word of mouth"!

    This is what think happened. Bad business practice will always turn off customers.

  9. Why didn't your foreign staff have a Non B visa and a work permit ? You are openly admitting that your foreign staff were working on ED and Tourist Visas... Either a troll or a perfect example of the fact that you can send a man to the moon but you still can't fix stupid.

    I am not the only business that were running this way, you can not waste your time and resources applying for a very complicated paperwork for some staff who will stays 5 or 7 months working with you, the staff were constantly changing and there is no flexible visa work scheme such as the Australian working holiday visa program, the Cambodian business visa however is straightforward you pay $300 to an agent and you have a one year visa without any hassle.

    only a fool thinks that foreigners will compete or steal jobs or wealth from locals, take a look at north Korea which illustrates the best example when a country closes its doors completely to foreigners.

    Brown is in......................hahaha. And so are 4.5 feet people!

  10. He abused 24 girls and uploaded their pictures to a web site yet no one came forth from Thailand? How the HELL does a school allow the opportunity for a teacher and student to be in that kind of situation in the first place? I understand how an eight year old might not grasp the full situation, but out of 24, SOME of them must have realized the perverse nature of his crime.

    They knew and accepted compensation in return for signing an agreement not to go to the police, this is explained in the linked article which is in Thai.

    Desperately sad for the kids, who are not only abused, but cannot even turn to parents or teachers, what a miserable life with no one to trust.

    Even sadder when the kids turn to the parent and get advice not in their self interest!

  11. Just thinking. Seems this is not un-common in the villages. Perhaps the mom's n pop's ratinalize the girls are going to be YOU KNOW bank tellers, office administrators, lawyers, dentists in the big cities so what difference does it make(as far as reporting the perps). They may see it as training.

    Sorry if im not politically correct. Villagers as i hear put a blind eye and ear as to what their daughters do to bring home the bacon. Think about it-am i right or possibly wrong.

    In the WEST women of the evening are predominately(girls who have been brought up being abused). Pretty Women movie is fiction.

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