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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. In my opinion, you are correct. I would only buy either to enjoy/rent as a holiday home or to live in or for rental income. This is not the west where investment for capital increase is great due often to limited alternatives. I would also not buy a new condo in Thailand as they depreciate, like a car, immediately someone moves in.

    What are you talking about?

    "only buy to either enjoy/rent as a holiday home or to live in of for rental income"......... sounds like you have covered all bases

    Don't agree..to many experts in TV who know jack poo, its like anywhere, location location location, in BKK there are a number of areas where you can get a good return, common sense will tell you where they are, also its a bit like anywhere if you don't know the city your buying into you can make mistakes.

    Dont buy into location, location, location, mantra. Price is probaly more important factor. Tons of condos for sale on bts line yet probably none offer good capitalization rates.

  2. in udon you can find a room for much less.

    insurance starts at 2000 a month.

    personally I can live well for 14000 bahts or less if I don't travel too much around Thailand (without insurance) and I know guys who live with less than that and are not cheap Charlies. they just live simply and are totally happy because they have more time for themselves.

    850$ is enough unless you are one of these retired guys who are never happy and give constantly their money to gogo ladies.

    Are there any googoo ladies under 45 left in ubon? i thought they all in pattaya or bkk.

  3. someone will hate you for meddling in the village affairs.....

    It will be war. Do you think the competitor will do nothing?

    I still say stay out of dodge. Let the villagers handle their own affairs. When you get right down to it foreigners havent added any value to the village.

    They build a house for momma n poppa and all the hangers on-how has that helped the villagers, They still dont have income.

    You want to really help run for grand poobah in the next election...............hahahaha.

    Its also possible in-laws mindset has changed. They know they will be taken care of by rich farang. Business make money or no make money-who cares.

  4. The incident filmed on Monday is likely to do little to try and improve the image of Pattaya, something which the tourism officials have been eager to do in recent years.

    Improving Pattaya's image would be a disaster and turn it in a ghost town. People come here because it is SIN CITY, beside a few Russian families and Chinese tour busses.

    Agreed. What are those hordes of chinese doing in the evening as they walk thru walking street to the piers? Arent the boats closed?

  5. Can you give a breakdown of how many actually make money? I surmmise 30% dont make s h i t.!

    How many times am I going to have to tell you that discussing prostitution on TVF is against forum rules???

    This thread is about the extent to which families receive support.

    If you keep posting like this you are going to get this thread shut down. Please stop!

    I think you're out of luck regarding sensible responses to your post. The fact is that for many Western makes in the country the sex industry IS Thailand, they are one and the same, and they therefore view the country and its female population through the lense of the red light district, a phenomenon reflected here through the commentary of a significant number of male TV members. Sad but true.

    Some , like me, want to know the down and dirty of a down and dirty industry! Its just fascinating. So many view boom booming as a big party. How do they get like that? Theyre offended if you say they are pretty but dont want to insert anything into any part of their being.

    And no they dont seem to be on druggs!

  6. No connection to afarangabroad or something? okie dokie!

    No attempt at nude modeling?

    No picking onions in AUS?

    SORRY! you a guy the loser interviewed. I dont take these forums seriously-lotta non-sense.

    My sinceerst apologie! Now go home and make some money!

    Your gf needs better housekeeping skils.

  7. So where did you find your gf.............................these situational stories just cant be true! Ive heard guys supporting FAMILY who werent Family. Goes on for years everybodys happy. WIN WIN ,WIN.

    Assuming op doesnt have a high paying village job. I wonder how much is his pension?

  8. I think it really depends upon the family in question.

    I know that when my youngest sister in law raised the possibility of going to work in Pattaya a couple of years back, the family was very negative, and succeeded in talking her out of it.

    As for sending money home to help take care of the old folks, again, don't think there is any set standard. All I can do is share my situation, it is this:

    Oldest daughter (my wife) - stays home in the village to keep an eye on papa (he needs very little taking care of he's a tough, independent old goat). She doesn't give him money per se, but she does spend some of her allowance on him. She also pays his medical and life insurance policies every month, under the agreement that if she is the only one paying it, then any money left over after the old boy dies and the funeral has been paid for, is hers.

    Second oldest daughter - Works in BKK in a factory, same as her husband. Rented accommodation and 10 hour shifts. Just had a new baby, also has a 12 year old daughter from a previous marriage. Until recently this daughter lived with us in the village and she did send money back each month to my wife. Daughter has now moved to BKK and she no longer sends money back.

    Third oldest daughter - works for the government in Buriram, husband runs a local construction business. Paying off two (work) truck loans, and with 2 young children they are trying to put through private school. It's only been the last couple of years they have finally got their head above water, and nobody expects them to hand over any significant amount of cash, they simply have their own problems, and we are all pleased to see them trying to make a better life for themselves and their children.

    Fourth oldest daughter - married a scumbag, very little education, off working in a factory in BKK. She has a 9 year old son that stays with grandpa in the village, so she does send a little money home every month because of this.

    Youngest daughter - works in the Fujitsu factory somewhere around BKK. Doesn't send money home, but she did completely renovate the father's house last year. However, I later learned that as the youngest daughter, she will inherit the house when he dies, so maybe not as generous as it first appears.

    Only son - runs a custom furniture business, currently in Myanmar working on a government contract. Has a young family in Buriram and is not expected to send money home to his father.

    Me - I contribute a few beers to Papa now and then, oh and I bought him a bicycle a couple of years back.

    My family isn't wealthy, not by a long shot. But neither are they lazy or drunken bums. It is the later I think, which is the cause for many families to rely upon being taken care of financially. They have no inclination to do it themselves.

    Do you know what WORKING GIRLS infer? surely not girls working factory............hahahahahahahahaha.

  9. Instead of "where you come from and what hotel are you staying", it's more like "Why you stay in Thailand, when so many people want to go to Europe.?"

    I always ask myself "why farang want to go live in the village when those who actually live there want to get out?".

  10. Now will op step up or continue to be a little immature person he has been.

    Will he tell his bartender gf that he is leaving in less that a year or will he keep it quiet till aug 30. The thing at stake is hes getting it FREE now.................hahahaha.

    A lot of lesson to be learned from this guy.

    Young immature, bad decision making, little money, mix in many bartender types femails==========another guy who couldnt hack 3rd world country and its backwardation type residents. Thailand isnt for the faint hearted!

  11. One has to question the op motives. Just showing he is big man on campus.

    Who builds a $50,000 home in a neighborhood of shanty town shacks? For one it has no resale value-villagers cant aford to buy it and no sane farang would.....hahahaha. The farang wants a no resale value home of his own..............hahaha.

    Also is it wise to flaunt ones wealth in villages where murdering people of means is not uncommon. I say butt out. Helping is when they came to you for advice.

  12. Hey all, I'm the guy who was interviewed. Just clearing up a couple of things...



    It's true there's not much in reserve for downswings, but at the time of writing I've got $350 online, which is 35 buyins at the stakes I play - this would typically be seen as adequate by most players at $10 buyin games. I'm hoping I can grow this figure over the next few months, naturally.

    I think its best you go home to marry the lovely Indian girl your parents have lined up for you............hahahaha!

    Jspill writes -He's not doing this long term, just a few months then back home to start a job.

    Why does Jspill say you going back home? something not adding up. I call troll.

    Are you going to leave the Thai girl up a creek without a paddle?

    Jspill posts on a poker forum where I've made a thread about my situation - in that thread I explained I have a job lined up for Sep 2016, which is why I'm going home then.

    If you mean 'leave her up a creek without a paddle' as in 'leave her living in the same place and doing the same stuff as she previously was before I came to Thailand',

    So your gf was gainfully employed as a beverage worker? And now she plays HOUSEWIFE? The math just doesnt add up.

    Its just silly to claim $300 is a fair amount to live in Thailand.

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