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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. And the answer would be..........it varies!

    I have met quite a few (and befriended some) over the years due to the fact that I have/had many friends who have owned bars, and one in particular in which I used to spend a great deal of time in helping out, so I have some knowledge of the issue, and as I said, it varies!

    Those particularly motivated to send money home are those who have left their young child/children behind with their families, who are currently taking care of them whilst the girl is out trying to earn some money. The amount obviously varies depending on the type and quantity of work they have been getting, whether it's from regular customers or just through being bought lady drinks.

    A few of the girls come down for the extra money and get to like it, ensuring that they have the latest iPhones and gadgets etc, as well as some gold, before sending a little bit home for the family, and then there are others who will only send a bit of money home when seemingly their conscience gets the better of them.

    There is a problem here and I have seen it in action – – many of the girls who are not earning enough money to be able to pay their rent and support their lifestyle actually borrow from the "loan sharks" in order to survive and perhaps send whatever they can back home, and this is a recipe for disaster because the interest rate charged by these despicable people soon ensures that the girls are horribly in debt.

    As for girls being sent down to work in the bars by their mothers, well that is absolutely true and a particular bar I was helping out in had quite a few of these sent down from a village up North (the bar owners girlfriend came from this particular village) and he put his foot down when he found out that some of them were between the ages of 15 and 17.

    Some of the girls who stayed eventually got into the swing of things and from being shy cute young things who would sit quietly in the corner of the bar, they became crotch grabbing vixens who would hunt down prey in the Soi..............the transformation in six months was sometimes remarkable.

    Another lady I have known for about five years has managed to send enough money home to just about complete a lovely single-storey house near Udon Thani (she has shown me the photographs) and intends to earn enough to finish it and go back home and live in it, having built a couple of rooms on the back of it for her mother.

    And finally, there are those girls who will pick and choose with whom they go and they are able to do so because they are particularly attractive, and usually as well they can command better rates, and some of that gets sent home.

    As you can see, there is no one particular "situation" that fits all.

    Can you give a breakdown of how many actually make money? I surmmise 30% dont make s h i t.!

    Just last night a new girl showed up- very pretty. She had guys interested in a minute while the regs get no action weeks at a time.

    Question: – "how many actually make money?".

    I would think your 30% is a bit low, this especially for the bars who don't pay any salaries for their girls (some do and I'll go into that later).

    A couple of lovely girls I know in a bar at one time hadn't had a customer in three months, so a mate and I used to call in on them regularly and buy them some lady drinks to help the coffers along, and slip them a few hundred baht to buy some food.

    In the bars that do not provide a salary or accommodation for the girls, then any money they get goes towards just living and if they've had slow times like of late, then they are constantly borrowing from friends and moneylenders. I would say there would be more than 50% of these girls who are not making any money, at least not enough to send any home.

    Now there are a few bar owners who realise that keeping good girls is fundamental to their business, so they pay them a salary of say 6000 to 9000 baht per month and some even provide accommodation or help out with it. In these cases, the girls can earn money from lady drinks and customers and they are the ones who are quite "well off" (in relative terms) and who are able to send some money home.

    Unfortunately for the girls, the era of bar owners taking care of their girls with accommodation and salaries is fast disappearing because of the slowdown in business, so it can become a bit of a "catch 22" situation – – don't pay the girls so the best girls go, leaving the average ones behind and the customers therefore stay away, ensuring that the bars don't make any money.

    This certainly would be the case for the average bar girl, however in some of the places like Patong, attractive girls dancing on the bars are often paid a retainer (base salary?) in order to attract the punters, however you only have to walk down amongst these bars to see how desperate the girls have become, because they damn near tear your arm off trying to pull you over to the bar. That would suggest pressure from the bar owners and a need for more money.

    Lastly I suppose that the question, "how many make money" is probably vague in many ways, because after paying for accommodation, food, clothes etc the vast majority of the girls won't have any money left at all, although they will often find a way to send some home. So the days of "making money" for these girls has in essence, long gone and now it's probably like "existing" with the occasional bonus month thrown in..........I know many of them are waiting for this high season to be the one which is going to bring the money rolling in, however I can't see it.

    And just to increase the competition I am beginning to see new girls arrive, clutching carry bags containing their worldly goods, and meeting up with other friends here, buying the basic necessities from Big C and setting themselves up four to a room, ready to hit the town and strike gold (or so they think).

    PS. MODS.........I have just seen the previous post and although I have tried to keep this post pretty "non-specific", by all means delete it if it contravenes the rules.

    Tell me if im wrong. Many girls get chest enhancments thinking it will do wonders for their career...................hahahaha. While im thinking its more the face that needs enhancement..............hahahaha.

    So many girls are not getting any more action compared to before surgery.

    Any thoughts.

  2. I know a lady who walked away from 2 husbands ( with a single child involved each time) in almost an identical way ( excluding the soup). Both fathers really decent guys.

    Ages of those involved. I really worry about a retired man having a 10 year old son. Its just not right.

    Who says it is not right? You?

    Based on what grounds?

    I am 71, my son is 12 and my wife is 50.

    If my wife died tomorrow who do you think will look after my son?

    Santa Claus, the tooth fairy or me?

    18 year graduates from high skool and pops is near 80. Its just not right.

  3. Can you give a breakdown of how many actually make money? I surmmise 30% dont make s h i t.!

    How many times am I going to have to tell you that discussing prostitution on TVF is against forum rules???

    This thread is about the extent to which families receive support.

    If you keep posting like this you are going to get this thread shut down. Please stop!

    Discussing the P word is against forums rules. you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Sorry but when you mentin red-light district i think of sexy ladies in bras and knickers.

  4. And the answer would be..........it varies!

    I have met quite a few (and befriended some) over the years due to the fact that I have/had many friends who have owned bars, and one in particular in which I used to spend a great deal of time in helping out, so I have some knowledge of the issue, and as I said, it varies!

    Those particularly motivated to send money home are those who have left their young child/children behind with their families, who are currently taking care of them whilst the girl is out trying to earn some money. The amount obviously varies depending on the type and quantity of work they have been getting, whether it's from regular customers or just through being bought lady drinks.

    A few of the girls come down for the extra money and get to like it, ensuring that they have the latest iPhones and gadgets etc, as well as some gold, before sending a little bit home for the family, and then there are others who will only send a bit of money home when seemingly their conscience gets the better of them.

    There is a problem here and I have seen it in action – – many of the girls who are not earning enough money to be able to pay their rent and support their lifestyle actually borrow from the "loan sharks" in order to survive and perhaps send whatever they can back home, and this is a recipe for disaster because the interest rate charged by these despicable people soon ensures that the girls are horribly in debt.

    As for girls being sent down to work in the bars by their mothers, well that is absolutely true and a particular bar I was helping out in had quite a few of these sent down from a village up North (the bar owners girlfriend came from this particular village) and he put his foot down when he found out that some of them were between the ages of 15 and 17.

    Some of the girls who stayed eventually got into the swing of things and from being shy cute young things who would sit quietly in the corner of the bar, they became crotch grabbing vixens who would hunt down prey in the Soi..............the transformation in six months was sometimes remarkable.

    Another lady I have known for about five years has managed to send enough money home to just about complete a lovely single-storey house near Udon Thani (she has shown me the photographs) and intends to earn enough to finish it and go back home and live in it, having built a couple of rooms on the back of it for her mother.

    And finally, there are those girls who will pick and choose with whom they go and they are able to do so because they are particularly attractive, and usually as well they can command better rates, and some of that gets sent home.

    As you can see, there is no one particular "situation" that fits all.

    Can you give a breakdown of how many actually make money? I surmmise 30% dont make s h i t.!

    Just last night a new girl showed up- very pretty. She had guys interested in a minute while the regs get no action weeks at a time.

  5. PS

    HiSo girls have their own money and job.

    HiSo families don't need to scrounge from foreigners.

    This girl sounds more like an Issan hooker.

    (looks up Yasothon in Google ....... yep, right first guess!)

    Theres hi-so and then there are hi-so.....................hahahaha. Gotta love guys who think they married hi-so!

    3% or so control 50 % of the wealth in Thailand. Is your girl part of the 3%.............hahahaha.

  6. The one I married,

    I send money home to her mother, 3k a month.

    If the misses argues with me, mum supports me.

    Mum is bought and paid for.

    When guys say they know successful bargil marriages-above is what i think they mean. So sad!!!!!!!!!!!!

    From my investigations i surmise many girls who do HARD jobs in red-light districts dont make enough money to send home..........................hahahahaha. I know its not funny-it is what it is. I equate them to those who go to Hollywood to be movie stars. Most fall short-way short.

  7. She speaks up for sex workers I really like that. A smart woman in the business can do a lot with the money they make like she points out and with their free time develop themselves. Too bad most donot see that and get caught up in bad habits and abused by others.

    On the same note I would like to mention men who marry the bargirls and take them out of the business should get better support too. I believe these guys get mote girls out of the business than INGO'S or NGO'S combined. And people give them a hard time for it. They ,make an honest woman out of them and get no respect.

    Guys get no respect because they dont deserve any. BEEjeesus the girls that marry them dont give em respect-they know the deal.

    Wake up sir n smell the somtums!

  8. Many thanks to all of you for your advise and ecnouragement...

    When I bought the land (in my wife's name) and build the house on it, I made a written and signed agreement with her, a local lawyer, the Puyabaan and myself. Stating that I paid for everything and if there would be any request to divorce...I could sell it and get my money back...

    The Thai judge and my lawyer didn't give any attention on this...I also made a prenuptial agreement with the Ambassador at the Belgian Embassy saying

    that I could keep all my possessions that I had at that moment at any time...When I married I stopped working and have no income...since than.

    Both documents were made in Thai and in English and stating that my wife understood the content.

    The Thai Judge seems not to have any attention to this...and my lawyer doesn't stress on this either...they only want me to give the house and pay a huge amount of money.

    It feels like I'm being ripped off by both the lawyer and the judge. Therefore I will anounce this here and I think to sew them both at the Thai Law Council and the Ombudsman as well as the lawyer of my ex-wife.

    Thank you all again for your support.


    I aggre wholeheartedly------SEW em!

    Sir with all due respects. This can be a teachable moment for the next Swen off the plane. Would you do anything different if you had a cahnce for a redo?

  9. When a country starts a real education system where kids are obliged to go to school and parents educated enough to send them, then these problems will start to go away. It's only poverty ( mainly) that puts them on the streets.

    Rubbish, it is not poverty. They are lazy prostitutes. Wise up.

    It is poverty. Do a distribution graph-majority come come poor areas of thailand, laos, cambodia, and japan. ok maybe not japan.............hahahahaha.

  10. No hypocrisy here. I did not marry a prostitute. For the love of me I cannot fathom the words bar girl. Is it to make others feel good instead of using the real name for the girls. I am not having a go at the girls just calling a spade a spade. They are there for short term rental. Not for meaningful relations.

    No hypocrisy from me neither. I enjoy going to bars and interacting with bargirls. Something is wrong with me as no matter how much i like one do i ever think of marrying one..............hahahahaa. On the other hand i dont see why a bargirl would want to marry me-only thing i have to offer is a ton of money.......oops!

  11. Always Buriram, Sisaket or Udon Thani. What is it about these provinces

    The real question is whats up with the europeans. No other race jumps @ the chance to marry 2nd grade edukated women with multiple kids from multiple fathers like eu guys do.

    Lets look @ the bright side. Im sure the bride gave op the best 8 years of his life......................................hahahahahahaha.

  12. That's the 3rd this week.

    I bought her a house, I bought her a car, now I'm out.

    The ugly truth is, she only ever wanted the house and the car, you weren't going to spend much more and she knows it.

    Asking us for advice is a little bit like a guy jumping off a balcony then phoning for help before he hits the ground.

    Seeing as you have already gone to court and been warned of the likely outcome.

    What you do is take your money and anything else you can sell/carry/offload then leave the country and don't look back.

    Some people, that are less forgiving than myself, have been known to bulldoze/burn down the house on the way out.

    Shouldn't have bought the house for cash!

    Sorry for your loss, it could have been worse, and still can be.

    See the sad tale of Yoshi-oka san.

  13. The dis-abled bf sound like quite a catch? Distributing money hand over feet!

    The op sounds quite like the old cliche-and not in a good way!

    My kudos to op saying girl from a bar in Pattaya! at least he knows what he is dealing with. Good Luck cakefruit!

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