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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. Rain makes it hard for the girls to show up for work.. YES those kind of girls.............hahahaha.

    Did you create that post alone in your room whilst your underpants were round your ankles ?

    Some very odd people on the internet.

    No i did not. It happened last night , very few workers- whats a man to do? cold shower? hahahaha!

  2. Been here in LOS 16 years and never married. Every farang ive known here has been married atleast once to a Thai ,lost alot of money including houses and all are now divorced. I'm the only one left living and working in Thailand.

    What makes these mostly old ugly middleaged foreign men think that young Thai girls like them ? Theyre so gullible .

    Its always about your money. Thais girls have said to me they like farang money.. They never say ( sincerely) that they like sleeping with farangs.

    The only farang that i (think) is still married is an aussie who married here when he was about 23 and she the same. They live in OZ ,not here.

    99% of girls who marry foreign men do so to escape poverty and support family including Thai BF or maybe even a sami.

    Virtually every Thai girl on the internet sites is after an old retired foreign man 55-75 year olds for immediate marriage.

    Suckers !.

    HOGWASH! Im 80 and my gf is40. She says the SEX is great. She said she never noticed the money i have. Her allowance is $2,000 . Ive got a lot more where that came from. So no worries.

  3. Just curios of what the Thai girls doing to farang people I can't imagine how bad they are...sorry to mention but I read a lot of news here in Thai visa looks like all is same hobbit they're not contented what they've got they always want more ...why would not be content to what you've got and be happy and bless and thankful for some luck ..but looks like Thai girls doesn't know how to be contented such ashamed .

    Another guy and his bargirl?

    freakin...g never ends with these fools.

  4. I can only speak for myself.

    My MiL knew about my wife's relationship with me even before I did.

    If she is keeping secrets from her mother, something is amiss.

    weird. what could possibly be the big secret ?

    maybe her past relationship that lasted two years with another falang went wrong somewhere ?

    she is embarrassed to tell mom that she is in relationship with falang?

    she probably makes 150,000$ a year and i am well well over that, so i don't know what the issue is as it has nothing to do with money

    its very puzzling for me, and i let go about the issue, because she isn't going anywhere, and neither am i.

    but seriously strange

    if any others have opinions please shed light thanks

    if you are uncomfortable get rid of her. maybe you are just a toy.

    id get rid of a MATERIALISTIC girl in a minute. after having boom boom of course..............hahahaha.

  5. One thinks that the reward should be paid following a successful conviction.

    This pantomime is making Thailand look like a complete joke. And a dirty one at that.

    Interesting to know the bogeyman is still a suspect : I sense we are being fed the Uighurs line to keep both sides of the political divide quiet.

    If only coppers in USA were as good as those found in Thailand.............hahahaha! They even got rewards twice!

  6. Dark stories! In general, some people are gullible or naive . . . Only loving the flesh and not the soul. How many times and a person loose their nest egg or savings.

    It attempt to life a fantasy life, can result in disaster and hardship. Even Thai women fall victim to dishonest Thai and farang husbands. Marriage within your socioeconomic group would provide a greater change for a successful.

    Generally speaking this is true but there will be some here that married someone half their age and it is a loving and successful marriage and others who married from the same age and socioeconomic group and it was a disaster. Generalizations are OK but specifics can be different

    "...there will be some here that married someone half their age and it is a loving and successful marriage..."

    Er, I don't buy that even in specific cases. Don't tell me it's loving and successful. As long as there's an income stream its perceived to be successful.

    Love will have bugger all to do with it. At best, companionship.

    i bet all these successes involving big age differences are based on money. WE not fools! the men just accept it.

  7. I havent watched the film but say I had kids with a foreign wife and she shafted me for a load of money, I'd then say ok, thats the inheritance for the kids right there, and get a legal letter sent. Then when the kids grow up, they know mum has/had their money in assets/capital

    What planet are you from. Crooks dont steal to set up legacies for their children..................................hahahahaha.

  8. Sad stuff this.

    What gets me is that 11 years ago I met a wonderful Thai lady - a real honey!

    First, bought her a m/c - Honda Wave.

    About 5 years ago, bought her a car.

    This year a quality home.

    Now, she desires a new Pajero.

    When I got cancer, I made her co-signatory to bank a/cs.

    She has been with me through thick & thin.

    So far, all is too good, BUT one never knows!

    Oh well, if it hits the fan, there is always the Salvos or Vinnies.

    I totally trust her but after reading this type of thread, some fear & worry arise.

    Friend of mine also has cancer, 3 years now, expensive operations and treatment.

    He and his wife have been together 10 years, she's 30 years younger than him.

    Throughout she has been a total gem, completely supportive, always acting in his best interests.

    He is housebound so she deals with all the finances has his cards and PINs.


    Last year, started borrowing money from anyone that would lend (despite an allowance of 50k a month).

    My wife lent her 5K, never to be returned, at which point we stopped seeing them ........... he wouldn't be told.

    Since then has emptied his bank account (nearly 2M baht). (Info from mutual friends)

    Goes out every night, dressed to kill.

    He's very sad,and his children in the UK want him to go home and live with them.

    He has nothing left in Thailand, his 5M baht house is in her name.

    Amazing Thailand. I was actually convinced she was the one that broke the rule.

    Rather typical if she is a bar girl. This type of thing has been cultivated in the Pattaya and Bangkok beer bars and the legend is known in the rural villages when the rich farang returns with his bar girl who now has new big face with new house and car in her name. The man is simply a fool and all Thais know it. Few exceptions but few and far between. There are good Thai gals but you will have to find them don't let them find you.

    Stop with the good girl non-sense. A good girl is not looking for a husband in pattaya. Good girls are not marrying men who are dubble their weight, dubble their age, dubble their weight, men with half their brainpower..................hahahah, etc etc etc.

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