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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. Who cares.....


    The most succinct reply, the only reason there are so many girls is that sexual mores have changed- it is now social acceptable to abuse the low paid poor local population. No punters- no prostitutes .

    It seems that a vast majority of TV members constantly rabbit on about the availability of prostitutes- they are women selling their bodies- is that good?

    It will take time- but this country will wake up and close down all those ghastly beer bars ( or is it bar beers) and bring about a bit of dignity to the Thai people .

    You a comedian?

  2. Can op give us a tutorial on how girl learn the business. Are they targeted the moment they are born? grade skool? high skool? What training do they go thru? I just find it hard to believe so many are not grouches on the job. Many are pleasent and seem to do the best they can.

  3. Back to the rice paddy for them. the factories are closing too. So little chance of getting work there.

    I notice barfines in Nanas Big Bars are down. Just my observation. But i think a little price adjustment would do wonders. 2500 plus the incidentals come to over $100 for a short time encounter. Lower price activity goes up- common knowledge . 2000 baht would do wonders-it would make everyone happier-methinks.

    PS - those not blessed with a good face could charge 1500. For these bad faced girls its always LOW season.

  4. ......cleaning up the citys image???

    What ?

    Pattaya relies almost entirely on prostitution to survive.

    Get rid of all the hookers and there is nothing left except a few 7/11's and a filthy beach.


    Non thais who are holy are just as out of touch as thais and their image. Thai image is one of FrIeNdlY girls who dont costa leg and an arm to date...............hahahaha.

  5. ......cleaning up the citys image???

    What ?

    Pattaya relies almost entirely on prostitution to survive.

    Get rid of all the hookers and there is nothing left except a few 7/11's and a filthy beach.


    Thailands image consist of comfort girls. Food, culture and temples are a sideshoww!

  6. so does that mean If I buy a house via a company structure to comply with thai ownership laws I will be investigated for unscrupulous exploitation of Thailand and its honest law abiding government agencies?

    what a funny country to decide to call home for the foreseeable future, oh well glad the food and the people are nice

    Im not a big fan of thai food!

  7. You are right to be concerned as your daughter's response to your questions, her voicing the fact that she doesn't like to stay home with them, could be indicative of a problem. You don't say what country you are in, often teachers are skilled in spotting the signs and best placed to get some response from the child. Another dynamic here is that this is your ex-wife, sometimes in that situation the child has divided loyalties and might be too scared to come clean with you. I would certainly be inclined to get in some outside help. Won't make you popular with your ex-wife but that's too bad. Good luck.

    Incest doesnt happen everywhere. But it does in Thai villages. I asked an Elder once about it and he told me to Shut the Fuc.k up or i would have to be killed. They see it as training. Nothing to see move on kind of thing.

  8. I'm sock of hearing about these murders. Robberies. Drowning's. Every single <deleted> day dy cowards who stack visitors to their country. Even most I have spoke with do not like this crime tarnishing the name of their country. Far past time to Boycott world wide the travel destination of Pukett. But by the looks of their decreasing visitor numbers they will ban themselves also In the day if the information age this can literally happen overnight.

    The hooligan took off his shirt!

  9. There are just as many reasons as there are people. You want common reasons as to why people live here and slag off Thailand.

    I suspect one common reason people complain is due to the fact that they may not of understood Thailand before they arrived, since Thailand is so good at packaging.... controlling the press releases... Maintaining an image, now matter how far removed from reality... _________________________ (insert common reason here)

    Once they've arrived and the haze is off, reality sinks in, and they begin to do the love/hate thing until they get fed up w/ the place.

    If fact if you look at the myriad of blog posts and articles, over the years, about long term expats who gave up on Thailand, they all have a common thread.

    They get tired of the culture, scams, lies, ever changing rules, racism, xenophobia.

    Reasonable people are going to get tired of this anywhere they go. coffee1.gif

    People understand Thailand. ITS bargirls and how much they cost. 2nd is Thailands world famous corruption.

    I dont really get where Thailand is viewed as a Paradise. Before i got here i knew what it was about.

  10. Man, this is interesting. But i feel bad for the guy. They left together a little bit ago. I will talk to him some more when he gets back. He is a young guy and obviously pissed right now. I ask him if he has any money left, and he said he has his credit card... another thing in the backpack he said that wasn't stolen. The more I think about it, the more the gf is guilty. Poor man!

    If the gf isnt a bargirl what is she?

  11. I have been there, but did not like it at all.

    I hope it goes around. And the number of tourist will drop close to zero.

    This country deserves a lesson how to deal with foreigners.

    These foreigners bring a lot of cash to the country, they should treated with much more respect.

    These guys come for the girls. STOP with the political correctness-its killing everything.

    Truth be told pattaya ,phuket, bkk would be a ghost town wo the girlies......

  12. A man and his barboy and people jump to conclusions.........................maybe he forgot to take a medicine?

    Why does this post make speculations about a) the nature of the relationship ('barboy'), or b] the adherence to medication? Is this not 'jumping to conclusions'?

    Ye s i am jumping to conclusion. But my jump is valid. If not a barboy then what? hhahahahaha.

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