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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. Sure be a hero and save the day. Pay it off for them and then take a deep breath.......as before you exhale you will be asked to help with more problems than you ever knew could have existed......

    Also, time to carefully check the Land papers IF you have built a house and lock away any registration books if you have vehicles in your name.

    A house built by farang has no resale value as poor thais cant afford to buy and no intelligent farang would buy.

    So it really doesnt matter if papaers are proper.

  2. Getting married to a Thai girl must be fraught with danger. Does she really love you? did she just do it for money? it's hard to tell, maybe if you are of similar ages it's more likely to be genuine but big age gaps unlikely to be genuine which means the girl may change her mind when something better comes along. Then there's the complication of secret Thai boyfriends.

    Some signs?

    1. Are you dubble or tripple her weight?

    2. Are you dubble or tripple her age?

    3. Is her IQ dubble or tripple yours?

    4. Is she aware you collect a PENSION

    5. Is she still growing hair while you are losing it in volumes?

  3. you can buy branded name clothes at second hand market. it s amazing the number of clothes I have for 10 to 20 bahts piece.

    I have even the best eau de Cologne.

    I can say I live a 5 stars life for less 300$ a month.

    in the USA I would barely feed myself.

    chichkebab 60 bahts, where you get this price in farang land?

    scooter cost half price.

    oil change cost 100 bahts or less

    our dream comes true... smile.png

    HOG wash! that 300$ figgure has been de-bunked!

  4. Hey all, I'm the guy who was interviewed. Just clearing up a couple of things...



    It's true there's not much in reserve for downswings, but at the time of writing I've got $350 online, which is 35 buyins at the stakes I play - this would typically be seen as adequate by most players at $10 buyin games. I'm hoping I can grow this figure over the next few months, naturally.

    I think its best you go home to marry the lovely Indian girl your parents have lined up for you............hahahaha!

    Jspill writes -He's not doing this long term, just a few months then back home to start a job.

    Why does Jspill say you going back home? something not adding up. I call troll.

    Are you going to leave the Thai girl up a creek without a paddle?

  5. What i find impossible is the part about the Thai gf.

    They usually do everything for a reason and always has to be some motivation/benefit from staying with a farang.

    that she is hanging around him for absolutely no gain, and also the indignity (from a thai perspective anyway ) of having to pay half the expenses while doing so..

    well, to me it is like a big neon sign spelling BullsHlT

    The guy writing the explanation and rundown of expenses isnt the same as the FARANGABROAD dude.

    The FArang ABRoad guy is a party animal. He isnt the type who stays @ home. He isnt a homebody!

  6. Had a look at the budget, not really anything solid there.

    Id bet he met some frumpy cow and she agreed to let him move in. It's very difficult for farang to get those 2500/3000b flats and he speaks no Thai.

    The real trade off for her is that I'd bet 500b he led this woman on to believe that there was a future for them - her in UK.

    So, he led her along and sponged off her.

    His food costs are ridiculous and if your best tip is don't drink at Nana, its bs.

    In fact, how in the F can he even afford beer?

    Yeah, visa would be not 6k and that's a single. Let's say he did score a double at 7k. Add to this to at the time us20 Cambo visa (can a noob pull this off on Cambo border, nope), b500 r/t minivan, lunch, whiskey us10. That's b1500...I know, I can do that runner.

    You can read all day on TV guys that cannot pay us20.

    So, that's 8500 for four months b2125 per month and well over us50, about fifty percent over at nearly 75 bucks.

    Sadly, I'm sure he did spend 300 and the gf made it up on her salary as service staff in a gogo.

    I think you are right sir. He does seem like a smooth talker. Make a downtrodden thai girl believe things he has no intention of delivering. SCUM.

  7. He said visa run costs average out to $50/week, not that a visa run costs that.

    So a ~$150 visa run, then no visa costs for 60 days, then just a $60 extension for another 30 days, and so on... averages out to around $50/month.

    He's out in Thonburi, rooms are cheap. Has a girlfriend at home for entertainment.

    He's not doing this long term, just a few months then back home to start a job.

    He has been living like this for years. He is just wasting his life away with bargirls. Bargirls are ok for older people with money.

    I guess his writings are not making him a whole lotta money! neither did his nude modeling.

  8. The West is ravaged by capitalism.

    Every worker is under huge pressure by constantly having to compete with other work forces from low cost countries doing the same job for a fraction of the price. Everyday people are losing jobs, houses, families are broken.

    Most companies have relocated to low cost countries for their production. It only makes sense that workers now do the same.

    I say this guy is a modern hero for having found his temporally way out of the pressure and for adapting to Thai life standards.

    CAPITALISM has raised the standard of living for more people than anything else. If NOrth Korea did it it would work there too. Only problem is then dear leader wouldnt be needed anymore-so surely he wont let it happen.

    If Japan went more Capitlism they would smoke China instead they are mired in a decade long recession. They are so uptight. Took me 30 minutes to change a $100 bill once.

    Theres 2 Chinas-private sector and public sector. A businesee analyst said theres 2 economies. The private sector is doing fine the one run by govt sucks duck eggs!

  9. your obligations are your must be prepared to lose everything you have.

    To be more specific an arm and a leg.

    Or in extreme circumstances-DEATH! it does happen-watch out for the neighbor next door. Have 2000 baht and he will do anything and he means anything.

  10. Being at front with all Thai women expectations, will also be a surprise. Many of them, working and independent ones, do not care about your financial situation, are just looking for a good companion and a better relationship than before...and many..are very smart, very young, and very beautiful.

    SO true. Explains why so many men(sexpats end up marrying girls of ill repute). The good ones(thaigirls) know who they(sexpats) are and stay clear of them.

  11. "but it always amazes me why people choose to live such a life in a third world country"

    What REALLY amaze me is why on earth do people from the first world ever step on the third world's soil.

    Did YOU ever think about THAT?

    Lets be real. Female genitalia does have its appeal. LOw costs and many times FREE.......................hahahaha!

  12. Why on earth do you guys marry these women? Don't get me started. You have to be either on crack cocaine or really needy to take these people seriously. You are in a country with a zillion women who would kill to be with you and you choose a nut case. Be smart. Stay single so you have an easy way out. And don't ever get a lady pregnant. Better yet, get a vesectomy. Cover your bases.Again, don't get me started.

    The thing is all these zillion women work in bars. 10 years and i just dont see rmen marrying bank tellers, and office administrators, insurance girls, lawyers,etc....

    I just dont understand thai girls who dont want sexpats for husbands.................hahahaha.

  13. My wife seems to be always unhappy with me.

    Knowing this op got married...................hahahaha. Seriously i think its the guys who are dysfunctional more than the girls. And he wants her back but will only give money while together.......................hahahahaha.

  14. Who says it is not right? You?

    Based on what grounds?

    I am 71, my son is 12 and my wife is 50.

    If my wife died tomorrow who do you think will look after my son?

    Santa Claus, the tooth fairy or me?

    18 year graduates from high skool and pops is near 80. Its just not right.

    Who are you to say what us right and what is not?

    You can't even spell school. Pops is not a real word.

    I am his father and he calls me Daddy

    You have NO idea what you are talking about.

    You cannot even answer the question that I asked.

    What grounds are you objecting on? What qualifications do you have?

    So son and his hi-so thai chinese wife have a baby. Son asks mom to go to TESCO and get some diapers. Mom looks a bit puzzled and asks son for whom, precious baby or GRAMPS. Its just not right!

  15. I made a mistake with my sin sod. I did not understand the culture and face that goes with Thai culture. (hopefully I do now) My fiancé asked that I put 1,000,000 TB on the floor on our wedding day. I placed 100,000 on the floor and my Aussie friends who witnessed my wedding had put $100 notes there to. But I also had a large collection of gold coins in a book. These were taken from their carefully, years long presentation and thrown on to the small pile of money. I was horrified. The 50 odd people who surrounded the counting of the money and seemed unimpressed suddenly had smiles on their faces. We had an outdoor wedding reception. Under large tents with a catering team of locals. Hundreds from the village came with envelopes of money. Huge speakers blasted out music.

    My wife said, you give me large face to my village. Now we have built a very nice modern house in the village. My Aussie mates call it the Taj Mahal. My adopted children call me papa and dad. I loathe cats, but 5 cats have adopted me. I had had one claw its way up my leg to be in my arms. They chase the dogs away that threaten our chickens and ducks. They have also warned me about snakes before I saw them, never saw so many snakes in my life.

    So it is all about face but ultimately it is all about love. And a wonderful life in Thailand, a good wife, beautiful village people that will do anything for you. I will always make sarcastic remarks about some losers that just don't get it.

    Payment doesnt always have to be upfront sin sod as you experienced. A TAJ MAJAHAl in the village-- who are you trying to deceive? The fine members here?

    If im a village people id be pissed @ a dude like you rubbing your money in my face! Watch out sir-flashing your wealth in the village could get one killed.

  16. she is saying " i dont know"?? Of course she knows. If she doesn't want it then trust me she will say it directly that its not required and she can convenience her parents too.

    you are going to marry her not her family? though in many cases its like marrying the whole family along.

    make things very clear with her.

    Concurred! Age appropriate couple-you are so far ahead of the game.................hahahahaha.

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