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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. I mean, this is expected and no different to social security healthcare abroad. Lay in the ward with everyone else and eat hospital food. This is disappointing.
  2. Yeah, and they use their hand to wipe if a bum gun isn't available.
  3. Please.....lol. I'd like to see them prove themselves to the falang that they are his family. Don't farang usually feed half their wife's family anyway? Lol That said, I don't have an extended Thai family anyway, and I probably wouldn't do anything special for them if I did. What's that got to do with integration anyway?
  4. I don't get it. What's family emergency got to do with it?
  5. Damn right, and the amount of income tax I paid last year would have 98% of Thailand laughing at me.
  6. It's always been part of the work permit, well, 10 years, plus
  7. Don't worry, whatever they come up with won't make any sense.... .....like the required syphilis test for the work permit, lol.
  8. Well, they were your points, so I can't really answer for you. But I'll try... I suppose one should try to make allowances for the Thai way of life, if it's harmless and acceptable to the foreigner, but I wouldn't say we "have to" Becoming Thai could have some benefits, such as no longer having to worry about visas.
  9. It's not just the girlie in the bar, parlor, club, marriage, streer corner, or website, there's a big web of connected family being supported behind that. The Red Light is keeping the lights on for, I wonder, what percentage of the population? 🤔
  10. Exactly, but it's never considered sexual assault when it happens to a guy.
  11. How many violent assaults a day? Oh wait, that predominantly affects men. Doesn't really matter.
  12. Yeah, cos our hygiene is really so much worse than theirs, lol
  13. Still no mention of the problem with lynch mobs? I just can't wrap my head around how people can get worked up into a lynch mob frenzie like that. What kind of short circuit wiring must one have for that to even be a possibility?
  14. Would be interesting to know what we all think on this 🤔
  15. Please, spare us this BS. Why should we want to integrate?
  16. Damn right, The West should use Thailand's immigration model as a blueprint. Take care of their country
  17. When someone calls yo sista a ho, better jus let it go! They ought to teach their kids the 'sticks n stones' lesson, rather than 'save face' crap
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