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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Uhm, no. I am just not a tourist, duh! Also, I don't think much of Thailand's tourism industry. For example, I work in a tourist area, and I was on my way to 7eleven today and I witnessed a tuk tuk driver calling a farang family (with young children), "farang kee nok" as they were walking down the street because they didn't accept his offer.
  2. That would really keep me up at night. I'd lose so much sleep if Thailand was no longer a tourist destination
  3. Yeah, let's just boycott Thailand as a tourist destination. That'll be best for the locals. And there's better places to go anyway. No need to deal with all the scams, double pricing, and so on. Maybe go somewhere the people care of the environment. The people working in the tourism industry did great during the lockdown. Let's go another round. Makes you wonder where all the tourism hustlers and hussies would end up? The rice fields would certainly be more interesting
  4. You know what wasn't in the classroom when I was a kid? Pornographic illustration books promoting anal sex, oral sex, and masterbation. Or storytime from a man in a g-string and twerk shows. And schools didn't have a policy to keep secrets from the parents about a child's gender dysmorphia, orientation, mental health and well being. Heaven forbid, if the parents found out they might take their child to speak to a therapist, rather than a surgeon.
  5. In our countries, skin color is only mentioned when the perpetrator is white, otherwise they don't mention it. What the Thais are doing (putting an unruly foreigner in his place) is correct - the West could learn from that - but it completely lacks righteousness and integrity because they don't care at all when roles are reversed.
  6. It's not really news. Two groups had an argument at a drunken Isaan coyote-dancer concert (in a temple, ironically) and they settled it with a shoot-out, 4 of them killed. Happens all the time in Isaan. I lived there long enough to know. But what doesn't happen all the time is a foreigner having the audacity to kick a Thai on the bottom. They'd lynch him for it. There must be some irony here, lol. And she is a respectable person too, a doctor, no less, so it's considered more important. Nobody cares about some Isaan hillbilly gangsters shooting each other.
  7. But I don't think their reason is right. It isn't about what he did. It's about race. That's the only reason they are blowing this up. They wouldn't care at all if races were reversed (even if it was a serious crime, as we often see.) It's also about status. She is a doctor. They wouldn't have had a protest on the beach if he had kicked a beach hooker. It takes the righteousness out of what they are doing altogether.
  8. Absolutely, there's no excuse for his behaviour. I'd say he was frustrated with entitled people sitting on his property, blocking the entrance every day, and he flipped. Of course, he was wrong though. It would be an absolute non-event though if it had been a Thai kicking a farang up the bottom for sitting on their steps. And I bet the Thai netizens would side with the Thai property owner and not really care at all even if it was a farang woman. She'd be considered wrong for sitting on his property and blocking the entrance. We don't even get as much media coverage when a farang is robbed, beaten, drugged, hanged, or murdered. It's just being sensationalised due to race. Though, I do commend them for taking care of their own. The West should do the same, but are too politically correct. Just another stupid farang in Thailand.
  9. I am looking at it in a balanced way. He was wrong in the way he handled it, but nobody is pointing out that they were not exactly being considerate to others and Thai property owners would not be happy with that either,which is understandable. Thais even block parking spaces (on public roads) outside their shops so nobody can park there, lol 🤣 🤣 😂 Your picture shows them taking up most of the steps. And I don't know what makes you so sure they'd move. It's just as likely the guests of the resort would have to squeeze up the sides of them to get by. Ears. They most likely heard him coming from meters away - unless they are deaf - but just figured they left enough space for him to squeeze by the sides of them. If they had heard someone coming, they should have acknowledged they were blocking the steps and moved to let others by (as they were sitting right in the middle, not at the side) Of course, they didn't expect to be assaulted and nor should they have been. He deserves what he gets for hitting another person.
  10. Absolutely nobody would care, least of all the locals. Yeah, I certainly don't condone his actions, that's for sure. He handled it poorly. The video I saw showed them right in the middle of the steps. Pretty much taking up the whole entrance. When he approached them they showed zero inclination to move for him as he walked towards the steps, then he went nuts. I wonder if they would have moved for others? Maybe. But respect for the space of others is not top priority here (e.g. pedestrian crossings, sidewalks etc. etc.) I don't justify his actions because he assaulted them. But he was right to tell them to move on. And I think Thais would have moved inconsiderate farang on too, if it had been the other way around.
  11. Well, the video I saw showed a couple of people sitting right in the middle of the steps, like they owned the place, pretty much blocking the entrance without much space left at either side If it were me, I'd be sitting at the side of the steps out of consideration for others to let people by I certainly wouldn't mind them on my chair for a while, but blocking the entrance like that was just inconsiderate. And when the guy marched towards them in the video, they had no inclination to move at all, until he went nuts. They should really move for people approaching the steps.
  12. This is hilarious. I get that the guy is a dick, but so are those blocking the entrance to someone's property. Now, they are all making a show of themselves being dicks for sport,which is usually just confined to the roads, lol. They are having an absolute field day, haha. Must be a dream come true for people who like to do whatever they want whenever they want.
  13. Of course. If it had been farangs getting a kick up the arse for blocking the entrance to a Thai resort, we'd all be calling for them to be deported for being low quality tourists. It would be a case of, "Respect the locals, or get out" Not condoning the physical assault, but they deserved a shouting at for sprawling themselves across the entrance. I wonder if they would have moved aside to allow guests to use the stairs? 🤔
  14. Damn right. Or at least have a tourism industry that isn't trash.
  15. I would like to see Thailand cleaned up to become a respectable country. Got to grow up some time.
  16. Teachers are being taught at university to teach this stuff to kids. Study a B.Ed in the West and see how much content is woke now. It's nuts. It's all feminist and queer
  17. But they are taught it as being REAL - and their entire existence is centred around it - even though you and I know it's mythology.
  18. I said it in my first post on this thread. It's what I have been saying all along. This whole discussion is about the law, no? Why would we not talk about the law, lol? Lol, "Sorry, your honor, I believe she was a young woman" lol.
  19. Was she on trial for being rogered? Is that why she lost her citizenship? How is it even relevant to mention that?
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