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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Indeed I have, and most of my students are perfectly behaved, but I am at an incredibly strict school.
  2. It's really no different to Father's Day, Mother's Day, or religious celebrations. I don't think one day a year to appreciate your teacher is too much. Teacher's really aren't rewarded enough for the benefit they offer to their students and society 🙄 Being good in the classroom shouldn't be considered anything special. It's just basic self control and respect for others in the classroom who are trying to learn.
  3. The kids generally get to choose which teachers they show gratefulness to. Good (popular) teachers will have a long line of students waiting to give flowers and show respect, others won't. Seems fair enough. The fact that some cultures choose to bow their heads lower to show respect or position themselves lower when sitting is not really important.
  4. It's accepted and expected in Thai society. Almost everyone has someone else below them that they can be superior over. Right, they don't like foreigners acting superior to them, cos to them, we aren't. Lol. How? This is pathetic.
  5. A helmet, that's the one. Plenty of Thais are afraid enough to use a condom, but then they hop on a motorcycle (with their children even) and zoom off down the road (sometimes into oncoming traffic) without a helmet on at 100km/hr. The mind boggles at the logic
  6. Well, now you are going against Thai culture entirely. This is your Western values showing through. You must get revenge to save face.
  7. You mean like the superiority complex most Thais have over: Cambodians Laotians Burmese Indians Nepalis Pakistanis Muslims in general Everyone in Africa All black people Anyone poorer Anyone younger Probably all farang in Thailand Didn't you know the Thai social structure is entirely based on social class and hierarchy?? Why shouldn't we feel superior?
  8. Don't give up your Western values. They are worth more, IMHO. Good luck with that. Probably more chance of winning the lottery. Become a monk for 3 days. And it's not about helping those in need. This is Thailand. It's all about you. The correct terminology is "make merit" for yourself. Buddhism? What's that? Study lucky numbers and have a fear of ghosts. Does supporting your local happy ending parlor count? You could drink lao kao or Leo with your breakfast. Gamble a little. Take a nap. Ask someone to give you money Try driving up the wrong side of the road from time to time. Never willingly stop at a pedestrian crossing.
  9. Nothing like the sound of Thai taxi drivers in financial pain with my morning coffee.
  10. Oh, history. I don't care much for that. It's kinda interesting to study as a subject, but doesn't have any effect today. How about modern studies? Not want to talk about Islamic terrorism?
  11. But most Thais don't even know the names of the high-end international schools, however they all know the old famous Thai schools. You get plenty of respect when you work at one of those, but I still don't think it fits us in to the Thai hierarchy really.
  12. I am not so sure. I think when it comes down to it, we are still farang. It's funny cos I've been in Thailand longer than my students. It kinda blows their minds when they find that out cos they hadn't conceived the thought that a foreigner could have been here longer than they have.
  13. Ultimately, this is the answer. A lot of married farang won't like to admit this, but it is the true.
  14. I can't imagine they came here with those opinions. Why migrate to a place if you have such a low opinion of the locals? Rather, through their interactions and experiences with the locals, they formed those opinions over time. We should walk in someone else's shoes before jumping to conclusions.
  15. In fact, I am not even sure it's a crime. Is it? Not paying a hoe after sex. Are we legally obligated to pay a hoe after sex?
  16. This is certainly true, but not limited to dating prostitutes. I wouldn't date 99% of the women in this country for the same reasons.
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