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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. So, should English teachers choose Teaching Profession test or English Language for Communication test? Or do we need to choose more than one for the teaching license? I don't get it; I thought there was only one test (i.e. the Teacher's Licensure Exam). So, here's the current schedule: Friday 18 February 2022 09:30-11:00: the use of Thai language for communication 12:30-14:00: Using English for Communication 3:00pm-4:30pm: Using digital technology for education Saturday 19 February 2022 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m: teacher's profession Can't we just take Teacher's Profession to get the license? Or do Thais teachers need to take the Thai one and English teachers need to take the English one, too?
  2. Anyone know what happens if you fail? Can you just do it again at the next available date?
  3. I wonder if there will be two Madrids now, or if they will just move?
  4. Is it just cos the PGSEi? Or is it anyone applying after that year? Thanks
  5. You only need a Dip Ed (one year) or more for the license, so it has nothing to do with that.
  6. How come Madrid still ain't open? Have they bit the dust? And I know it ain't a pub, but the French restaurant?
  7. Who you trying to kid? Food has a lower margin that booze, yes. But the margins are still good. We ain't talking about 40 baht fried rice (which is 200 in a pub). We are talking about 350 baht for two sausages and mash. A frozen Cumberland from Makro works out at 20 baht; potatoes are inexpensive. But I don't have a problem with food prices. I haven't complained about that. It's the beer prices we are talking about. But of course I would complain if the prices got higher. You want me to pay 500 for some bacon, eggs, and toast? lol To be honest, a pub lunch in the UK is less than Thailand (food and beer). Yet, in the UK they pay their staff properly, not to mention higher taxes and more expensive utility bills. And they still make profit, don't they. I reckon the Thai business owners with farang customers are laughing. I am sure I earn less than the average pub owner here, by the way, and I have worked a range of jobs, by the way. There are business that run solely off food margins, no alcohol at all. Like every take-away in the UK. Most people only have a drink or two in restaurants as well, or even just water. How do they survive? Like I said, "Who you trying to kid, mate?" I am sure the rent in Sukhumvit is a few hundred thousand a month, but they run that through the till in a couple of days.
  8. Thank you for your input to this discussion. I set up this survey to see what other members thought of the beer prices here, not a front for anything. And couldn't food be sold as take away? and online? and delivery? Right, it could. There were no restrictions on that. But when sit in dining was allowed again I think Sep or Oct, how many pubs opened for their customers to come and have a sit down meal? Just a few, and it was a great relief to get out of the condo to do that. But most of the pubs chose to wait months for booze again before opening. It's fine if you don't want to get out of bed for food margins when you are used to more profitable booze margins, but don't expect sympathy. I don't mock or insult anyone. It's a "for profit" business (as another member just pointed out). I already said I have sympathies for the waitresses (who were out of work), but just not the business owners themselves cos I think they charge their customers lot and pay their staff low salaries. Why should anyone feel sorry for them? But show me where I mocked them, please (cos I didn't). I can certainly afford to pay expensive beer prices and I do regularly. I am just aware of how expensive it is and obviously most others here are too (if you look at the results of the poll so far).
  9. Apparently, you are not dense. You were acting like a dense customer just there, but I didn't know you are a business owner well versed in these practices. You put your prices up over New Year for your (valued?) customers just cos you can. Wanna stay here at New Year? Pay stupid prices! I get it. And clearly you get it, too! It is the same concept with the bars. Wanna drink here in the evening? Pay stupid prices.
  10. Those are decent normal prices. What happens after Happy Hour is you pay rip-off prices (30-50% more) for the privilege of drinking at night. It's either that or go home and drink from 7Eleven, cos it's hard to find a bar that doesn't put the prices up. You can't be this dense to marketing tricks, can you? You don't think it's a rubbish way to treat a customer? All they are communicating is we are stupid, walking wallets -- not valued customers. They might as well say, "Pay through the nose, or beat it!"
  11. Honestly, I think the only lower-mid Sukhumvit bar that is reasonably priced is The Red Lion. 89 baht a pint of Singha and it's a good pint too. And that's all day. The don't do the infantile, greedy, parasitical price increase as soon as it gets dark. Have to respect them for that.
  12. I will save my sympathies for people who deserve it. The waitresses, certainly. They have my sympathy. Bar owners who have way over charged for years and decades: no sympathy at all. They can have an 8 month holiday. And they did! They were allowed to open for food, but most flat out refused until booze came back. They wouldn't get out of bed for the lesser income. They got used to the high margin booze business. Only a few pubs opened for food at the first available moment and I appreciate them for that. The others brazenly told me when I messaged them, they wouldn't open until alcohol came back. Obviously, they had enough in the bank and didn't want to get out of bed for a lower income. Up to them.
  13. Well, the last time I was in Dollhouse on Soi Cowboy it was 80 a bottle, maybe a year ago (or perhaps that was just a covid promo). I think the street bar around the corner was 100 or 120 (like most other bars downtown). I have drunk in virtually every type of bar between Nana and Phrom Phong, as well as Silom and it ranges from 80 to 120 a bottle generally. I certainly have never ventured to Thong Lor though. Most places charge similar prices despite the venue being very different.
  14. Nah, if you have lived in rural areas you will know beer drinking is common, probably more common that Lao Kao.
  15. No, you don't. What are you talking about? You just made that up.
  16. Fair point. And then they multiply it a few times over if they can get away with it. Like I said. I think it's just local mentality with those involved in tourist areas. Like the taxi drivers who won't turn their meters on and try to negotiate double or triple the price. Scammers at heart.
  17. They must be running a 100k (or two) through their till a day, easily, when tourism is in full swing especially. Even if the rent is 200k a month for a big place on Sukhumvit, it is easily paid for in a few days. I walked down Soi 4 last night. I had to go halfway down the soi to find a bar that still had seats with a street view available. Everyone was sitting shoulder-to-shoulder (paying 100 plus a bottle). The soi was crammed.
  18. Good answer. Imagine being a Somchai and earning 300 a day (probably 10-12 hours) and then paying 50 for a beer? Bloody expensive. That's like a minimum wager in the UK earning about 70 GBP for a day's work (8 hours) and then paying almost 12 pounds a beer. It just wouldn't happen.
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