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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. My favorite is: adult on motorcycle wearing a helmet; child no helmet.
  2. I just walked from Thonburi to Patpong. Just living my best life, guys.
  3. You so eloquently summed up rural Thailand in just a few words.
  4. Damn right On these kinds of roads, I do 100. And there is ALWAYS someone up my backside (inches away) and when they get passed me, they speed off at a minimum of 120.
  5. Your opinion of humans is too high. This is the tip of the iceberg.
  6. Why is it the do many human atrocities occur in the most beautiful natural scenic places?
  7. She sounds like she would be fun at parties.
  8. Exactly, I recently had a conversation with someone about how much to tip a Foodpanda driver. My logic was: I am paying 160 baht for two fried rices, including a delivery charge, so that's double what it would cost me to go get it myself. I think the driver should be on an acceptable salary if customers are paying double. I'd still leave a small tip on top of that. The person I was having this conversation with thought these drivers deserve bigger tips and said, "How do you know their boss pays them fairly?" I just couldn't get the logic. Like, if I'm paying double for my food and his boss isn't paying him fairly, then that's between them. I've paid enough.
  9. Depends on the woman's relationship to you and whose salary she is talking about. My EX lies the opposite way. If she tells me she is making 20k waitressing in Sukhumvit, I know that she's probably making more ???? at least 25k. She wouldn't be making 15k and telling me 20k. That makes no sense, as the whole time we were together, it was me paying for everything.
  10. Manly and 'soft in the head' are often synonymous.
  11. Lol, this all started with you telling another member here that he should cut out gluten (and dairy) and that he'd feel better. The fact that you "know" he'd feel better without even testing to find out if he is gluten or lactose intolerant tells me that you are into this holistic quackery. Also, the fact that you think this YouTube health guru (whose only qualification is chiropractic, lol) knows anything about medical conditions is also a giveaway. The fact is: some people are gluten intolerant, others can eat it without problems. You haven't posted any facts You are trying to pass off your own ideas and the ideas of unqualified YouTubers as facts. You posting this nonsense is really an insult to our intelligence. FYI, I grew up eating Coco Pops actually. Yes, I had a childhood, and no, I did not think that kid's breakfast cereal was healthy. ????
  12. I follow what doctors and scientific researchers say. I'm not here to debate with you on this quackery and neither of us are qualified to anyway. If we were medical practitioners, then yeah. And you are getting your information from an amateur health guru on YouTube. You consider yourself well informed? You really think you and I should have a debate like we are physicians? ???? Just listen to your doctor, man. The paragraphs missing are the information you got from a chiropractor/YouTuber (in the link you provided) who informs people like he's a medical doctor. He isn't qualified and he has been debunked by actual doctors on YouTube. You should watch those videos; they'll inform you better than I could. Arrogance? Feelingism? Lol. I just listen to actual doctors. You think anyone on YouTube is a doctor
  13. Speak for yourself. My Western family seem truly happier than my Thai family who barely eat gluten. Is that the extent of your scientific evidence? Lol
  14. Well, they ate the same bread as me for the last few decades of their life (minimum) which was bought from the supermarket. Lol. I don't suppose they had non supermarket bread since they were very young. That video you posted of Eric Berg is quackery. He isn't even a doctor. He's a chiropractor and a YouTuber. That's it!
  15. I used to like this guy too, until I saw videos of doctors and scientists debunking what he was saying showing scientific evidence that went against what he was saying. He can easily fool me or you, but he gets picked apart so easily by real doctors. He's just trying to profit from this keto trend, like so many others.
  16. Tell that to my grandparents who lived to their 90s on a diet heavy on bread, butter, and milk. Some people are gluten intolerant. You are taking your quack science (which mostly hasn't been proven through rigorous trials, btw) and trying to apply it to everyone.
  17. What are your claims?
  18. No, you pay 150 baht. This isn't hard to comprehend.
  19. It's great that we have one voice of reason backed by traditional science. So many people get caught up in fad diets (e.g. keto). What's an example of your typical daily diet and exercise routine?
  20. I agree. It's so obvious.
  21. What did he actually do? So vague.
  22. I've noticed mostly Thai staff don't enough about the customers or even their own job or tips to exert any significant effort. Their attitude seems to be "tip or not, I do what I wanna do" Up to them.
  23. Typically though, women here are looking for a male caretaker, sugar daddy figure, ATM machine. So she might as well do something to earn her keep.
  24. Complete idiots, everywhere.
  25. Interesting I wonder if there are similarities in this to back West in the 60s and 70s? There was a lot less fat people then too. Less processed empty junk and more real nutrient dense foods.
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