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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Yes, some dictionaries include injury, though it would generally be used in the industry (which I worked in before) to describe death ( and it comes from the word 'execute') or maybe sometimes when someone experienced a serious, near death injury, like they got frazzled -- not just a small shock. Electrocuted is a very strong word and usually used to describe death (or near death perhaps) Otherwise, what's the difference between electrocuted and electric shock? Death is usually the difference, or maybe some life-altering, serious, grievous injury. I've had numerous electric shocks. I've never been electrocuted. I didn't know there were 5 dictionaries that actually mattered. I checked Cambridge. It just said "death." I didn't see it mention injury, but know others do, such as Oxford. Okay, if you are saying they got electrocuted. What injury did they sustain to make you say that? They felt the electricity isn't enough. I feel as though you would render the the phrase 'electric shock' obsolete, cos apparently even the slightest shock is enough for you to say electrocuted. It is a very strong word.
  2. Seemed like he wanted to tell a story
  3. He mentioned it. Who are you, his lawyer??
  4. You just need to be financially successful. Surely it isn't that hard.
  5. They are pretty much everywhere now. How do you avoid them?
  6. I didn't see anything on that video about victimization of conservatives. White men are pretty much subject to the same problems as everyone else in the Western world. This is sooo off-topic. You like this guy? Why do you like him if you have a low opinion of him. And why do you think that vegan lesbians wouldn't harass him?
  7. Would that be the recommended drug to use for a routine cleanse just in case? Does albendazole cover the liver flukes?
  8. They got an electric shock. They were not electrocuted. The quality of journalism couldn't be any worse.
  9. The irony. What is it with these damn socialists thinking they can just adjust things. Nature prevails.
  10. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum. Was trying to find the health forum, but couldn't seem to locate it. Basically, the gist of it is that Jordon Peterson claims that a lot of these people are really suffering from depression or anxiety, but it's being rebranded as something else and normalized. Any opinions?
  11. Depends on the school. My kid is definitely at a better school here in Thailand than any in the UK.
  12. My old school kept them locked up and hidden. Didn't give them out to the students at all. Private school, too.
  13. The only thing that's cheaper is the rent and yeah you need your own transportation, so it's really no cheaper. Everything else is the same price.
  14. Indeed Of course. But it seems the mother didn't find out right away Okay fair enough, but that's what other posters were suggesting when you commented. The discussion at that point was about that. Yeah, I know. It would be on the younger end of the spectrum. A bit coincidental though.
  15. Biden wishes he still had the ability to make stuff up. The guy doesn't know what planet he's on.
  16. I actually didn't think they had the sense and I'm pleasantly surprised.
  17. Quite the investigator, aren't you? Perhaps the bleeding did occur right away, but the mother only noticed the blood on her underwear a few days later when she was doing the laundry. Unless, you think the rape triggered her first menstrual cycle? Let me guess, you are a doctor too.
  18. Did you read the details in the link you posted? Cos I didn't know it was about that until you posted that information. Maybe, they aren't stupid. They can just have a live-in GF without the risk that comes with marriage. It's a million baht, not a few quid. Happily single. And not moaning. Just having a laugh at the " sin sod" - even the word sounds nasty. You'd think they could have a nicer sounding word for it, ????
  19. Exactly ???? It defeats the point in getting married. For a million baht, he might as well just monger around the red light areas for a couple of decades.
  20. There are so many points in this that are a lot of rubbish. Firstly, if it's only paid for virgins, a dowry would be rarer than a lightning strike. Also, the virgin part of the tradition makes it sound like prostitution, no? Why the sexual element to the tradition? Sounds a bit like what I was saying. You are proving my point for me, Tranny. ???? Cheers. The rest of it just sounds like hell and also a lot of excuses to use their daughter to extract money out of a bloke. Typical.
  21. I'm happy single. ???? No woes on that front, or I should say hoes (when a dowry is involved)? As Jay Z said, "I got 99 problems, but a b*tch ain't one."
  22. Hang this beast by the balls until dead.
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