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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Fascinating Never ceases to amaze me that with Westerners there is a strong response to those who don't want to give charity and bickering quickly ensues, similar to the recent tipping discussion. Why are there so many high-horse riding, do-gooder, virtue signalling, white knights in the West - who also love shaming others for not parting with coin unnecessarily? Something tells me they would turn their noses up to a falang begging on the streets though
  2. Any idea about the costs of root canal at Mahidol Dental Hospital compared with let's say, St Louis Hospital, or a regular clinic? Is there a great saving?
  3. No idea how much my furniture is, doesn't seem too pricey, but comfortable I do have a nice 2 bedroom fully furnished condo overlooking the Silom/Sathorn skyline
  4. Title should read: Landlord didn't maintain the roof and wants tenant to pay for it. 700k for some furniture. Yeah right. I've always wondered what their formula is for calculating what we owe them. It probably goes like this: Dream figure × 10
  5. From what I've seen parenting strategies here are basically just abusive and there's so much neglect too. So many were raised by a great auntie - who raised all the extended family's children while parents were working away from home literally forever - kind of like an orphanage within the family construct. Sounds like she doesn't like sex or she doesn't find the OP a turn on.
  6. I literally didn't hear one positive thing about her in the OP. Why are you still considering staying with her?? Don't you know there are plenty of fish in the sea?
  7. Same as me. Fresh coffee (usually) with milk First meal is a free lunch at 11. Whatever my employer serves, sometimes it's alright. Used to do the evening beers, too, but now it's tea.
  8. Yeah, I know. I think you were debating that point with someone else.
  9. I posted a link to the entire section of defamation in the Criminal Code. Also, my point was only to highlight that anything you publicly say to damage someone's reputation is considered defamation in Thailand, not only false statements, like in other countries (which apparently the person I was replying to didn't know).
  10. Farang = white person Caucasian is a race, actually. Japanese, Chinese, Indian, African etc etc are not called farang. The word 'farang' comes from the word 'Francais' as the French were the first white people that came to Thailand.
  11. It truly is a phenomenon. Half the guys on here are like that.
  12. Wrong. You better read Thai law. There's no mention in the Thai penal code that your statement needs to be false. Even if what you are saying is true, if you publicly impair someone's reputation, it's still defamation. They main element of this law is that you: public impaired someone's reputation. That's it. Nothing about falsehood. Private conversations are okay. You can say what you want -- even lies -- but not publicly -- even if what you are saying is true, it is still illegal to damage someone's reputation in Thailand. https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/criminal-code-defamation-sections-326-333/ Section 326. Defamation "Whoever, imputes anything to the other person before a third person in a manner likely to impair the reputation of such other person or to expose such other person to be hated or scorned, is said to commit defamation, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or both."
  13. I can't say I've encountered the latter. When they make "a mistake" (wink wink), it is pretty much always..... always.... in they're own favor. One would think that's a mathematical improbability. ????
  14. What does that matter regarding a defamation charge?
  15. Maybe a defamation charge would help. Get the apology basket ready. It's hilarious and ironic; so many defamatory comments here about the RTP.
  16. You think he came here to soak in the glorious waters of Thainess?? He's probably here to drink Singha, enjoy the weather, chat up the sweethearts, save a bit of money on his expenses and avoid taxes........or whatever other reason he has........and good luck to him!
  17. That would mean I'm upper class for wearing a tie. ???? Your class system is so easy. You could be the leader of Zimbabwe with your well thought-out and sophisticated social structure.
  18. Yes, you can. The poll says Multiple Allowed
  19. As the title says..... I tried to be inclusive so as to not leave any modern day relationships out.
  20. You could just sleep on your left side too. Simple.
  21. Dementia may just be the worst way people die.
  22. I think you didn't read my post. Try again.
  23. Way to take away blame from the person who pulled the trigger. Guns can be used for good or they can be used for bad.
  24. I personally think on a hot day it's sensible so long as you aren't concerned with getting burned and in an open area, it should be socially acceptable. I don't think it's any more vulgar than women wearing almost nothing which I don't hear anyone complaining about.
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