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Posts posted by johnhw

  1. Back home (Canada), Bulk Food stores have bins of soymilk powder where you dig in with  a scoop and take what you need. Here, stores show racks of multiple brands of prepacked soy powder stuff, sometimes labelled "soy drink"| (soymilk powder???). ALL bags I've found have numerous prepackaged bags inside. These packs OF powder I think you toss in a cup with hot water. The price of this prepackaged Thai stuff compaired with the bin bulk powder back home is outrageous.

    I've looked everywhere and can't find the bulk stuff.


    ps; same same with coconut POWDER/GROUND



  2. 3 hours ago, todlad said:

    What is your hypothesis, then?

    An Obvious TVF Sherlocker; On his way to church on a mission to bring sinning nearby Thai street-walking business girls to good British Christian morals, when he was just barely overpowered, assaulted by 10 cowardly farang haters who left him outside a bar, where the owner dragged him inside and poured booz down his unwilling but helpless throat. Crooked cops took his wallet and dragged him back to his room where they blew the safe.


    • Haha 1
  3. 13 hours ago, mok199 said:

    Every thai male sees himself as a warrior ,its part of their ego, instilled as a child ,with poor parenting skills and discipline (usually by threatening the child with fist or a foot ),it is not hard to understand why the cycle of lawlessness, violence and drama continues...This is thainess 101,and it will never ever end...

    Swore I'd quit participating in many of these tunnel-visioned, myopic, self-justifying, moronic Thai-bashing strings until I saw this one. I'm from N. America where a population of adult children has raised a generation of entitled, demanding kids who kill others or themselves if they don't get what they want.

    You, sir, are Egocentricity 101, reminiscent of a '42 Berlin bar stool conversation. 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, falangjim said:

    If it was "so safe" on koh samui, then why was she robbed and hurt? Samui is an island of miscreants and thugs. Maybe the Canadians were fooled by the photos in the brochure.

    On the other hand, if they were fooled by  reading  too many TV comments, maybe they would be convinced the locals are all criminals, srupid, etc etc and have no respect for their falang superiors.

    • Sad 1
  5. 19 hours ago, JOC said:

    Please please make it compulsory for anyone entering Thailand to have a travel/medical insurance.

    We will still have the terrible accidents, but at least the victims and their families will not have to worry about the bill...

    I'm in excellent health,  responsible, don't break laws, don't drink, drive, fight, and treat all with respect and curtesy, so I avoid irresponsible tourists like the plague up here in the North, yet your solution means the end of my winter escapes to Thailand. For those of us over 70, travel insurance doesn't exist....not even with multi-K$ deductible.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Myran said:

    This has nothing to do with not knowing local customs or cultural differences. Anyone with a basic level of decency and respect for others would know that you don't put up your feet like that.


    And of course the Thai bashers are out in full force, braying like hyenas about examples of poor behavior from Thais they claim to bear witness to on a nigh on daily basis, as if that would somehow rid these foreigners of any guilt.


    "Foreign couple steals candy from baby? Yeah, but what about that Thai guy who killed his girlfriend a year ago? Surely you need to stop reporting negative news about foreigners as long as there are Thai people behaving badly!"

    A basic level of  respect for others is rather much to ask from many posters here

  7. 2 hours ago, maccastime said:

    100 % correct, my thai lady told me years ago they have really huge bank accounts. I asked why then do you give money. She said for good luck. Just look at a funeral in the temple and I have been to many. They ask for the deceased to remain in the temple for a few days.... good money raised.

    Google television evangelists...private jets, mansions, million$ bank accounts, frauds exposed, phony faith healing, sexual molestation etc etc etc. Ask why then do you give money? They say for rewards in heaven.

  8. 4 hours ago, Mattd said:

    Certainly not sure what happens at every temple, however, when my sons did the obligatory monk bit for a couple of weeks when they were about 12 and 10, I asked them did they go out early mornings to get the alms etc. and was the food given OK?

    Their answer was yes they did go out and they had no idea if the food was good or bad, as this was all given to the dogs and cats that lived at the temple, none of the food collected was eaten by the monks!


    If it genuinely makes you feel good, then I'm all for it, however, if it is done only to gain merit, then sorry that is wholly wrong IMHO, that basically means that it is for purely selfish reasons only.

    Christianity: Command Morality. Do it the moral (Jesus) way, or I'll fry you in Hell.

  9. 2 hours ago, mercman24 said:

    brainwashed Thais, the lot of them, beggars in robes we call them, rich as hell, (have you seen the money being handed over at the temples, and spent on drugs , booze, and young kids. ) i have seen poor people down to their last baht giving these leeches money, in the hope of good luck, i tell my MRS you make your own luck in life, yep been to a few temples to see poor folk drop a 100 baht bill into an urn then off to another part of the complex to drop off a few more 100 bahts

    Bible belt, U.S.A, the so-called flagship of Western freedom and democracy, where mega-church television evangelicals are bilking millions out of gullible, often lonely old folks for a Prosperity Gospel-preaching JEEEEESSSSSUUSSSS.

    Talk about brainwashing...you need only a slight rinse...make that a selective, myopic, tunnel-versioned rinse.

    • Haha 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Whitson said:

    General consensus seems to be that septegenarians are well into their dotage. Come on! I am seventy six next birthday and dont consider myself old. I can walk, run, cook and generally do the things I used to do albeit slower.

    So come guys, cut us seniors a bit of slack....please!

    Couple years younger than you, but if I'm still breathing in two decades, the last place I'd go for "a bit of slack"  is from this new generation

    • Like 1
  11. Most inspiring story I've read in a long time, from one who decades ago got demoralized and  absolutely sick of endless travel stories and photo advertisements of elated, wine-glass-lifting, broadly-grinning partiers in bikinis, behind six-packs and bulging mammilla, all suggesting the brainless dimwit party animals one met  at a high-school prom party way back when an exchange of an actual intelligent conversation  took 2.5 seconds....Made travel look to me like root canal.

    ........POWER TO ALL US OLD FARTS....... !!!!


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