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Posts posted by johnhw

  1. While I agree totally with the disgust expressed here, the usual calibre/social attitudes/level of intolerance and xenophobia that seems to be the norm on these strings makes me suspicious that the expression of disgust here is more a reflection of their being Gay than their disrespect for Thai culture or law.

    TV strings are usually NOT a testament to respect for local culture.

    ...and no, I am not Gay....


  2. 2 hours ago, Happy enough said:

    not true. that law hasn't come into effect yet and i like to go shoot on the beach with my father in law. no harm done. cheaper than the shooting range. farangs can still have licences. no one has taken mine of me yet but i hear they will soon enough

    and when they do they do we will still go shooting on the beach. 

    ...and if you get nabbed and charged, you can always crap all over Thailand, the police, discrimination... and of course get all the support  on these strings.

  3. 4 hours ago, greatwhitenorth said:


    I've always had to roll my sleeve up when I get my blood pressure checked.


    She's covering her arms intentionally, perhaps to hide an identifying scar or tattoo.


    She's got her head covered completely, again to make it harder on police to identify her.


    Not only are her eyes shifty but she doesn t make eye contact with the nurse.


    Not bigotry my friend, just the ability to read body language and recognizing subtle behaviour clues.



    While her shoes aren't visible here, I, too, read body language and it is clear to me that the heels contain compartments for explosives, and the head covering clearly conceals horns.

  4. Total agreement with Thai efforts. Recall a major battle years ago with indignant Americans when they couldn't purchase the last two or three pieces of property surrounding a lake across the border in Ontario, Canada, because the sales would cut off complete access to the lake by nearby locals in a city of approx. 60,000.. 

    This was quite a while ago, but I seem to recall over 60% of the lakefront properties were owned by Americans....

    ...of course they where white and didn't have a Canuk Visa forum where they trashed the locals......

  5. 1 hour ago, AlphaSoiDog said:

    While I have no idea on this sequence of events I will throw in that it's not always all the fault of the (possibly) clueless completely untrained egotistical and self centred driver (add in any others you like :).


    I've been shocked a number of times by Thai and Western pedestrians alike that have walked a few inches in front of my scooter wheel while I am obviously looking to the right looking for a break in heavy traffic to launch into. Could they have walked behind me? Of course, but that would have required walking an additional metre and would not have caused additional issues for the oncoming traffic.


    My guess is that Thai's think I have extra eyes instead of ears and that I should "be polite". And that the westerners think all of Chiang Mai is a "walking street" for their convenience, giving them "right of way". I have no guess about the Chinese...


    Could some version of this behaviour contributed to this death? Maybe, maybe not. I just wanted to rant....



    .....Maybe, maybe not....???

    What unusual language here, rarely seen and likely unrecognizable for many TVers!

    To be understood, try "Me smart, no errors. Others (non-farangs) dumb as bricks"

    As for westerners thinking all is a "walking street" and their "right of way".....I'd guess a few here are indignant with your suggestion that seems to suggest there's something wrong with that?


  6. 1 hour ago, djayz said:

    You think too much... ?

    Good point. Don't know why I added the "not".

    Thinking too much certainly seems to ruin a lot of internet conversations, but one does need to watch out for the creeping degenerate internet lingo like LOL,LOL,LOL, LMFAO, etc etc.

    My personal disgust goes to the dimwit B-B-BW-AHAHAHA thing.

    Find it encouraging that you accept a good point....a relatively rare occurrence on these strings.


  7. 2 hours ago, djayz said:

    This news has ruined my day... NOT!


    When you explain a joke, it ceases being funny. Same with adding 'NOT' to explain sarcasm.

    While it may be necessary with today's growing illiteracy...and with even the most over-the-top sarcasm taken seriously by many of today's Deep Thinkers (NOT), it nevertheless undoes the intended effect.

  8. 44 minutes ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

    Tragic event. 


    What are the implications of filing for a divorce in Thailand? In the West, the guy loses 1/2 of his shirt and usually the custody of the children plus the requirement for alimony? Is it the same here?

    Rather straightforward query & observation of fact. However, precariously close to criticism of The Sisterhood and not tolerated these days. ergo, no responses.

    Have you noticed that the worst Feminazis are men?

  9. 33 minutes ago, ohpont said:

    Last time I had some, was trout skin in Sapa, North Vietnam, same season, blue sky and

    smoke free, delicious and amazing...



    Hoping for a kitchen w/in bicycle range of the clock-tower...



  10. 6 hours ago, helloagain said:

    Im afraid you are right. Its mostly the poor that smoke. In se sa ket i saw a bag of tabaco waist high for 800 baht. Thank god i never started

    In Canada, antismoking efforts have been extremely successful over the past 20+ years, with any smoker the 1 in 10 outcast these days. I've always assumed this was generally the case in most western countries until coming to Thailand, where it seemed obvious the expat community was a smokers' throwback reminiscent of the '60s.

    Any explanations? I get "smokes are cheap", but most folks I know wouldn't smoke if they were free.

  11. Thought I found Culinary Heaven when Chiang Rai food vender advertised Fried Fish Skin, but was told "no more" when I tried to order.

    Anyone ever spot a similar menu  offering?


    any info greatly appreciated


  12. 3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Because they choose not to live in the real world. They think fights are between gentlemen, clean cut square jawed hunks who'd only fight one on one, never use a weapon, and shake hands after fisticuffs, win or loose, and by their opponent a beer. Load of cobblers.


    And of course as they're superior Westerners they would just clip any Asian round the ear and send them on their way.


    Total delusion.

    Sadly, too cranial to describe your first group. The latter seems more fitting.

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